Chapter 31- The Wedding

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"Byron, do you take Vanessa for your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" The priest says

"I, Byron, take you, Vanessa, for my lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

"Vanessa, do you take Byron for your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I, Vanessa, take you, Byron, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part." She says with a smile and they exchange rings.

Everyone applauds and they kiss. The marriage ceremony continues and the great feast is served. Everyone takes their place and they begin to eat. Some people are dancing to the merry music while some eat and the rest nearly consuming half their weight worth alcohol.

I walk with Naomi with a glass of Champagne in my hand. Chris refused to come while Peter was too busy at the recording studio. The best man was Byron's best friend, Alfie, from university who was half soaked in alcohol and stumbled up on the stage to give a speech. He got up on the stage and tripped over a cord and fell flat on his face. There were giggles and the live singers helped him get up.

"I am alright" he announced and then pulled his collar tried to look formal. He cleared his throat taking the mic. Anyone with a good eye sight could tell he was intoxicated.

"Vanessa, you're a wonderful woman, who deserves a wonderful husband. And I'm not going to rest until I get to the bottom of what's gone wrong here" he says and giggles break the concentrated silence. He smiles and then continues "I know it's irresponsible to drink before such a big occasion, but I couldn't let the groom drink alone. Byron spent most of his university days single but it was by choice. Woman chose not to date him."

More giggles in the audience. I look at Byron whose face was flushing red but he was laughing along with everyone else.

"Okay I am done with the jokes. There comes a time in everyone's life where they meet the love of their life, the one that loves them beyond infinity. That time came in Byron's life a few months ago when he met the most gorgeous woman in the world, Vanessa. It's an honour for me to be his best man today but it's also an honour for him because he is truly admitting to everyone that I am the best." Laughters break out in the hall along with applauses. Byron's face looks red like a tomato but he laughs along with the crowd enjoying the speech.

"Today is a beautiful day and speaking of beautiful our bride Vanessa looks truly beautiful. Byron seems to be enchanted by his spell and it makes him look more handsome than he actually is. I've known Byron for my entire life and growing up we were polar opposites. He was always the intelligent one and I was the funny goofball. He was athletic and he recently ran the London Marathon - he was aiming for 3 hours but just missed it! He made it in 3 hrs. 150 minutes."

"Byron has always been the most incredible and caring friend I've ever had. We had our ups and downs. We used to fight on the most random things in the world but we resolved them in lesser time than the fight actually lasted. He has always been one of those guys who I could be myself with and knew that he wouldn't judge me. We made the most incredible memories. As for the lovely bride, Byron met her at a gift shop or as he tells me. He called me immediately and told me he found the one. I never agreed to it because it seemed so surreal but when I met Vanessa I knew she was the one for him. She mended all his heartbreaks and brought out the best in him. Even in a million years I would not be able to find someone as perfect for Byron as she is. You've been my best buddy and you always will. Vanessa I promise you he will treat you like a queen and will love you forever. Also he has the biggest heart so buy as many diamonds as you want.

So ladies and gentlemen I propose a toast in the honour of the lovely bride and groom who make the most beautiful couple in the world's history." He says and lifts up his glass. Everyone follows and applauds. "Before I end my speech I would like to give Byron some advice -to keep a marriage brimming with love in the loving cup, when you are wrong, admit it and when you are right, shut up. Thank you!" he says leaving the stage. A long stretch of applause and laughter fills the room. Then the maid of honour's speech is anticipated. The maid of honour was Vanessa's best friend from her childhood.

"Thanks to Alfie our best man for his enlightening speech there. I think I speak for a couple of us who have learned something new about the groom there. I don't quite know how I'm going to follow what the best man said, but I'll give it a try. I'd like to start by saying thanks for the compliments but all the bridesmaids that are over a certain age are all spoken for, sorry!

But me and Alfie, the best man, do agree on two things: firstly, Vanessa, she does look fantastic, and the dress is amazing. I just feel sorry for whomever it is that's picking up the bill for it. Only joking, Byron it wasn't too expensive, but the dress and your lovely wife combined look a million dollars. And secondly, I think we all agree that the couple are a match made in heaven - the perfect couple. Every couple will have their ups and their downs; it's inevitable, and they're bound to have their differences.

I've known Vanessa for more than 20 years now. I've seen her with old boyfriends, but never happy, or in love. That's how I knew that Byron was the one for her. The first time I saw them together, she was a different person. She was relaxed, happy and carefree. This must have been the way that Byron made her feel, like the princess she is. He has shown her that she is special and shown her true love. I know that if I am half as happy and loved as Vanessa is when I get married, I will be blessed. And" she sighs taking a pause. Vanessa and Byron it's hard to put into words how seeing you together, so happy, makes all of us here today feel. And when we all witnessed you in the church today make those vows we all knew they would last forever. This morning she was a bag of nerves, wondering if Byron will show and listing all the things that may have gone wrong. But I'll say this again that Byron loves you with all his heart and you'll be the happiest you've ever been

Ladies and Gentlemen, please could you stand and raise your glasses once again for the Bride and Groom. Long may their love and happiness last. Love you both" Clair, her best friend says sitting down and applauses following.

After a couple of minutes Naomi and I hand the gifts we bought for Byron and Vanessa. "I wish you all the best" I say.

We exchange hugs and leave shortly.


"So how was the wedding?" Chris asks after I've taken a shower. I was absolutely exhausted after the wedding. I just came and slept for a solid 2 hours before taking a shower. I am just glad they used their intellect and got them married indoors. I mean a wedding outside during the winter is a terrible idea.

"It was beautiful. They looked so happy, it was magical" I say sitting down next to Chris.

"Well let me show you some magic" he says pulling me closer and pressing his lips on mine. I laugh as he kisses me and then kiss him back.

"Also I have good news" he says. "What is it?" I ask

"Well I want to apologise for not being able to take you on a holiday but we are leaving for a tour on march around Britain and you're coming along" he says with a smile " 9 cities in a month and the first city is Liverpool followed by Blackpool, Manchester and-" he says

"I can't go, Felicity.." my words die on my lips. I don't want to fight with him again. Not over this.

He gives me a reassuring smile "She's not coming. It's Frequency that's going on a tour. Our first album is releasing in February"

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