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As I was walking deeper into the hallway, the whirring sound came back on again, except this time, a whole lot more louder.

I grimaced at the sharp pitches it was emitting that I didn't notice before; I placed my hands over my ears as I stared straight ahead with my eyebrows slanted upward. "Uhhhh...who's doing that...? Stop..." I groaned with a taut voice at the darkness.

The sound then stopped and I heard a soft, yet loud BA-ANG! following it from my left. I turned to that direction, landing my eyes on what seemed like a work room that took up my whole sight.

It was a rectangular room with blue-shaded lights illuminating the whole area. In the centre back of the room was a long desk that was against the wall and spread out parallel to it. In the middle front of the desk was chair and on the desk seemed like numerous scraps and chunks of metals and alloys. Sitting on the chair was Alek.

And he had a flat, annoyed look; he was wearing a black shirt and black pants and black shoes that all had light blue designs.

I caught myself gawking at him. "Uhhhhooooohhhh..." I felt my heart beat rising and my stomach squirming around. I just made him mad, did I? Oh no...

I then saw his eyes darting upward, looking ahead of me.

I decided to follow his eyes, so I gazed behind my shoulder.

Behind me was another room, but this one seemed more like an office than a workplace. The room had a warm colour shade to it with the orange-tinted lights. The desk was shorter and brown and was located in the centre of the room; against the back walls of the room was a huge bookshelf that held countless books and other knick-knacks. And sitting behind the desk was Mr. Jekyll.

He had a sly facial expression with his hands interlaced on the desk; he was wearing from what I could see a black long-sleeved shirt with orange designs on the edge.

"Ummm..." I felt anxiety and confusion rising in me What is going on? What is this place? What are they doing here?

"Brynne, sit down," I heard my teacher tell me.

I darted my eyes over to him since I was gazing out into space.

He extended a hand out towards me. I looked down in front of his desk but saw no chair. Suddenly, the floor swallowed itself to form a perfect, circular hole; a circular cushion then popped back up from the hole and began hovering above the closing ground.

"Whoa," I gasped underneath my breath. I cautiously made my way from the dark hallway over to Mr. Jekyll's room; my pink footprints ended as I stepped up to the orange glowing tile flooring of the room.

I carefully sat on the hovering chair; luckily, my feet were able to touch the floor, so I was able to keep my balance.

"Brynne," Mr. Jekyll started in his Philadelphian accent, "I am glad that you found this place. I was hoping you would."

"Wh-what, what is this place?" I asked him, staring at his eyes so that I could maintain eye contact with him and not go wondering around, like one would do if they were lying.

"This is the base of HEROES a.k.a. High school Esoteric Regulation Of Excelling Students. You are the top student in grade ten so therefore, you are the chosen one for the sophomore position in HEROES," he began explaining to me nonchalantly.

"What is this though?" I began make hand motions by revolving my hands around each other. "I mean, what do I do--"

"Good question, Brynne." He smiled a me. "Here, our mission is to protect our school."

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