Chapter 1: "Leaving Home"

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Time continues on, and it doesn't stop. It's an undeniable fact. The universe has made it known since the very beginning.

Seven long years had passed since Faith Brickowski left Syspocalypstar to go to boarding school, and she stayed away even longer due to college.

Along with regular courses, she took classes on art, fashion design, and how to start a business.

Her dream was to open up her own shop.

After all that work, and all those years, she was finally ready to return home. Her parents, and her family were eagerly waiting for her.

Now, at the age of twenty one, she looked different. Yet, some of features never faded with time. She still had the eyes of her mother, and her father's soft smile.

Her long, waist length hair was tired back into a neat ponytail. It was also dyed magenta and blue in sections, to match her mother.

The outfit she was wearing was handmade by her. A perfectly fitted magenta blouse complimented a blue skirt and golden accessories.

As the seconds continued to pass by, she istened to music through her earphones. Her gaze never left the nearby train window. Her thoughts were consumed with excitement, and joy.

Suddenly, her phone sounded with a cute jingle, gaining her attention. She quickly turned towards the screen, answering the video call.

"Daddy, Mom. Don't worry, I'm almost home. The train was just running a little late. Today of all days, right?"

"Thank goodness." Lucy sighed, "You aren't here yet, so we were a...bit worried."

"I'm fine. I promise. It was just because of the weather. But the rain has completely passed."

"How was college, sweetie?" Emmet asked.

Her father. She missed him so much.

Faith's eyes softened, "It was amazing, Daddy. I officially have everything I need to start a business, except you know, the business. I'll definitely have to get a job and save up for my own place."

"You know who's really excited to see you? RJ."

The Special's daughter perked up, "RJ? Really?"

"Yeah, he's been wondering what you were up to. When you stopped calling, he couldn't help but question us for updates."

"I busy. You know, with college. I barely even called you guys." Faith frowned, "I need to apologize to him. It's been a very long time."

"Even so, he never stopped thinking about you. He's actually here waiting with us."

"What?! Is he really?"

Emmet nodded, "Yeah, but he wants to see you in person. It'll be much more meaningful that way."

"Yeah." She smiled, "I can't wait to see him. I think he was fifteen when we last talked. Gosh. I shouldn't have let this much time slip away."

"He doesn't hold anything against you. You guys are cool." Lucy responded, giving her daughter some reassurance.

"Thanks for saying that, Mom. Oh, it looks like my stop is coming up! See you soon! I have so many hugs to give you."

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