Chapter 13

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I'm walking to class slowly hoping to bump into Stephanie. Yesterday was the day after the date and even though I caught a glimpse of her during lunch, we didn't see each other long enough to talk. We only have classes together 2-3 times a week and it's only art.

I look at the clock and realize I probably should be getting to chemistry.

(at the end of the day)
I had Art with Stephanie but we didn't talk much. I decide to head home and phone her when I get there.

I get home and step out of my car. I walk up to the door, open it, and make a left turn towards the elevator. When I get inside I pull out my phone and dial Steph's number. It rings twice before she picks up.

"Hello?" I hear her say into the phone.

"Hey! Its West." I reply.

"Oh hi! What's up?"

"Nothing much. Well actually I have a question." I say nervously. The elevator doors open and I step out onto my floor.

"Ok. Shoot." She says. I can tell she's nervous because her voice is quivering the slightest but at the end of her words.

"Um well I was just wondering, uh, what are we?" I stutter.

"Um, what do you want to be?" She asks.

I muster all of my courage as I sit down on the floor of my hallway. "More than friends?" I ask hesitantly.

"Yeah." She sounds relieved. "Yeah I would like that. So does this mean I can call you my boyfriend now?" She asks me with a hint of excitement in her voice.

"Yes. But I got to go so I'll see you at school?" I question.

"Yes." She says and hangs up.

I lie down in the middle of the hallway and smile to myself. This action of course gets the attention of a maid and she rushes over to see if I'm ok. I assure her I'm fine and walk to my room.

(3 months later)


I wake up on a sunny Sunday afternoon to the sound of a vehicle pulling up into my drive way. I groan and stagger over to the window.

Pulling the blinds back I gasp. I see a white limo in my driveway and two people step out. Mom and dad! I think to myself before dashing out of my room, down the stairs, and out of the house onto the street.

"Mom! Dad!" I cry before collapsing into their arms. Our family isn't very close and sometimes I feel like the glue desperately trying to hold us together.

"Oh Stephanie! Sweetie!" My mom says with tears in her eyes. I haven't seen my parents in almost 4 months because of back to back conferences. I can't even see them anymore my eyes are so blurred with tears.

"Let's head inside!" My dad says as he kisses the top of my head.

"I didn't know you were coming home" I whisper to my mom. I'm not trying to exclude my dad from the conversation but I've always felt much closer to my mom. "You could've called me!" I mock scold her.

"I know! I know! But I wanted it to be a surprise!" She exclaims as she pulls me into another hug. "Were you surprised?" She asks me.

"Best surprise ever." I say pulling out of the hug. "Come inside. We have a lot to catch up on." I say.

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