Chapter 22

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This chapter is dedicated to my soulmate ohcanyounot bc it's her birthday tomorrow, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY NES I LOVE YOU

Calum's POV:

Once I get back to my aunt's place, I head straight for the shower. I don't realize how cold I am until I actually come inside and remember what heat is, and the second I get inside I start shaking like a freaking Chihuahua.

When I was walking back here, I realized how dangerous ice actually is, because I fell three times in a row right outside of my aunt's door before I managed to get inside. I'm glad Alaska wasn't there, I've been embarrassed enough for one day.

The rest of my night only consists of a long, hot shower before I head to bed. Aunt Carol asked me how it was and I told her that it was good, simply because I didn't have the energy to have a conversation with her. I'm beyond tired by the time my head finally hits the pillow (the day has been extremely exhausting after all) so it doesn't take me more than a couple of minutes before I finally fall into a deep slumber.


The next morning my aunt insists that I go to school. She tells me once again that I can't run away from my problems forever, and just to avoid getting a lecture from her again I agree to go. School can't possibly be worse than her endless lectures.

Just like the first day she drives me to school, but unlike that day it doesn't take me long to say bye and get out of the car. I don't feel like fighting with her about the same things over and over, so I've just accepted my defeat for now.

I enter the huge school building and keep my head down as I walk towards the classroom. I don't want to meet anyone's eyes, I don't even want to see anyone. I take a seat at the back of the classroom, and during the class I barely even look up at the teacher. My focus is still not at its best, so it lands on the writing on my desk. It says, "J+R" inside of a poorly drawn heart and my mind starts to wander.

Who is J? Who is R? And why did whoever it was bother to scribble this here, as if their romance has any significance for anyone other than themselves? I've never understood why couples feel the need to tell everything and everyone about their oh so perfect relationship and about how they love each other so dearly. If you really love someone, the only other person who needs to know it is that person. What difference does it make if you walk around telling everyone about it?

"Calum?" a voice says, causing me to look up. I meet the eyes of the teacher, and I'm expecting him to look angry, but he looks completely normal.

"It would be really nice if you could start working," he tells me calmly with a sense of humor in his tone.

"Yeah, sure..." I mutter and look through my bag.

"Sir?" I say, mostly because I don't remember his name.


"What subject is this?" He lets out a small chuckle. I hear some other students laughing mildly as well, and my cheeks heat up slightly, but I don't let it show. You know, except in my cheeks.

"You're in math class now Calum, we're working on algebra," he smiles, "and my name is Hugh."

I quickly get my books and writing utensils and start (pretending that I'm) working, but of course my focus is everywhere but on the damned book.

That's how it continues throughout the rest of the classes until lunch. I ask the teacher if I have to leave the class for lunch, mostly because I don't like people (I don't say that to him, though) but he tells me that I should, and that it'll be good for me to get to know the other students. As if any of the other students are going to bother to talk to me in the first place.

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