Chapter 4: "Power"

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Cyrus yawned, finally entering the college building on time for his afternoon classes. He had slept in, and was somehow still tired.

"This dreaded sun." He sighed, "It's too bright. It's so hard to get used to."

He rubbed his tired eyes, as he continued into the nearest hallway. It was then that something bumped into him. Though, he was more at fault for being distracted.

"Ah! I'm sorry, Your Highness!" A soft female voice sounded, "Please forgive me. Dad told me to get this extra cart of him quickly."

The Prince regained his composure, and finally noticed the girl who spoke to him. She stood in front of him, and kept a firm grip on an old janitor's cart.

He examined her appearance. Her clothes were old, yet clean and well mended. Her purple hair was tied up into a messy bun for convince.

Though she was around his age, she definitely wasn't a student. Given her position, he came to a very obvious conclusion.

"You're...the janitor's daughter?"

"Yes. I promised my dad I would help out. Every little bit helps, because of the extra payment."

She looked down, noticing the most of the things on the janitor cart had fallen to the ground due to the impact. She bent down and started picking them up.

Cyrus looked around, before bending down himself to help her.

"Oh, you don't have to do that, Your Highness!"

"Look, it was my fault too. I wasn't raised to be a jerk. Not like those spoiled brats you're used to. Just be careful next time, alright?"

"...yes. Thank you."

The Prince helped her put everything back onto the cart. When everything was back in order, she grabbed onto it again.

"Goodbye, Your Highness."
"Hey, um..." he started, "What's your name? I'd like to give you a good word. It might help."

"Alana Thomas. Your Highness."
"Alana. That's...pretty."

"Oh...thank you. Anyway, I really have to go. Goodbye."

Alana rushed off, and was out of view within seconds. Cyrus stood in silence, feeling sorry for her.

She had looked tired, as if she had been working all night. Perhaps she was, given that her family needed money.

He didn't realize that the college staff was so poor. However, it was kind of the college to give them jobs. Though, a higher payment was in order.


The Prince of Noctis snapped out of his thoughts, and turned towards the sudden sound of Rose's voice. His expression immediately changed into one filled with annoyance.

"Oh, it's you..." He looked beside her, "And you brought Dangervest."

"Hey, Cyrus." RJ waved.

"I'm not talking to you. Come on, Rose. We have our next class together."

"That's right. RJ, I'll see you later, okay?"


The Princess-to-be walked away with her fiancé, leaving the previous group of three.

As the royal couple continued down the hallway, she looked towards him, and decided to speak to him. Despite his sour attitude.

"I saw what you did. You helped that girl."

Cyrus refused to look at her, as he focused on the windows and paintings on the nearby wall instead.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

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