Chapter 10

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After school I grab my books and run over to Emily's locker. She closes her locker just as I reach her.

"Ready?" I ask her, already knowing the answer.

"You bet!" She replies linking her arm through mine. "You know that really cute store in the mall? Well turns out they just hot a new shipment in today so I think we should go there first." She states as we arrive at each other's cars.

We always park right beside each other for no particular reason other, except then we don't have to worry about being surrounded by weirdos.

"Sounds good! I say. We separate from each other and head into our own cars. I roll down my window and motion at her to do the same. "I'll follow you there?" I ask excitedly.

"Duh!" She squeals before rolling up her window and pulling out of the parking lot as I follow closely behind her.

I'm so excited for Steph's date. I know I'm not going on it but I still couldn't be more excited. I pull into an empty parking spot and Stephanie rolls up beside me. I park and step out of my car as she does the same. We both look at each other before walking to the doors. I open the door for her as we step inside the main area of the mall.

"So," I sigh "who's the guy?" I giggle as we start walking towards the store.

She looks at me with her signature 'really?' look which makes me roll my eyes.

"Ok fine. I didn't want you to make a huge deal out of this but I really can't keep a secret from you!" She starts. "You know the popular guys? You know, Eldon," at the mention of Eldon's name I smile and blush. I've thought Eldon was cute for quite a while now but he's been with Michelle for what seems like forever. My blush gets me a playful jab in the ribs from Steph.

"Daniel," she continues "Hunter, and West." She finishes. I haven't really seen West before. I've heard of him and he's on the football team so that must mean he's somebody.

"Ok, which one of them is it?" I inquire.

"West" she states. "We met in a dog park and we have art together. He asked me out this morning." She's smiling and I can tell she really likes him.

"Well if you like him a lot then we better hurry up the shopping!" I suggest. "We do not want you to be late!" I squeal as we step inside what seems like a fashion addict's heaven.

After picking out a navy blue dress with a floral pattern on it Emily and I head over to the cafe. We each buy a coffee and chat before I realize I need to get home and get ready. I finally reach home and spend about an hour getting my hair just right and then another hour for makeup. I slip into my new dress just as I hear the doorbell ring. I look into my mirror one last time and smooth out my dress before heading downstairs. I open the door and see west smiling at me.

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