Chapter 15

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I pulled up to Stephanie's house at 7:00 and got out of my car. Walking towards her porch made me realize I'll probably meet her parents when I ring the doorbell.

Sure enough when I ring the doorbell a woman answers the door.

"Hello, you must be West. I'm Stephanie's mom." She greets as she shakes my hand.

"Very nice to meet you." I reply.

Then I see Stephanie. Shes not dressed that fancy because I told her not to but she still looks amazing. She put her hair up in a messy bun and is wearing jeans and a t-shirt.

"Hey." She says looking at me.

"Hey." I reply. "We should probably head out now."

Stephanie nods and takes my hand as I lead her to my car.

"I'll be back at 11!" Steph calls back to her mom before getting in my car.

I look over at Stephanie and she's looking back at me.

"So where to?" She asks me.

"Let's just say I hope you like picnics." I answer with a smirk.

Stephanie rolls her eyes in an adorable way before looking out the window and replying "Yes. I do like picnics.


West finally parks his car beside a park and we get out. West goes to the trunk and gets a huge picnic basket.

"West! Why do you have so much stuff for a casual night?" I ask him in surprise.

"Well who says casual has to be casual?" West replies with a smirk.

I laugh as I follow him to the top of a hill in the middle of the park. He lays down a blanket and starts taking food out of the basket.

I kneel down on the edge of the blanket and look at all the food.

"Ok so I brought burritos and nachos. For dessert I have chocolate cake and to drink there is lemonade." He looks at me proudly.

"Did you make all this yourself?" I ask.

"Well no. Everything is made by my parents. But I did help!" West clarifies.

I laugh at him and we start eating.


We finish eating and I must admit it was really good.

"Hey the sun is setting!" West points behind me.

I snap my head around and stand up. I walk over to the edge of the hill and look at the cotton candy clouds.

"It's beautiful." I say.

West walks over beside me and grabs my hand. "Almost as beautiful as you."

I look up at him and he's looking down at me. He starts leaning in and I don't realize I am too until our lips connect.

It seems like we're kissing forever, but it's a good kind of forever. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him harder. We finally pull away and we just stare into each other's eyes.

We silently pack up the picnic stuff and he drives me home.

He walks me to my front door.

"I had a really great time tonight. Thank you." I tell West.

"I had a good time too," West replies and grabs my hand before letting go.

"Goodnight." I say.

"Goodnight." He replies.

He lets go of my hand and walks back to his car. I open my door and walk inside.

"I'm home!" I call out once I shut the door.

"In here Stephanie." Mom calls from the kitchen.

I walk into the kitchen to see Mom and Dad sitting at the kitchen table.

"What's up?" I ask, confused about the tension in the air.

"Honey we need to talk," Dad starts "about West."

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