Chapter 8

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Calum's POV:

As Christmas comes, I feel nothing but emptiness. I have been awake for about an hour when Aunt Carol walks in to my room with a huge smile on her face and a red Santa hat on her head.

"Merry Christmas Calum!" she smiles cheerily. There is absolutely nothing merry about.

"Merry Christmas," I still answer, but in a very unenthusiastic voice.

"Aw, what's wrong?" she asks. Seconds later, I feel the bed dipping down a bit, indicating that she's probably sitting there. I shrug and look up at the ceiling.

"Not in a Christmas spirit?" she asks and I shake my head slowly while biting the inside of my cheeks.

"Oh, come on! We're going to have a delicious breakfast, and then we're going to visit Liz along with the others and then we'll have a wonderful dinner and open our presents. It'll be fun!" she smiles, but I fail to see how it's going to be any fun at all. There's nothing special about this day except for fact that we get presents and eat more food.

"Come, let's have breakfast," she smiles and pats my lap before she stands up. I don't want to upset her by saying that I'm not hungry, so I just walk out after her and in to the kitchen. We sit down and as I look out of the window, I notice how much it has snowed. There is a thick coat of snow covering nearly everything, and it's still snowing. In fact, I'm beginning to question if it'll ever stop.

"Uhm, I was wondering if I could stay here instead of going out later, I want to skype with my mom," I say quietly while we're eating. She looks up at me gives me a warm smile.

"Are you sure you don't want to come out?" she asks and I nod. I'm pretty sure, trust me.

"Okay, I won't be gone for too long either," she smiles as she starts cleaning up after us. I help her with some of it, since it's Christmas and all.

"Then I'll just get dressed and get going so I can come back as soon as possible," she tells me and walks in to her room. I go back in to my room and pick up my computer. The old thing uses ages to start working. It's such a c.rappy computer, I've had it for way too long.

"I'm leaving now, I'll be back soon," my aunt smiles from the door while adjusting her earrings.

"Say hello to your mom for me," she adds before she walks away. I hear her leave as my s.hitty computer finally turns on. Thank you! I open skype and stare at my screen for a couple of seconds before I push the dial button. It takes her a while to answer, but she does, and just seeing her face makes me realize how much I miss her. I hadn't really realized how much I miss her and Australia before now.

"Calum! It's so good to see you honey!" she smiles widely. She almost looks younger, is it just because I'm not there anymore? Probably.

"How are you?" she asks before I get a chance to respond to the last thing she said.

"I'm fine, how are you?" I ask her with a small smile, even though we both probably know that I'm not fine.

"Oh, I'm fine, I just miss you a lot..." she says and gives me a sad smile.

"How is it to celebrate Christmas there?" she asks. Instead of saying anything, I turn the computer screen towards the window.

"Cold," I say right after.

"Is that snow?" she asks.

"Yeah," I chuckle lightly.

"Oh my! You're so lucky, I've always wanted to see actual snow!" she laughs excitedly. I chuckle again and turn the screen back towards me. There are a couple of seconds filled with silence.

"Is it nice?" she finally asks.

"The snow?"

"Everything. Is it nice there?"

"I guess, I don't really go out that much," I shrug quietly. I see her smile fade a bit, causing me to bow my head down in shame.

"Did you go to the therapist?" she asks.


"Did you talk about it?" she asks cautiously. I shake my head.

"Calum..." she sighs quietly.

"I don't even know her, I'm not going to tell her everything right away mom,"

"I know, but I know you. You won't talk to her unless someone forces you to do so, and I don't want to force you Calum..." she says, and I can hear how sad and tired she suddenly is again.

"Then why did you make me come here? Why do you make me see a therapist?" I snap and look at her with furrowed brows.

"Because you forced me to! I tried everything, but you don't want to get better! You can't go on like this, I just want you to be happy!" I can see the tears in her eyes now. Great, I'm making my mother cry, again. The worst part is that I'm too angry to stop myself from making it worse.

"I don't deserve to be happy!" I nearly yell.

"Oh Calum, don't-" is all she gets to say before I hang up. She always has to bring these things up; we can never have a normal conversation! I hate fighting with her, but she makes me so angry!

I stand up and pace angrily around in the tiny room, and before I even know what I'm doing, I've already thrown my computer so harshly at the ground it has broken while tears are running down my cheeks. F.ucking great!

I try to control my temper, but instead of calming down, I end up kicking my computer over and over as a line of profanities leaves my mouth. I hate everything, I hate everything, I f.ucking hate everything!

I fall down to my knees and start punching the computer before I just become numb and empty. I'm no longer crying, but my eyes are probably red and puffy. My breathing slows down and so does my heartbeat as I just sit there and stare at the ruins of what was once my computer. Well s.hit. I just ruined my computer completely. Now I have to explain this mess to my aunt. How am I supposed to explain this to her? Hey, uhm, I kinda lost control and ruined my computer, I hope it's okay! I can't just say that to-

"Uhm, Calum, are you okay?"

Okay, so this is not a very good chapter, but-

Who am I kidding, none of my chapters are good lol

Anyways, who do you think it is?

What do you think will happen?


ily guys

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