Chapter 11

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Calum's POV:

The loud music isn't drowning out my thoughts as I had hoped, but it's nothing new, it happens a lot.

 My aunt got pretty mad at first when she saw my broken computer, then she got worried when she saw my knuckles, and then she nearly commanded me to call my mom. I told her I would do it later, but I didn't say how much later. I'm procrastinating, to say it mildly.

No matter how hard I try, I can't help but look at the kangaroo teddy bear Alaska got me. Ever since I opened it up yesterday, it has been laying on the dresser, and I have looked at it unbelievably many times. Or, at least unbelievable for me. I just don't know how I feel about it. Why did she have to get me a gift? It just f.ucked me up, honestly. Now I don't know what to feel.

I don't want to get attached to anyone, and I'm not planning on doing so either, but I know that life is a b.itch and likes to not go my way, so nothing is guaranteed. It would be nice to have some friends, but I don't have the energy to actually have to put up with people again. Oh god, school will literally be a living h.ell. I'm so confused, ugh. Half of me really wants to actually try and maybe get some friends, but the other half just hates everything and wants to kill everyone. It's a hard life.

I shake my head and sit up. Playing the Nickleback album wasn't so smart, it only made me think even more. I quickly change in to Green Day before I look over at the kangaroo again. I hesitate for a couple of seconds before I take it down from she dresser and lay down with it.

I brush my thumb over it's head and look at it. It has big eyes and soft fur, and it's really cute now that I actually think about it. As I look at the stuffed animal and brush my index finger over it's back I realize, once again, how homesick I actually am. I lay on my side and cuddle the tiny teddy bear into my chest before I close my eyes and try to sleep, even though it's far from night.


I rub my eyes tiredly as the familiar sound of a skype call wakes me up. I knew it was a bad idea to leave the computer on. I sit up, still half asleep, and look at the screen. I know that it's my mom the second I see the profile picture. It's a picture of us when I was twelve or something, and I hate it so much, but she always refuses to change it. I yawn as I answer the call.

"Calum? Are you there?" I hear my mom say. The screen lags for a couple of seconds before it turns normal. Mom is wearing a red Santa hat on her head, which looks ridiculous, but I choose not to ruin it for her.

"Yeah," I mumble groggily and scratch my chest lightly.

"Did I wake you up?" she asks.

"Yeah, but it's okay." Not really, I was sleeping so well...

"So, merry Christmas honey!" she smiles widely.

"Merry Christmas," I smile back.

"Do you like the gift from your aunt and I?" she asks eagerly.

"Yeah, thank you mom," I smile and nod. How to get through life: smile and nod

No, but really, I do like the gift, considering how my old computer looks.

"You aunt told me you got her a gift too, that was very nice of you," she smiles and I just shrug lightly and smile back.

"We shipped your gift a couple of day ago, have you received it yet?" I ask her. I didn't get her anything big, just some small things I knew she would like.

"Oh honey, you didn't have to do that! But no, I haven't gotten them yet," she says, and I can see how happy the small gesture has made her. I guess she wasn't expecting me to get her something. God, I'm such a c.rappy son.

"Listen mom, I'm sorry about what happened yesterday..." I say quietly after a little while.

"It's okay, let's just forget about it," she smiles weakly. I nod and look down at the kangaroo I'm still holding in my hands. After that, we talk for a couple of more minutes. I tell her about how the Norwegian language is so weird, and she tells me about how she spends most of her time with Samantha, her best friend. We say bye in the end and hang up.

I look at the clock. 5:47 pm. I get up and go to the toilet before I walk out to find my aunt in the living room. I sit down next to her and look at the television. Some Norwegian show is playing.

"Hey," I mutter.

"Slept well?" she smiles. I just nod curtly.

"Did you talk to your mom? She said she would call you,"

"Yeah, we just talked. What are you watching?" I ask.

"Oh, nothing important, just a Norwegian talk show. You can just change the channel if you want to," she answers. I pick up the remote and flick through the channels until I find How I Met Your Mother.

"Are you hungry?" she asks me and I shake my head.

"Too bad," she laughs and stands up. I take that as a you-will-eat-whether-you-like-it-or-not. Great.

As I watch HIMYM I just get so f.ucking homesick that I start wondering if there's anything wrong with me. I shouldn't be this homesick when there's nothing other than my mom to miss, and when I don't even consider that place my home. Maybe I just miss mom? God, I need a cigarette. I get up, put on my shoes and jacket, and pull a beanie over my head.

"I'm just taking a quick trip out," I yell so my aunt hears it before I go out. I move away from the house before I take out a cigarette and a lighter. I have flick on the lighter a couple of times before it finally works, and just as I light the cigarette and take a drag, I hear:

"Do you have an extra cigarette?"

Whoop whoop, and update^^

I just need to do some ranting right now: 

I'm in this small "writing class" here on wattpad, and the owner asked in another thread if anyone could help her. I admit that her English isn't the best, but she has a really great class with amazing assignments and she managed to get an interview with a very good author here and wattpad, aND THEN THIS PIECE OF S.HIT COMES AND POINTS OUT ALL OF HER MISTAKES IN THE PARAGRAPH AND TELLS HER THAT SHE SHOULD BE A PUPIL HERSELF AND STUFF LIKE THAT, AND THE PERSON IS JUST GENERALLY RUDE TO HER AND I GOT SO MAD LIKE MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS YOU A.SS

Okay I just needed to get that out. 

So what do you think about the story?

The part with the kangaroo was kinda cute when he hugged it and stuff

ily guys

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