Part 2

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A/N: This part is in Logan's POV. Sorry its kinda short but its my first story I need to develope some skills but hope you like it :) 


I had just gotten of my flight in NY and I was so tired and I had tons of paparazzi waiting for me; that’s what I get for being late again. I really didn’t want them to notice me. To my luck one of them went after me and I just ran didn’t even noticed where I was going. I looked back to see if he was following me when all of a sudden I bumped into a girl. She was stunning her dark hair, big brown eyes and her cute smile, but as soon as I bumped into her the smile faded away and went from mad to shocked expression. She wanted a picture and an autograph but I was so pissed at the paparazzi, I think I kinda took it out on her and it wasn’t her fault; she must think I’m a total jackass.

The last thing she said was “Well nice to meet you… I guess?!”and she rolled her eyes,  I felt bad after I noticed what I did. I really didn’t mean to treat her like that, is just that the paparazzi got to my nerves that day. Try to be in an 8 hour flight and then have tons of people following you around with cameras, not a good mix.

I saw her ask something to the lady at the desk and a few minutes later a cab came for her. I needed to know where she was going that disappointing look she gave me was stuck in my mind, I needed to show her that my actions where wrong; most of all I needed to apologize. 

Why can’t I get her eyes and her smile out of my head? She was beautiful even in a pile with her luggage on the floor. “Stop it Henderson, you don’t even know her yet.” I said to myself before I decided to go talk to the lady at the desk.

-“Hi can you help me with something?” 

-“Sure, in what can I be of service?”

-“I really need to know where the girl that was just here was going, can you please help me with that?”

-“Sir we don’t give out personal information out, sorry.”

-“Please I need to know!”

The miss at the desk and I had a long argument before she decided to cave in and give me the girl’s name and where she has headed. Haha guess the miss took me seriously when I said I wouldn’t leave my spot and make a scene until she gave me what I was asking for.

-“Ok, Ok Il talk but you know I can get fired if they catch me”

-“Don’t worry your secret is safe with me” Now I can put a name on the girl who’s eyes where driving me crazy.

-“Her name is Elizabeth and she asked me if I could call her a cab to this address” she said handing me a paper with Elizabeth’s name and where she was at. 

 -"Thank you miss" I smiled at her and headed to where me and the boys were staying.

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