Chapter Nineteen- London is always a good idea

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"The London Air" Chris and Peter scream in unison as they step their foot outside the station.

Such Kids!

We get a taxi after a long hunt. It feels like everybody from all over the world has come to London today and has taken all the taxis. It's either there are no taxis or they just refuse. We are not asking them to take us to the Amazon forest so why do they reject us!

I had been to London once to visit my aunt and the England which I saw then is so completely different from the one today. Well Obviously but I just feel the need to state it.

"So where are we staying?" Peter asks.

"Savoy" Chris replies dumping the luggage into the back seat.

They think we women are too weak to carry a suitcase so they took all the responsibility on themselves. Chris looks peeved as Peter betrayed him every time he needed him to carry the luggage. I offered but he refused. His loss.

"Wohin?" the taxi driver asks.

At first I think I overheard him but he says 'Wohin' again.

"He's German" Naomi says under her breath, enough for us to hear but not the driver.

"I know German, let me talk to him" Peter says confidently "Ahem, Treiber gibt es eine Hexe am.....Ende des...granatafels entlang Victoria Embankment." after he says his verse with utmost difficulty we all eagerly wait for the driver's response. He looks at us more perplexed than we look ourselves.

Chris raises and eyebrow "What?"

"Was sagst du?" he says, here we go again.

"Peter what did you tell him?" Naomi questions almost bursting into laughter.

"I told him to take a turn and from the end and go towards Victoria embankment" Peter says shrugging his shoulder. "Well at least that's what I think I said"

"Looking at the poor lad's face I am certain you messed up a few words or maybe many" Chris says.

The whole situation is kinda starting to annoy me, why don't we just ask him if he understood English. If he works in London he ought to know. In this boisterous city you need to communicate after all. The fact that we are whispering amongst yourselves he probably thinks we speak alien and don't know english ourselves.

"Do you understand English?" I ask him myself.

"Yes, very well" The driver says. He looks relieved and I don't blame him.

The look on Peter's face is priceless. He looks at him wide eyed and startled and it looks like his eyes will pop out any minute.

"Did you just speak in English?" He stutters in disbelieve, like someone is being levitated by a monkey.

The driver looks a little antsy. "Yes sir" he says meekly, just like a man with integrity.

"And can you please tell us what my friend here tried to say" Chris asks.

The driver chuckled and says "He said 'there is a witch at the end of the pomegranate along Victoria Embankment"

Is he serious?

"How on earth did you pass German Mr Adams" Naomi asks alluding at his disability towards the language.

"Just like you passed Maths" he says mockingly.

Chris rolls his eyes at them and Naomi signs in defeat.

"Just take us to Savoy hotel on Victoria Embankment" Chris says highly annoyed.

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