Chapter 30

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Calum's POV:

"One more time," Michael says. I feel the sweat running down my forehead and let out an annoyed sigh. We've been practicing like crazy for the gig tomorrow, and Michael never seems to be content with what we do. He's turned into some perfectionist freak that picks on every little detail. Or, in other words: he's being annoying as s.hit.

"Can't we take a break?" Ashton asks, clearly even more tired than I am. He plays the drums, after all.

"The gig is tomorrow, so no, we cannot take a break," Michael replies sternly as if we're his children or something.

"Oh c'mon!" Luke says with a groan. "We've been practicing all day!"

"And it's clearly not enough," Michael says in a sassy tone and raises his brows. Oh no, shots fired.

"Hey, don't be rude! I think we sound pretty good." Ashton defends with furrowed brows.

"Pretty good isn't enough! This needs to be perfect!" Michael has come to the point where he's even using over-dramatic hand gestures to underline his point. It's quite amusing to watch, actually.

"Okay, how about we call Alaska and get her here so she can give us her opinion?" Luke suggests, looking between Ashton, Michael and I. The fact that he remembered that I'm here too surprises me since I haven't said anything for a while. We all nod in agreement and Luke takes out his phone before calling her.

I put the bass down and grab the bottle of water I brought. I sit down on the floor due to the lack of seats and nearly empty the bottle in one go. My mouth felt like the Sahara desert because of our non-stop practicing. I dry my forehead with the back of my hand, but the sweat that's now on my hand disgusts me, causing me to dry my hand on my shirt. Ew.

Only seconds after Luke is finished talking to Alaska, all four of us are sitting on the ground while waiting for her to arrive. The room is quiet, our low panting the only thing to be heard, but the silence isn't exactly uncomfortable. It's actually very relaxing after hours filled with nothing but noise.

"I'm sorry I was an a.sshole," Michael mutters after a little while, breaking the silence.

"We get it. You're just stressed. We all are," Ashton replies. Luke silently nods in agreement. I don't say anything, I just take another sip from my water bottle.

"I just really believe that this can be the start of something big, you know?" Michael asks.

"Me too, this could be our breakthrough," Luke agrees. "Or, at least the start of it."

"What do you think, Calum?" Ashton asks and looks over at me. I didn't think anyone would talk to me, so the question takes me slightly by surprise.

"About what?"

"Do you think we have a chance?" he asks. They all look at me with anxious yet hopeful looks, as if my opinion will decide whether they succeed or not. As if my opinion even matters.

"Oh, yeah, you guys are really good," I say without hesitating. They are all really talented, it would actually be a shame to let it go to waste. A smile spreads across their faces and I find myself smiling as well.

Shortly after, the door opens up and Alaska walks in. The thing that catches my eye, however, is the dog that comes in after her. I've always had a soft spot for dogs, and this dog is no exception with its big, brown eyes and waggling tail.

"You guys were lucky, I was just returning home after walking Milo. If I was home when you called there's no way I would have come," Alaska says as she closes the door.

"Hey Milo!" Luke smiles widely. The dog (Milo, I guess) walks over to him with his tongue out and tail waggling like crazy.

"Nice to see you too, Luke," Alaska says sarcastically as Luke starts petting and somewhat cuddling Milo.

"Thank you for coming, we just need more opinions." Ashton smiles at Alaska and gets up. She just smiles and nods in return.

Michael proceeds to explain that we're going to play through the songs for tomorrow so that she can tell us her opinions on each. Meanwhile, I walk over to Milo and bend down in front of him.

"Hey boy," I smile widely and put my hand in front of his face. He smells it for a second before he licks it with his tiny tongue. He's so cute, I almost want to grab the little guy and run back to my aunt's place. I laugh and start petting him, and I feel all my stress disappearing for a couple of seconds.

It returns, though, when we get back to our places, quietly preparing for another round. My fingertips are numb after all the playing and my voice is soar, but I can't exactly just go home, Michael will probably kill me in my sleep if I do.

We start playing, but the only thing I can think about is how nervous I actually am. I'm not used to playing for more than maybe five people, max, and I have no idea how many people are going to be there tomorrow. I'm sure all our moms are going to come, plus Alaska and maybe her mom as well, and my aunt, and that makes it seven. That's already more than five. I don't know if I can handle more than five people, I can barely-

"Calum, it was your turn," Luke says warily, interrupting my thoughts. Dammit, I f.ucked up.

"I'm sorry, I was just..." I mutter, trailing off as I sigh and push my hand through my hair.

"No, no, it's okay," Ashton smiles understandingly. I guess they must be nervous too, but since this is actually their band they're probably more excited than anything. For me it's just another opportunity to f.uck everything up.

"I'm just nervous, I don't know," I mumble quickly while lightly shaking my head.

"Hey, as long as you don't, you know, drop out, it's okay," Ashton chuckles, causing a knot to form in my stomach. It's not like I'm planning to drop out, that would make them hate me and they're kind of my only (halfway) friends, but just thinking about the gig makes me nauseous. I don't say anything, however, I just force a small laugh and nod. Sure, I'll try not to drop out...

A/N: okay this is short and boring and late af but I've been wifi-less and motivation-less and some shit happened on sunday and I'm really sorry and you guys are probably so tired of hearing me say that 


I'll try not to be too late with the next update I'm sorry again ugh

ily guys

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