Chapter Nine - Chris!

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I don't know how long it's been. I think I'm already dead. Is this how it feels to be dead? I see faded images; my mind can make out the little drops of water falling from the sky splashing on the glass of the machine. I can't be dead, I can't be feeling anything if I'm dead. I'm not dead. What the hell?? I sit up with a jerk. I look around; I carefully open the door with my trembling hands which are frozen with fear. I feel grass below my feet. Is this really happening??OH MY GOD! I'm on earth. I'm Alive. I'm Alive. "OH MY GOD, I'm alive" I say throwing my hands into the air with overwhelming happiness surrounding me. I observe heads turning towards me and people look at me like I'm insane. I look around; I'm in the middle of a park. "Sorry" I say supressing my smile which is too strong and concentrated with happiness. Wait I might be dreaming? I touch the grass just to make sure. It's real. I just turn around and the machine is gone. Wait what? HOW? I suddenly find the instruction manual in my pocket and I hope the book has an answer. I flip the pages vigorously with shaking hands now they are shaking even more because of what I have gotten myself into. I'm on the last page. There is no answer. What am I going to do? I have no way of getting out of this mess. I can't invent a time machine, I don't have a way through which I can communicate with Paul or Jordan or Uncle or anybody from my actual life.

Then it suddenly stars to rain. Great! Everything has to go wrong at this moment when I'm stuck in another century. Everybody dismisses towards their home. At least they know where to go. Ok so should I go right or left? If I go right, don't know where it leads and if I go left I will not know where it leads either. Why am I even thinking? I should have thought before pulling the damn leaver, now I have gotten myself into a massive amount of unnecessary trouble and I cannot do anything about. I think I should go right because they say 'if nothing goes right then goleft' I start walking towards nowhere. Where am I going? What am I going to even find? I just fell like rolling into a ball and crying. There is nothing I can do. I feel a triumph of disaster being handed to me for being the most stupid person alive. I sit down under a huge tree and think vaguely of what my next step should be. Then suddenly the most incredible thing happens. I hear a voice, a very familiar voice. I know this voice. I have heard it before. It's coming from behind the tree. I try to position myself carefully so I don't disturb the person singing. Irresolute of who is it I try leaning in a bit more to get a clear vision of the face. My exquisite way or trying to figure out who it is provides an indecisive result. I feel a katydid jumps on my feet and I lose my balance and fall on my face with a huge thud almost displacing the earth from its position. I feel embarrassed and I slowly begin to feel the heat in my cheeks, they are literally sultry making them red like a fire ball.

"Are you okay?" the boy says prudently, offering his hand for support

"Uhm, yeah" I say respecting his modesty, I slowly examine his face carefully and then it strikes me.

It's Christopher Defoe . OH MY GOD!! ARE YOU SERIOUS??

He looks so young, no wrinkles, no impression of old age. He looks like a fresh offspring of twenty.

I can't digest the fact it really is him and he looks like he's my age, he is my age but a year or two older calculating the fact I'm sixty years back in the past.

He had that kind of face that stopped you in your track. I think he must be used to that, the sudden pause in a person's natural expression when they look his way followed by overcompensating with nonchalant gaze and a weak smile. His hair is a beautiful shade of brown which accompanied his light brown eyes. I'm so frozen with overwhelming delight that I don't know what to say or do. "I just fell it's nothing serious really, I'm fine absolutely fit and fine. No problem at all and thank you." I say unable to supress a smile and multitudinous divine. He looks at me puzzled, like I'm insane. He must be used to all of this. Wait! He isn't even a sensation yet. He will be soon. I feel like god because I know the future. Thanks to the internet, God's best friend. "Hi, I'm Chris" he says a little nervous but his face looks ablaze as well. He scans my outfit and looks like I have worn the most unsuitable clothing ever. I'm in jeans and a T-shirt, oops, this isn't the desired outfit of this era. I have to remember I'm in the 1960. "Quiet Extraordinary" he says smiling. He must be thinking I'm insane. Almost everybody thinks I'm insane, not a big deal. "Hey I'm Amelia Wilson" I say redeeming myself back to the conversation . He smile and says "Chris Defoe" I nod and say "Of course. Who doesn't know you?" I say and instantly regret it. He isn't a celebrity yet. I have to keep reminding myself about this. He looks startled and says "Most people don't, I don't find a reason to be adored by the people". "Yeah I guess" I say trying to do everything not to seem awkward. "Well I should head home now. Nice meeting you Amelia" he says and walks away with his guitar. I should go home too. Oh wait, I don't have a house. Maybe if I find my grandmother or something I'll convince her I'm her granddaughter. Maybe I'm actually going a little insane. I sit there under a tree sobbing. I'm alone forever. I can't get back; I will never be able to get back. What on earth was I even thinking? More than sorrow I feel terror of solitary. I don't know anyone; I'm just really weird and insane for most people here. I have left Mom, Dad, Paul, Bethany and Jordan behind. Even my hideous school seems blissful to me now. I just cry myself to sleep. I feel an unbearable pain in my heart and all I want is to go back to the future. Where I belong and to the people I belong with.

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