Chapter 5

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This chapter is dedicated to @slayinhood bc she was the first person to actually show some interest and vote/comment on this book and I love her for that!

Calum's POV:

I bend down so that I can find out who the voice belongs to. Ashton is sitting in the driver's seat with that other kid, the one with the colored hair, in the passenger seat. Michael? Yeah, I think so. I notice how his hair is black now, it wasn't black the last time I saw him, it was blue.

"Why would I get in to your car?" I ask a little bit rudely. Okay, maybe more than just a little bit. 

"Your aunt asked if we could pick you up, she had to go to work," Ashton explains. Great, now they probably know how fucked up I am since I'm seeing a therapist. The big question is; do I care? Probably not. Nope, I don't care. 

"Great..." I mumble and open the door. I slump down in the backseat and close the door. I just want to get back to Aunt Carols house and sleep.

"We're going to meet Luke and Alaska at a café, you can join if you want to," Ashton offers. Why is he still nice to me? I don't get it.

"No, I wanna sleep," I mumble. I don't want to hang out with them.

"Do you have keys? You know, considering that Carol isn't home and all," Michael says. F.uck. I don't have keys. Aunt Carol forgot to give them to me. F.ucking great, now I have to go unless I want to sit outside and freeze my ass off while I wait for my aunt to get home. Great.

"No," I sigh and rub my temples.

"Then you're coming with us," Ashton laughs. Ugh, just shut up...

"I didn't know that you smoke," Michael says after a couple of minutes filled with silence.

"That's because you don't know s.hit about me," I answer. Both Michael and Ashton look taken back by my reply, but I couldn't care less.

Another couple of minutes goes by in silence. Why don't they have the radio on? Silence is terrible! When it's quiet I just start thinking too much...

"We're here," Ashton says as he stops the car. We all get out and walk inside of the tiny café. I take a look around as we walk over to Alaska and Luke. The walls are all white, except from the one wall made out of bricks. There are several paintings and pictures on the walls, and they all have small price tags under them. Why would anyone buy these? They're terrible. I mean, I could have taken those pictures, that's how plain and bad they are! There is a bookshelf filled with books in the corner, and there's so much dust covering them, I'm sure no one has touched them in years.

"Hey, we brought Calum," Ashton says to the others as we sit down. 

"That's cool, hi Calum," Alaska smiles and sends me a small wave. 

"Hey," I mutter with a small nod. 

"We haven't ordered anything yet, we thought that we would just wait for you guys and order then," Luke says.

"I can order, if you guys just tell me what you want," Ashton smiles. So he's just genuinely nice to everyone? Is that even possible?

Everyone says their orders and Ashton just writes it down on his phone.

"What do you want?" he smiles at me. He sounds like he works here or something.

"Nothing," I just say before I remember that it will be even worse just sitting here.

"Or, a coffee," I say right after. I'll at least have something to do, and it'll help me stay awake, considering I was originally planning to sleep.

After a couple of minutes an actual waitress brings our orders over and places them all in front of us. I place my hands on my coffe cup right away to warm them up on the hot cup.

"Hey guys, look! It's snowing!" Alaska says and I slowly turn my head towards the window. She's right, it is snowing, and even though I hate admitting it, it actually looks kind of pretty. Not pretty enough for me to get excited about it, but still pretty.

"Great, right when I thought it wouldn't snow at all this year," Michael complains. I guess he doesn't like snow.

"Oh shut up, you always complain but you still love to play in it," Luke laughs. They play in the snow? How old are they, 10?

"Fine, I'll admit it," Michael laughs, "I actually enjoy the snow."

"Wow Mikey, no s.hit," Luke laughs and rolls his eyes.

"How about you Calum, do you like snow?" Alaska asks me. I shrug my shoulders and look down at my coffee.

"You haven't seen snow before, have you?" Michael asks me. I slowly shake my head.

"You should come out with us when there's more snow then!" Ashton smiles.

"I'd rather not, I'm not a big fan of snow," I mumble without looking up.

"But you've never even seen it before, how do you know that you don't like it?" Michael laughs. I just shrug again. Can't they leave me alone already?

They continue talking, but all I do is look out of the window. I watch the snow fall gracefully on to the ground. I don't really care about the things they're talking about, so I don't pay any attention. I don't even drink my coffee, I just look out of the window.

I imagine Jake and me running outside, all excited to see snow for the first time. Jake would have loved this. We would probably have built a snowman and had a snowball fight, now that I'm thinking about it. Maybe it isn't so childish to play in the snow? If I could experience it with Jake, I wouldn't care wether it was childish or not, but I can't...

I feel my eyes get all watery. F.uck I miss him. As I feel my heart pounding faster I stand up.

"Where is the bathroom?" I ask quickly as I try to hide my tears.

"Over there, are you okay?" Luke asks with a frown while he points towards a door at the other end of the café. I just quickly start making my way towards the bathroom, pushing some people on the way. I don't even stop to apologise, I just keep going.

Great, a panic attack! Exactly what I needed right now!

I know the chapters are short and crappy, I'm so sorry...

ily guys x

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