Chapter 16

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Calum's POV:

"You're going to be okay, it's just school! It's not like you're going skydiving without a parachute!"

What my aunt doesn't know, though, is that I feel like I'm doing exactly that. I'm going skydiving without a parachute. Jake was my parachute, and now, I'm just falling and falling until I finally crash onto the ground.

On the other hand, maybe I've already hit the ground? Because at this point, death doesn't sound worse than being alive. I guess being alive is my punishment for what I've done. It's my fault that Jake is dead, and now I'm being punished. That seems fair, right? I mean, I do deserve this, after all.

"You'll be late, Calum," my aunt says, interrupting my thoughts. I glance over at the huge brick building before I look back at my aunt.

"Do I have to?" I ask her while tugging at my sleeves. I really don't want to do this... A couple of coughs escape my lips right after. D.amned cigarettes!

"Yes, Calum, you can't run away from school for the rest of your life," she replies softly. She's not annoyed or mad at me for being so childish, she's actually understanding and kind whenever we talk about school. I really wish I was nice enough to tell her how much I appreciate it, but I'm too busy being an a.sshole 24/7.

"Fine," I say and let out a small sigh. She smiles and puts her hand on the back of my head gently. She pulls me a little bit closer and places a small kiss to my forehead.

"Good luck honey. I'll pick you up after school, okay?" she smiles softly and retreats her hand. I give her a small nod in return. I'll need all the luck I can get.

"Bye," I say as I open the door and get out.

"Bye," she smiles right before I close the door again and turn around. The sky is dull and gray, rain or snow threatening to spill over at any moment. I look up at the two-story building in front of me while I hear my aunt drive away. There are some bold, golden letters over the entrance, but I don't really know what it says. It's probably the name of the school or something.

My aunt explained the school system here. Primary school is through Year 7, then you go to a separate school from Year 8 to 10, and then High School for three years. I'm not sure if that's right, though. I wasn't really paying attention when she told me about it, and she used the Norwegian names for the schools, which was confusing as f.uck by the way. The only thing I'm sure about is that I'm here for the last term of my second year, and honestly, that's all I need to know.

I sigh again and hold on to the straps of my backpack as I start walking. Students are all over the place; sitting on the benches, walking in and out of the building, just standing around with their friends. I don't like being around too many people, it makes me uncomfortable, so I hurry inside and find the office where I'm supposed to get my books and some information.

I knock on the door lightly before I enter. I might be rude, but that doesn't mean that I don't have manners. Once I get inside, the blonde, almost gray-haired woman that's sitting behind the counter says something in Norwegian while smiling at me. I clear my throat quietly and scratch the back of my neck.

"Uhm, I don't speak Norwegian," I mutter slowly.

"Oh, I'm sorry dear! What can I help you with?" she apologizes with a warm smile and a thick Norwegian accent. Do all Norwegians have terrible accents when they speak English? It sure as h.ell seems that way. 

"I'm here to get my books and stuff," I tell her.

"Oh, you must be the new student, my name is Birgitte," she smiles  while checking something on her computer. No way in h.ell if I'll ever be able to pronounce her name.

"Hood comma Calum, is that right?" she asks and I give her a small nod. She goes into a small room and comes back with a bunch of books in her arms, and I notice how she's shorter than I thought she was when she was sitting down. She hands the books to me and lets out a small 'phew'.

"They're heavy," she laughs. "Come on; I'll show you to your classroom."

She walks out of the office and I follow her. The halls are all empty by now, everyone are already in their classes. Everyone except me. Oh, and that one kid who's late, of course. Great job, kid nearly running through the halls to get to class. All you needed to do was to get here in time, and you couldn't even do that. Congrats.

"Here we are, good luck on your first day," the office lady (I don't even remember her name, it was way too hard) smiles warmly before she turns around and walks back. I just stand there looking at the door for what feels like ages. I am so far from ready for this. I don't really think I'll ever be ready for this either, so I might as well just get it over with.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes before knocking on the door. I hear a faint 'come in', so I open the door and go inside.

"Hello, you must be Calum," the teacher, a man in his late twenties, smiles and looks at me. I answer with a nod. He has a clear American accent, fortunately. I would have died if he had a Norwegian accent, it sounds so terrible.

"Great, I'm Hugh Reynolds. You can just take a seat wherever you want to," he says with a friendly smile. I look for the seat that is as far away from the others as possible, and once I spot it, I walk over to it and sit down.

"As I was saying, this year is just as important as any other year, so I want all of you to give it your best," he says, and then he adds something in Norwegian. I already notice how bad my concentration is at the moment. I can't wait for all of the side effects of no longer smoking to go away. I'm getting pretty tired of them. Oh, and since we're talking about tired, I'm tired as f.uck because I barely get any sleep! This whole 'let's quit smoking' thing s.ucks pretty badly.

I notice how there are several teachers in the room instead of just one, and at first I wonder why, but then it hits me that some of these kids can't speak English either, so they need a teacher who knows their language and can help them with translations and stuff. 

"Alright, you can take out your computers now. Calum, you can go to the office and ask for John so that you can get a computer," the teacher, Mr. Reynolds, says. I was literally just at the office, why didn't I just get the freaking computer while I was there?

I let out a sigh as I get up and walk out of the classroom again. As I walk through the halls I see something that causes my heart to start pounding and my breath to become heavy, almost too heavy to bear.

On the other side of the hall, a boy who looks almost exactly like Jake is rummaging through his locker, and for a moment, it feels like my legs are going to give in, so I do the only thing that seems right: I start running towards the exit.

So there's a new album coming up.

And then there's the new song.

And then there was the video they posted on twitter about the album being available for preordering.

And then I read on several pages that Ashton struggles with depression.

So I'm not okay and the GIF on top represents me.

Like, this is not okay 5SOS please give us a bREAK I CAN'T HANDLE ALL OF THIS

Anyways, what do you think about the chapter?

What do you think about Fly Away? Amazing right?

Yeah okay that's it

ily guys

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