41 (Pure English Version)

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Author's Note

Before you complain about anything, let me explain. As you have saw, the previous chapter, 41 was full of Russian. Assuming the fact that you don't know Russian and you don't want to read that chapter since you just got a headache looking at it, I present to you the Pure English Version of 41 (aka PEV of 41). This is the SAME EXACT THING as 41, EXCEPT it has NO, ZERO, ZILCH Russian. Remember, the dialogue here IS STILL suppose to be in Russian, but for the sake of a happy, headache-less reading, the PEV is here!

Enjoy! :)

PS I will be using this method for my future stories when a foreign language takes over a chapter, like in this case.


This is Alek again.

Bree was right with me writing in here again. I have to write on here though, because Bree still wants me to and it's actually very calming... Or as Bree told me, 'therapeutic.' Okay.

So after I left the base of HEROES, leaving it for the last time, I spent the rest of the day with my host family.

The next day, I got onto an airplane and went off to St. Petersburg, since school was on break and my family over there told me to come over there during the break.

I felt my heart beating fast and my hands growing clammy as I neared the house of my adoptive parents. The cold weather didn't help as the crisp, frigid air brushed against my face and the frost-covered ground were making my feet turn cold. I halted in front of a massive, brown mansion that was surrounded with grass and trees. "I'm back home," I mutter to myself as I squeezed the handle of my suitcase.

With a deep breath, I began walking down the pathway toward the patio of the mansion, then walked up the steps to the patio, and halted in front of the front door. I placed my hand on the golden knob of the door and turned it slowly, feeling that it was unlocked; I pushed the door open and warily strolled inside.

The inside of the house was one large room, which consisted of the foyer, where I was standing in, and the kitchen/dining room, which was located on the other side of the room. The walls were white with a huge window to my left; the window had a large, white tapestry draped on the top of it. There was a long, white chandelier suspended from the middle of the ceiling, adding to the elegance of the room. To the left were two, mahogany-coloured sofas facing each other with golden accents; in between them was a brown, wooden coffee table; below those three furnitures was a rug elegant designs of maroon, gold, green, and white.

To the right was a closet door for jackets; next to that was an opened archway to the living room; next to that was a staircase to the second flooring. Beyond the staircase was the kitchen, which had a dark, wooden-topped counter parallel to the right-hand wall; that wall was lined with the stove, sink, cabinets, and refrigerator. In the middle of the back of the room was the dining table, which was made out of the same material as the coffee table. To the left was another window, this time smaller with a smaller tapestry; below the window was a counter with chairs and a sink installed in it, which was used for washing dishes. The walls were adorned with tapestries filled with Russian designs, pictures showing off Russian art, and elegant-designed lights.

"Hello?" I called out as I traipsed deeper into the room.

Suddenly, a man and a woman, both with tan skin and dark brown hair, appeared out of the archway: my adoptive parents. My father was wearing a white collared shirt with khaki pants while my mother wore a red dress. On the other hand, I was wearing my favourite grayish-blue jacket along with jeans and my red converse.

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