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Graduation day came along, Larissa had to leave early to set up for the event so you agreed that you would both get up earlier than usual and spend the early hours of the morning together.

" Good morning, baby." Larissa smiled, walking up beside you.
You fluttered your eyes open to look at her.
" Good morning." You smiled.
" Graduation." Larissa said excitedly, reminding you. You laughed and sat up.
" I can't believe that my school life is over." You said.
" I know, it's so exciting." Larissa hugged you tightly and you both got out of bed, making coffee and breakfast together.

You sat down on the sofa with her, both of you were still in your pyjamas.
" Y/n?"
" Yeah?" You looked to her, after taking a sip of your coffee.
" I am really proud of you." Larissa said, kissing your forehead.
You smiled happily but began to tear up.
" Oh darling, what's the matter?" Larissa asked, putting both of your cups down in the table and embracing you.
" No-nothing, it's just- that was so sweet and I- thank you Rissy." You smiled, pulling away from her to look into her eyes.
" Aww, my love." Larissa hugged you tightly again.

After a while, it came to your attention that it was getting late.
"I think we should get dressed." You suggested, with a small laugh.
" Okay, come love." Larissa took your hand and you both headed into the bedroom.
She wore her outfit with a golf chain and bangle and helped you get ready in your graduation cloak that all students received the day before.
" Well done my love." Larissa kissed you lightly.
" I couldn't have done it withot you." You said, hugging her.
" I love you." Larissa said softly.
" I love you too." You smiled.

You wore light makeup and headed to Wednesday and Enid's dorm when you and Larissa had to part ways for the morning.

You knocked at the door, it opened immediately to Enid's happy face.
" Get in!" She said, pulling you inside.
" I'm so excited!" You exclaimed.
" Me too! Wednesday is getting changed." Enid said, hugging you.
" Well done, you did well this year " you said to her as you pulled apart.
" Thank you, so did you." She nodded with a smile.
" We stood up to our stupid mothers and now we can finally be who we want to be." You said.
" Repulsive. But I'm not surprised." Wednesday said, opening the closet door.
" Hey Wednesday." You smiled.
" I don't get why we have to have a big celebration, it's a waste of time." Wednesday said, packing her bags.
" Ooh! Are you packed? Where are you going?" Enid asked.
" Oh- I'm not packed yet, Larissa never said anything so I don't know what to do, I don't want to cross the line or anything so we will probably speak after graduation." You explained.
" What if you stay here?" Enid asked, pulling a face.
" I don't know, where are you going?" You asked.
" Yoko and I are going on a short holiday together, we did invite Wednesday but she refused, as expected. We didn't know if we should invite you because your plans might have been different and we didn't want to cut into Weems' schedule or life." Enid explained.
" That's cool, have fun!" You smiled.

There was a knock at the door, Marilyn stepped in and walked towards the three of you.
" Girls, well done for completing your schooling, I am really proud of you all and I know that you will do great things." She said, hugging you all ( yes, including Wednesday).
" Thank you Miss Thornhill." Enid smiled.
" Thank you." You smiled too while Wednesday remained silent.
" I think we can go down now." Marilyn said, checking her watch.
You, Enid and Wednesday followed her downstairs and into the courtyard where there were seats put out. Parents were arriving.

" Right! Soon to be graduates of Nevermore, please take your seats from the front row!" Larissa called over the microphone, smiling. She winked at you with a little laugh, you smiled brightly back and sat down next to Enid and Xavier.
" I'm gonna miss this place." Xavier said.
" Yeah." You agreed.
" I need to clear out my art studio." He added.
" What are you planning on doing?" You asked.
" A full time artist." Xavier responded with a smile.
" Me too." You nodded.
" Snap." He said.

" Welcome everyone, please quieten down as we begin the ceremony." Larissa said.
She spoke for ten minutes about the history of Nevermore and it's purpose as a whole, thanking staff members and speaking about love, which you found really cute.
She began calling the names.
" Wednesday Addams!" She called with a smile.
Wednesday rose from her seat and walked up to the podium, coming to sit down again once she had her diploma.
Larissa called a few more names.
" Enid Sinclair! ... Xavier Thorpe!"
" Y/n Y/l/n!" She called.
You got up nervously from your seat, walking towards Larissa. You shook her hand and looked into her eyes, she was welling up with tears.
" Love you." She mouthed.
You smiled, and sat back down.

The graduation ceremony had come to an end, everyone threw their hats in the air. Everyone walked away from their seats, greeting their parents with hugs.
You stood in one place, alone, not seeing your parents in the crowd.
" Hey darling." Larissa smiled.
You turned around and smiled back.
" Hey, it felt weird shaking your hand so formally." You laughed.
" I know, I would have preferred a kiss but you know, life is filled with disappointments. " Larissa laughed.
You hugged each other for a while until you heard a voice from behind you.
" Well done kiddo."
You turned around to see your father standing with a small gift.
" Hey dad." You smiled.
" Mr Y/l/n, how are you?" Larissa asked.
" I'm all good, Y/n, I was wondering if you and Larissa would like to come for Christmas dinner. It will just be me, your mother is allegedly on a business trip."
You smiled and looked to Larissa.
" That would be wonderful." Larissa said and you agreed, hugging your dad.
" I got you a present, open it when I'm not here, you know how awkward I get." You dad said, handing you the present.
" Thanks dad." You smiled. He returned the smile.
" I best be going, a long journey." He said.
" Thank you for coming, it means a lot." You said, giving him one last hug.
" I wouldn't trade it for the world, I love you kiddo." Your dad said.
" I love you too, dad." You responded, squeezing his hand as he departed from you.

Larissa smiled at you.
" Are you alright?" She asked, seeing that you were sad.
" Yeah, I'm sorry, he- I'm going to miss him." You said, wiping your tears from your eyes.
Larissa hugged you tightly.
" Why don't we say goodbye to everyone and we can go up to the dorm? " Larissa asked, brushing a hair out of your face.
" That sounds perfect." You nodded.
" Okay."
You found Enid standing with Wednesday near the parking lot.
" I've just come to say goodbye." You said and hugged Enid.
" Bye y/n, message me, okay?" She said.
" I will." You laughed and turned to Wednesday.
She gave in. " Three seconds." She rolled her eyes.
You hugged her, surprisingly, she hugged you back.
" One... Two.." she counted.
" Okay, okay." You laughed along with Enid.

" Larissa." You heard Morticia greet Larissa.
" Morticia, how are you?" Larissa asked.
" Positively morbid." She responded.
Gomez and Pugsley followed Morticia and stood beside each other.
" Who is this?" Morticia turned to you.
" Oh, I'm y/n." You said.
" Y/n, interesting name. Larissa is this your daughter?" She asked.
" Uh no, my girlfriend actually." Larissa said confidently.
Everyone's heads shot up to her, you blushed.
" Girlfriend?" Gomez asked.
" Yes." You responded.
" Ah! Well congratulations, I hope you have a lovely time together." Morticia said, smiling and they all said goodbye.
Enid and Yoko went too and it was time for Larissa and you to go back to her office.

" I have something that I wanted to speak to you about. " Larissa said.
" Okay, what is it?" You asked, sitting down beside her in the sofa.
" I was wondering - you know- stand up." Larissa said and stood up with you, fiddling in her pockets and kneeling down to the floor.
She opened a purple velvet box, in it contained a diamond ring.
" Oh—"
" I know this isn't the most romantic place for this to happen but I can't help myself.      Y/n, will you marry me?" Larissa asked.
You stood there smiling for a few moments and began nodding.
" Yes!  Yes! Larissa." You laughed, you were both cryin tears of happiness and you put each others rings in your fingers.
" I love you." Larissa said, hugging you.
" I love you too, so much!" You responded, pulling away and kissing her deeply.
" Why don't we go for an evening coffee at the Weathervane?" Larissa suggested.
" I would love that " you nodded and smiled.

Thank you for reading! <3

Ophelia ( Larissa Weems X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now