Chapter 7

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Alaska's POV:

I haven't seen Calum since I drove him home that day, none of us have really. I'm still wondering what he was doing in the toilet, because he looked pale and tired when he got out, and his eyes were slightly red, but after that day I started thinking that maybe he wasn't so bad after all. The fact that he promised not to tell anyone about the little incident at the therapist actually surprised me, I honestly thought he didn't own a heart, but perhaps he does. Not a big one though, but at least it's something.

Christmas is in three days and I need to do some last minute gift shopping. I still need gifts for all of the boys, plus my younger brother Andrew. I get ready and go to the mall. The mall here is pretty small and useless, but I don't have any other options so I guess I have to take what I can get. I hate going shopping alone. I suck at buying gifts, but I couldn't bring any of the boys, obviously. I'm buying their gifts, it would be stupid to bring them along. That would be like asking someone to plan their own surprise party.

I walk in to the mall and look around. I guess I'll just walk around visiting every store until I find something... I did bring my money right? I really don't want to go home again to get them. I continue walking as I search my pockets, and before I have time to react, I walk directly in to someone.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" I say and look up at the familiar set of brown eyes.

"Calum? What are you doing here?" I ask and tilt my head slightly to the side.

"Uhm, I'm looking for a gift for my aunt," he answers quietly and scratches the back of his neck. He actually goes out without being forced to? Wow, I keep learning new things about him.

"Oh, how did you get here?" I ask.

"My aunt dropped me off," he says with a small shrug.

"Have you found anything yet?" He shakes his head.

"What are you doing here?" he asks me.

"Some last minute shopping, I need gifts for all of the boys and my brother," I explain and he responds with a small nod.

"Hey, we could help each other out?" I suggest. He doesn't know the boys that well, but it would still be easier to buy gifts for guys with another guy, I guess. He thinks about my suggestion for a couple of seconds.

"Uhm, okay," he answers after a little while.

"I don't know how much of a help I can be, but sure," he adds with a small laugh. He's pretty cute when he smiles and laughs, too bad it's a pretty rare sight.

"Should we look for a gift for your aunt first?" I ask and he nods. We have visit several stores before we settle on a pair of earrings and a necklace I'm pretty sure Carol will like. She loves jewelry, and we are probably not going to find her anything better, so why not?

"So, over to my gifts. I have no idea what to get them..." I mutter once we're out of the jewelry store.

"How old is your brother?" he asks while we start walking around.

"14," I answer. He's so annoying sometimes, but I'm forced to love him since he's my brother. It's a struggle, to say it mildly.

"Does he have any interests?"

"Well, he spends a lot of time playing on his PlayStation," I shrug. By that I mean that he doesn't do anything other than 'gaming', no matter if he's alone or with friends. I don't even think he sleeps in the weekends.

"Get him a game then, Battlefield or FIFA or something," he says. That's actually a good idea! I buy Battlefield because I heard him mention that he wanted it once, and it's safer to buy the one I've heard him talk about. Unless he was saying that he doesn't like it... I guess I'll find out when he opens it up then! One done, three to go.

"Now I'm only missing a gift for Ashton, Luke and Michael," I say while I look down at the snowflake wrapping that is covering the game I just bought.

"What kind of interests do they have?" he asks. I look up at him and think for a couple of seconds.

"Well, they're all into music..." I say. I can't really come up with anything else right now.

"What kind of music?"

"Well, Michael used to be a huge All Time Low fan in 2012," I laugh.

"You could just get him a bunch of All Time Low stuff for fun then? A t-shirt and some stickers and stuff," he chuckles. That would actually be fun, I mean, Michael still listens to them so why not?

"I know what I can get Luke! He has never seen Titanic, so I can buy him the dvd so I can force him to watch it, and I saw this huge penguin teddy bear that I can get him, since he loves penguins and always complains about how he doesn't have anyone to cuddle with," I laugh and Calum nods with a small smile.

"If any of them are Green Day fans I have a signed album at home. The album is Bullet in a Bible, and I'm 100% sure it's real," he chuckles.

"I can't take your stuff and give them to the boys," I laugh and shake my head. Even though Bullet in a Bible is Ashton's favorite album.

"No, it's okay, really. I have two copies of it and I only need one," he shrugs as if it is no big deal, but it is to me. He would do that for me?

"Are you sure?" I ask him with raised brows.

"Yeah, why not?" he smiles. Wow... He really isn't as bad as I thought...

"Thank you so much Calum, it means so much!" I say and give him a small hug without really thinking about it. He hesitates at first, but eventually he hugs me back.

"No problem," he mumbles softly. I almost don't want to let go, but it would be too awkward if I didn't. Who would have thought that Calum was such a great hugger?

We quickly buy the rest of the gifts, both of us just wanting to leave the crowded mall, before I drive us back home.

"You can just come with me now and I'll give you the album," he says when we're at his house. Or, his aunt's house. Whatever. I nod and park my car in the driveway before we get out. Once we get inside of the house, his aunt comes out of the kitchen.

"Alaska?" she smiles widely. Calum just walks straightly to his room (I'm guessing).

"You drove him home?" she asks and looks at me.

"Yeah, I met him at the mall and we helped each other out," I laugh quietly and put a strand of my dark hair behind my ear.

"Thank you so much Alaska," she smiles warmly and pulls me in for a hug. Oh, okay, I didn't see that one coming!

"No problem," I smile and hug her as Calum comes back.

"Luckily, all of my stuff arrived yesterday," he says and hands me the album he promised.

"Thank you so much Calum, Ashton will love this," I smile and hug him again.

"No problem, like I said, I don't need two of them," he laughs quietly as I let go. His aunt stares at us with a surprised expression and a small smile tugging on her lips. She must be happy Calum is finally warming up towards someone.

"I'll see you later Calum," I smile.

"You too Carol," I add before I leave, and all I can think about is how nice Calum was today. I guess he just needs some time.

So, Calum was actually pretty nice in this chapter, huh?

Do you think he's going to be nice from now on?

Does anyone watch Teen Wolf? Bc I'm so excited for the new season!

Anyways, tell me your opinions on this chapter!

ily guys

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