Pinky Swear

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Okay guys, I want to take the relationship slower at first because they kind of just met, if you have any prompts that you want me to add to the story, please let me know ;)

That afternoon, Larissa said a few words to the school out in the courtyard. You stood amongst the crowd, not trying to make anything obvious but would give her a small smile now and then.
" Right, the Raven Dance is on Saturday so you may go tomorrow to find your clothes at Hawte Kewture. The school bus will be leaving at ten in the morning and will be returning at two in the afternoon, have a splendid rest of your day." Larissa announced over a crowd of murmers.

Everyone began walking away and you awkwardly waited by the tree for them to go.
" I always get a little bit nervous when speaking up there." Larissa laughed.
" You speak wonderfully, I actually forgot about the Rave'n.
" Mm, so are you still going to be my date?" Larissa asked, playing with your collar.
" Yes." You smiled up at her.
" Perfect, I have a board meeting now, why don't you start packing."
" For what?" You asked in confusion.
" Just pack little bits at a ime, not to be suspicious, and move them to my room, if you want?" Larissa hesitated saying this but you smiled.
" Okay." You gave her a small hug and went seperate ways.

" Hey Wednesday." You entered your dorm.
" Howdie!" Enid frightened you.
" Hey." You smiled.
" We saw you outside with Principal Weems, you two make a good couple." Wednesday said plainly.
" What—" you started stuttering.
" We won't tell!" Enid blurted.
" Okay, well, as long as you don't tell, there are already rumours." You looked at your watch and began folding up extra sets of clothes.

" What are you doing?" Enid asked.
" No-nothing, I just wanted to organise my wardrobe." You lied.
" Are you moving in together?" Enid asked excitedly.
" Ugh! I can't keep secrets from you two can I? Yes, but I have to move gradually so people don't suspect anything." You explained.
" Who knows about you and Weems?" Wednesday asked, going through papers.
" You two and Thornhill." You responded.
" Well we won't say anything until it's okay for us to—"
" I'm trusting you, don't blog about it." You said to Enid.
" I won't, pinky swear." She held out her pinky and you pinky swore hesitantly.
Wednesday got up and walked out of the room with her bag on her back.

" What colour are you wearing to the dance?" Enid asked.
" What's the theme again?"
" Extinction meets climate change —but in a fun way! So your colours would possibly be blue, silver and white. We all know that Wednesday is going to wear black." Enid chuckled. You laughed too.
" Well, I don't want it to look like I'm getting married so white is off the list, I think I'll go with blue." You decided.
" Perfect!"
" What are you wearing?" You asked.
" A silver dress with a white fluffy collar, I found it a few weeks ago before lock down and I knew I had to get it." Enid explained.
" You're going to look amazing!" You said happily.
" Thank you." Enid smiled.
My word this conversation is so optimistic lols.

There was a knock on the door, it opened to Larissa's smiling face.
" Hello girls." She said awkwardly, not expecting Enid to be there.
" Hey." You and Enid both said at the same time.
" I- Y/n, I'll see you later." Larissa said with a blush and she walked out of the room.
Enid looked to you and smiled excitedly.
" Shit, I need to finish packing up." You muttered.
" Take pyjamas—"
" I know what to take." You laughed.

There was another knock on the door.
Larissa came in again.
" Listen Y/n, move your whole room." Larissa said hesitantly.
Enid smiled uncontrollably.
" Enid, so you know?" Larissa asked, her eyes darting from you two Enid.
Enid nodded.
" Don—"
" I won't say anything, my lips are sealed." Enid smiled.
" Thank you, now that I'm here, I will help you pack." Larissa said, walking over to your wardrobe.
" I'm going to check on the boats for the Poe Cup." Enid said, heading out the door.

" I'm sorry, they just suspected something and found out." You said quietly.
" Don't worry about that darling." Larissa smiled and kissed your cheek.
" How did the meeting go?" You asked.
" Quite well, we just discussed what to do about lockdown, and they said it can be dropped tomorrow when everyone goes to get their dresses." Larissa explained.
" That's cool, have you decided what you're wearing?" You asked.
" That's for me to know and you to find out." Larissa winked.

She pulled a steamer trunk from underneath your bed and opened it. There was a family photo inside.
" Is this your family?" Larissa asked, you turned around and took the photo from her in a hurry.
" Yes." You hid it away again.
" Darling, what's the matter?" Larissa asked, hugging you when you started to tear up.
" I just hate being reminded of them." You said.
" I understand, sorry love." Larissa kissed the top of your head.
" Don't be sorry." You mumbled into her chest.
" Are you going to tell them about us?" Larissa asked with caution.
" Eventually." You looked up to her and gave a small smile. She smiled back and picked you on the lips before returning to your bags.
In an hour, you packed almost everything.

" We can take these to my room tonight." Larissa said.
" When it's quiet." You added.
Larissa sat down on your bed and pulled you into her lap.
" I love you." She said.
" I love you too." You responded, kissing her lovingly.
" Let's get up and go grab a bite." Larissa said, you got off her lap and she stood up, towering you.
You both walked to the dining hall, getting food from the buffet.

Larissa sat down at the table and looked at her watch.
" Hey guys!" Thornhill sat down beside you.
" Hey." You and Larissa both said at the same time.
" Thank goodness the lockdown is ending, I am dying for my mocha latte." Thornhill laughed.
" How's the classes going Marilyn?" Larissa asked.
" Good, Wednesday and Bianca are my brightest students, there's just a lot of tension, they keep using flowers and other carnivorous plants as metaphors for their adversary." Thornhill explained, rolling her eyes at the end.
" Oh dear, and what about y/n?" Larissa asked.
You blushed.
" Ah! Y/n, you are an excellent student but easily distracted." Thornhill said honestly.
Larissa laughed.
" Sorry, it's not that I find your lessons boring or anything, I just—" you were interrupted by Thornhill.
" Don't worry, I understand." Thornhill laughed.
Soon enough, you three began speaking on a lighter note about the Rave'n.

" I absolutely love dances, who are you taking Y/n?" Thornhill asked.
" I-um, I'm going with Larissa." You said and looked over to her, she smiled warmly.
" That's exciting!" Thornhill exclaimed.
You thought that Thornhill's attitude was ultimately influenced by her exaggerated optimism. You liked her anyway.
" I hope they play good music." You said.
Larissa laughed.
" There is going to be a DJ." She said.
" Is there?"
" Mm, something McBloodSucker I'm not too sure." Larissa shrugged.
" Vampire?" You asked.
" Most probably." Larissa winked.

Everyone went off to their dorms, you and Larissa snuck to your dorm to get the bags.
" Sorry girls." Larissa apologised to Wednesday and Enid.
" Uhaul much." Wednesday commented.
" Shut up." You rolled your eyes and Larissa laughed.
You and Larissa took a trunk each and headed to her office.

" Thank god we got your suitcases here." She smiled.
You laughed and placed them in the corner of her room.
" I have a question, and I totally understand if you don't want to." Larissa started.
" Yeah?" You smiled, sitting down on her lap.
" Would you like to- to- to—"
" It's okay Larissa, you can ask me anything." You assured her.
She cleared her throat and smiled.
" Would you like to shower with me?" She asked, searching your eyes.
" That would be lovely." You smiled and kissed her deeply.

Larissa began running the shower water in.

Shower scene in next chapter :)

Ophelia ( Larissa Weems X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now