Chapter 2

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Okay guys, the picture is how I imagine Alaska, or at least something like that, so yeah.

Calum's POV:

«Carol!» the middle-aged, blonde woman that opens the door smiles before she hugs her. I just stand behind my aunt while drumming my fingers lightly against my thigh in boredom. We've barely even arrived, and I'm already bored.

"And who is this handsome, young man?" she smiles and looks at me, but I don't respond. I don't feel like talking right now, I'm just in one of those moods. You've been in this mood for five months, a voice inside my head says. I know it's right, but still, shut up.

"This is Calum, he's my nephew," Aunt Carol smiles once she realizes that I'm not going to answer myself. She looks over at me, and her mouth is smiling, but her eyes are telling me to get my s.hit together and act decently.

"Oh, nice to meet you, I'm Anne Marie, but you can just call me Anne! I'm Ashton's mother," she smiles and lets us in. We go in to the living room where four other women are sitting. Even though there are several windows on the walls, the lighting in the room is still dull. It's dark almost 24/7 here in the winter, and it's so terrible! I swear, if I wasn't depressed already, I would have become depressed here. They all greet each other and I force myself to introduce myself quietly. I guess I could do that for my aunt, right?

"The kids are downstairs if you want to go down to them," Anne smiles. She refers to them as kids, even though Ashton and Luke both looked around my age.

"No thanks," I mumble and sit down next to my aunt. I just want to get this over with. The white couch is actually surprisingly comfortable to sit on, I could totally just fall asleep right here and now. Too bad I can't.

"Well, you can just go downstairs whenever you want," Anne smiles. I bet she thinks that I'm just shy, but I just really don't want to hang out with Ashton and Luke and their friends. I've only met Ashton and Luke once, and I already dislike them. But then again, I just genuinely dislike everyone and everything... Wow, that's depressing...

They start talking about whatever middle-aged women talk about and I sigh quietly for myself while leaning back in the sofa. I look around the room, just barely letting my eyes scan over the family pictures on the wall next to me and the big painting of a city landscape on the opposite wall. I proceed to look out of the window, staring at nothing in particular while playing a song in my head. 

We sit there in the huge living room for what feels like hours before the food is ready. I don't want to eat, but I don't feel like arguing with my aunt at the moment. I guess I can take food and just eat some of it. Anne goes down and gets the others while the rest of us enter the kitchen.

"I hope it's okay for you to sit with the kids," Anne tells me with a friendly smile. She called them kids again. I don't know why, but it annoys me a lot. I just nod slightly and get myself some food before I sit down. The food is some sort of meat with potatoes, cooked vegetables and brown sauce. Interesting.

I'm the first one to sit down by the "kids table" as Anne would probably call it. The grownups are all sitting at their own table in the kitchen while we are in the living room. I just keep my head down as I begin eating.

"Hey, you must be Calum," I hear a girl say. I just keep my head down and mumble a quiet yeah.

"I'm Alaska," the girl smiles as she sits down.

"I'm Michael," the boy that sits down next to me smiles. I just give them a small nod. I take a quick glance at them, enough to notice that the boy has blue hair and an eyebrow piercing, and that the girl has black hair and a very innocent looking face.

"We didn't know you were here, we guessed you would just come down once you arrived," Ashton laughs. I don't respond, at this point I'm not even eating anymore, I'm just picking at my food. Maybe they'll stop talking to me if they see that I'm eating? I test my theory out and start eating again.

"So Calum, how long have you been here?" Michael asks. My theory was wrong.

"This is my second day here," I mumble and shove some food into my mouth. Please stop talking to me; I don't like talking to people. It's actually funny how things can change so drastically. I used to be a really talkative person, always being the one to start the conversation and the one to keep it going, but since the accident everything has changed. Nothing is the same anymore.

"Trust me, you'll get tired of this place pretty soon. Nothing interesting happens here. Ever," Luke says, but he's too late, because I already am tired of this place. I grew tired of this place when I went out last night to smoke and nearly froze my ass off.

The nights, I've found out, are extremely cold. It's December, and my aunt said she was expecting snow soon. Snow. I've never seen snow in real life before, only in movies and stuff, but unlike other people I don't find snow so f.ucking amazing and interesting. I don't see what's so special about it, really. Snow basically just consists of tiny, white things that falls from the sky and covers everything that's possible to cover. I don't see why everyone makes such a big deal out of it.

"Hey Calum, do you play any instruments?" I hear and look up. The girl, Alaska or whatever, was the one to ask. I shake my head, even though it's a lie. I used to play the bass all the time, but that was before everything happened. Before I lost Jake. I haven't touched the poor instrument ever since, it's just laying around in my room. For five months it has only been touched by my mother when she's trying to clean my room.

"Would you be interested in learning how to play an instrument? We have this band, the four of us, but we don't have anyone to play the bass guitar," Ashton says with a small, hopeful smile. What a shame.

"Instruments aren't my thing," I just mutter.

"Oh, well okay then. You're welcome if you change your mind though, we're pretty good," Ashton smiles proudly. As he begins to tell who plays what I look down at my not even half eaten food and my mind drifts off again, simply because I don't care about their little band. Why would I? It's not like I care about any of them, so why should I care about their band?

Okay okay, I've just been obsessed with the name Alaska ever since I read Looking for Alaska and I couldn't come up with a name so I just chose the only one I could think of that I liked

So the first couple of chapters are always boring, I just have to get the story started and just introduce everyone and stuff, I hope you understand

What do you think about the story so far????

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ily guys

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