Chapter one - School can be painful

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Hey Amelia" a voice calls me, I turn around with absolutely no interest in knowing whoever is aware of my existence. All I know is I'm late for Mrs Peggy's class for the third time this week and today is Wednesday. "What?" I say turning around, I try to hide my annoyance under my breath. Of course it had to be Serena in the most perfect timing of my life. There are literally not enough ugly words to describe Serena. She is one of the popular and the most fake person I have ever met. We were friends once long ago but that time I was a lunatic. You will just know what type of girl she is because this type of person is the horror story for most girls' life. Well currently she is dating the love of my life Alex Miller. He is tall, gorgeous, basketball champion of the school, every girl's dream. The two cliché characters (You should be aware of such characters). "Hey, I just wanted you to come to my party on Saturday , it's at my house. Church Street" Serena says handing out a paper with all the details. I have no time to indulge myself into telling her that we aren't friends and that she is the horror story of my life and she's so fake that it literally oozes out of her skin and that the nose job she got done last week looks terrifying and that it's going to be hard for her to make out with Alex, which isn't a bad thing actually. "Okay" I say and run for class.

The problem with me is I keep forgetting which Mrs Peggy's class is. She is the other horror story of my life but that's a complete different story. I finally see her and I quickly glance at my watch, I'm ten minutes late. "May I come in?" I say as timidly as possible. All eyes look at me in terror as if Mrs Peggy is going to skin me alive in front of everybody. As she walks closer to me I think she really might skin me alive. A feeling of terror runs down my spine, her footsteps are the only thing that my ears sense and I just freeze there as my eyes begin to widen. "You are exactly eleven minutes and four seconds late Amelia" she looks at me and squeezes her eyes and says "Again" and like a pathetic idiot, instead of apologising, which is should probably do while falling on her feet I say "You are not going to skin me alive are you?" her compressed eyes open in shock and fits of laughter spread all over the room and I immediately regret every word I have ever said throughout my life. " Just come in" she says in a frosty tone and without any further question I take my place among the students.

After class it's lunch so I go to meet my best friend, Jordan. "I can't believe you literally said that to Mrs Peggy" he says in his strong British accent "Say what?" I ask with a bashful smile "Skin me alive?" he says laughing his head off "It's been five minutes since the period got over, you are not even in English class with me and Mrs Peggy" I say a little bewildered. "If there is anything that's faster than light, it's news in our school" it really is true. I look around and I notice many people staring at me and trying their best not to laugh so they compress their laughs into giggles. "Why isn't anybody talking about Serena's nose job?" I ask "That news is old, it dissipated in the morning" Jordan says biting into his bread. "This is not just gossip girl but gossip school" I say sipping into my juice.

Thank goodness there are only two more days for school to end. I am going to go have an amazing time in Florida I repeat in my head as though it's some mantra . "Any plans for summer?" Jordan asks "I'm going to Florida" I say with a little twitch of excitement. "For real?" he asks, I nod with a wide grin."what about you?" I ask, hoping to hear something blissful. "I'm going to stay in my house all alone because my mom is going to Paris for her internship for four months and Dad is obviously going to stay with that other woman" He says with a very dejected voice. If there is anybody in the world whose parents have affairs with different people and they are absolutely cool with it they are defiantly Jordan's . His parents have been sleeping with different people since they were married and both of them know it but they don't really care. This is called mutual understanding which every couple should have but I'm not sure in the same way though. I ask him if he would like to come along and he agrees, we make a few quick phone calls to our parents and of course uncle Richard then we come to the conclusion. Jordan is coming with us .

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