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The next day, you and Larissa drove to Jericho and walked into the Weathervane like you usually do.
" The regular?" Tyler asked.
" No actually, we'll try something different.
" Well, there is someone who comes here a lot too, the mocha latte is her favourite." Tyler said.
" Alright, I have that but Larissa has to try it, thank you Tyler." You said, Larissa smiled and sat next door to you like she normally does.

Tyler came back with your drinks a few moments later.
" Who orders the mocha latte?"
" Uh- Mrs Thornhill and Dr Kinkbott." Tyler responded with the confused brow.
" Sorry, we were just wondering, well they both have good taste." Larissa said after taking a sip.
" Thank you." You said and Tyler walked away with a smile.
From the Weathervane, you and Larissa noticed Dr Kinkbott walking from her office , looking both ways before walking into Uriah's Heap.

" What is she doing?" You asked.
" Let's go." Larissa nodded her head, finishing off her coffee. You paid and headed out, walking past Uriah's Heap with a small glance, only to find that Kinkbott was fiddling with taxidermied roadkill.
" Weirdo." You laughed, Larissa chuckled and you both decided to wait at her offices.
" Darling, I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me?" Larissa asked out of the blue.
" Of course!" You smiled.
" Brilliant! Instead of the Weathervane, I thought that we could take an hour trip past Jericho to a restaurant that I used to go to when I was at Nevermore?"
" That sounds perfect."
" Lovely, I'll make the reservations tonight and we can go tomorrow." Larissa smiled and got up as soon as she saw Dr Kinkbott approaching your way.

" Principle Weems! What a pleasure, is everything okay?" Dr Kinkbott asked.
" We would like to speak to you on a personal note." Larissa said.
" Of course, come right in."
Dr Kinkbott led the way to her office and made you and Larissa sit on the patients seat together while she sat in the usual psychologist's chairm.

" What would you like to speak to me about?"
" One of your patients, Tyler." Larissa responded plainly.
" Oh I'm sorry, that's doctor-patient confidentiality, I cannot legally—"
" We think there is a connection between him and the murders that are taking place and we wondered if you knew anything about this?" Larissa asked, raising her eyebrow.
" Uh- no. I personally don't think that Tyler has anything to do with these murders. " Dr Kinkbott shook her head in objection.
" Well done for remembering the script." You said.
" I have no idea what you're talking about."
" What about Francois?" Larissa asked.
" Francois, his mother. He grows cold when speaking about her but that's what long term grief does to you." Dr Kinkbott explained.
" What was Francois to Tyler?" Larissa asked.
" An absent mother of whom he so desperately needed"

Your phone beeped.
" It's Enid."

ENID: Hey y/n, Wednesday is out again, says she is going to Jericho.

" Wednesday is coming." You said..
" Here?" Larissa asked, turning to you.
" I don't know, Enid just said that she is coming to Jericho."
As you said that, Wednesday walked through the door.
" I know all about you." Wednesday said to Dr Kinkbott.
" Wednesday?"
" I have something to give back to you." Wednesday opened her bag and took out a polished box. LG was written on the bottom corner.
" Wh-" Kinkbott was interrupted by Wednesday.
" You're Laurel Gates, coming to take your revenge." Wednesday stated.
" You are totally out of line!"
" No, you have been hiding in another identity, manipulating Tyler. You are the Hyde's master." Wednesday explained monotonously.
Dr Kinkbott got out her phone.
" Who you calling?" Wednesday asked.
" Calling the psychiatric facility, you are in need of serious help, more than I can give you." Kinkbott said, horrified by Wednesday's accusations.
" Oh please, you and I both know that I will be ruling that joint the minute I walk in." Wednesday rolled her eyes.
Heading out the door

" Wednesday!" Larissa yelled.
" Thank you for your time, we're so sorry about Wednesday.," You added, Kinkbott nodded, giving a slight smile but you could see that she was still stressed.

Larissa and you followed Wednesday downstairs, heading to the Weathervane.
" Wednesday!" You called.
" I know, I was disappointed to see you too, the feeling is mutual." Wednesday crossed her arms.
" Wednesday, you cannot make those bizarre accusations against people of whom you hardly know." Larissa said loudly.
" Well I-" Wednesday started but got interrupted by a scream coming from Dr Kinkbotts offices.

Larissa and you stood frozen in place, Wednesday ran off, returning a few moments later.
" Tyler's not there." She said.
" Wh-"
Just then, Tyler walked out of Dr Kinkbotts offices, looking around before heading your way.
You, Larissa and Wednesday all rushed to the car and hopped in, buckling up and driving quickly away into abither street where Tyler couldn't see you.
" Holy shit, do you think she's alright?" You asked.
" I'm not sure." Larissa responded.
" She's dead." Wednesday stated.
" How do you know?" Larissa asked, Wednesday didn't respond.
Larissa looked to you and held your hand tightly.
" Let's wait a while before going back." Larissa suggested.
" Oh please, he's gone." Wednesday rolled her eyes and hopped out the car.
" Wednesday! Get back here!" Larissa called after her but you both ended up following her back to Kinkbotts offices.

" Dr Kinkbott?" Larissa called, slowly stepping in front and making her way upstairs.
Larissa screamed.
" Oh God." She turned around and looked at you.
" Don't look, darling don't look." Larissa repeated, leading you out the room and dialling the hospital.
" Uh- yes, this is Larissa Weems, there has been an attack at Dr Kinkbotts offices, we need an ambulance right away." Larissa cried silently over the phone.
She put the ohoen down and you hugged her tightly.
" I'm so sorry you had to see that." You said softly, kissing her cheek.

The sheriff came running to you.
" What happened, Tyler said that he head a scream." He said, looking at you and then Larissa.
" Of course he did." You said.
" We spoke to Dr Kinkbott, Wednesday was there too and we walked out. After standing outside the Weathervane for a while, we heard a scream and saw Tyler coming out of these offices." Larissa explained.
" Then we went to investigate once Tyler had returned to the Weathervane and Ris-Larissa saw Dr Kinkbott." You said the last part of your sentence softly, taking Larissa's hand.
" Alright, well we need hard evidence." The sheriff said.
" That is hard evidence, eye witness accounts right there!" Larissa yelled.
" Alright, after we are done at the hospital I'm taking all three of you down to the station for a seperate interrogation." The sheriff said.
" Okay." Larissa wiped her eyes when the sheriff walked away and you held her again.

The ambulance came and took Dr Kinkbott in a stretcher.
" We'll follow them in the car." Larissa said, walking back .
" Are you sure you can drive?" You asked.
" It's okay, I can." Larissa smiled and hopped in the car.
The three of you took your normal seats and headed towards the hospital.

The Sheriff was already there and you all sat in the waiting area.
The doctor came through.
" She's gone." He said with sadness.
" Oh my word." Larissa said sadly.
" That's awful."
" The same animal attacks." The doctor shrugged.
" It wasn't an animal." The sheriff stood up.
" Then what was it?" The doctor asked with a brow of confusion.
" A monster." The sheriff walked away, you couldn't believe that he had admitted it.

Thank you for reading <3

Ophelia ( Larissa Weems X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now