Chapter 3

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After math I want to bio and after bio it was lunch. At lunch I sat with Emily, Tiffany and Chloe. Chloe was another one of my friends and usually Emily's sister Riley also sits with us but apparently she's home sick today. We start talking about this and that when Chloe and I see Michelle, Amanda, Giselle, and Thalia walk into the cafeteria and sit a few tables away from us.

"Guys! Look who just showed up. But don't make eye contact!" Chloe whispers to all of us.

Tiffany and Emily both glance behind themselves and roll their eyes. In our school their are two categories of the social hierarchy, girls and boys. At the top of the boys is West, Eldon, Daniel, James, and Hunter. I've never actually talked to any of them because if you're the highest on the girl's hierarchy, you're immediately higher than all the boys. Chloe, Tiffany, Emily, Riley, and I are all the most popular in the school. Right below us are Michelle, Giselle, Amanda, and Thalia so they basically hate us.

I look over at the other girls and Amanda is scowling at me. I just roll my eyes and blow her a kiss. Emily grabs my wrist and I turn my attention to her.

"Steph. Do my stilettos match my black skirt?" Emily questions me urgently.

This question takes me a minute to think about before I decide on a yes and nod my head. Emily smiles pleasantly and looks back at Tiffany.

"Told ya!" She exclaimes.

"Whatever" Tiffany mutters.

I just laugh and continue eating my lunch.


Walking into the cafeteria in the whole place is a buzz is not really how I like to have my day go. There are two cafeterias in the school and every once in a while they'll do a full cleaning blitz in one so everyone is shoved and packed into the other one. I make my way over to Eldon sitting at a table with Hunter and Daniel. I pull up a chair and listen in on the conversation.

"Dude, no!" Hunter says to Eldon.

"Um, yes. If it's impossible than why did they invent the chair?" Eldon replies.

"What?" I butt in.

"Oh nothing" Hunter says with a sigh.

I just smile and laugh.
The bell signalling the end of lunch goes off so I head to my locker to grab my physics stuff and I grab my stuff for math afterwards. I step into the physics classroom and look around. I take a seat by the window and wait for class to start.

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