Christmas Guests ( TW maybe idk)

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Larissa, Rory and you prepared the Christmas lunch together and got changed. Soon enough, there was a knock on the door. Larissa opened it.
" Marilyn, Mr Y/l/n, come inside."
" I think that you should call me by my first name, Larissa?"
" Hey." You gave Marilyn and your dad a hug before stepping beside Larissa again.
" Right, well let's hang your coats up, sit in front of the fire, keep warm." Larissa said and you helped them with their coats, they went with Larissa to the living room.
" Hot chocolate?" You asked. They all said yes and you parted into the kitchen to find Rory sitting on the counter.

" Darling, out guests are here." You said.
" I- sorry I know, I'll be out now." She said, hopping off the counter, looking rather upset.
" Rory, what's wrong?" You asked softly so no one would hear.
" Nothing." Rory shook her head, clutching onto her phone.
You held your hand out. " Rory, I know I promised to never ask to look at your phone but something is clearly troubling you." You said strictly.
She gave you the phone hesitantly and put in the pin to open it.
The first thing you saw were
Lose 10 kg in a week.
You wrinkled your brow.
" Rory, darling, why are you looking at thi—"
Rory began crying silently, you took her upstairs and closed the door behind you in her bedroom.
" I'm sorry." Rory said, wiping her tears.
" Don't apologise to me, darling, you don't even need to look at this." You said, shaking your head and sitting her on the bed.
" Well, I think I do. I see Draculette and she's perfect, we went swimming the other day and I just— I just don't want her to hate me. I'm not thin like her—"
You put a finger over her mouth and sat beside her, pulling her into a hug.
" Rory, you need to learn that you must not change for people, okay? You don't even need to lose weight, you're beautiful. And if Draculette can't take you for who you are, she is not worth your time. You need to learn to accept yourself, okay hun?"
Rory merely nodded and clutched onto you with a sniff.
" I'm going to take your phone for the day, okay?"
" What about you and mum? Did you ever feel self conscious?" Rory asked.
" Of course, I felt self conscious when we first met. I may be giving you too much information but when we first showered together, we were scared that we wouldn't accept each other but, we did. And when you find someone that you love dearly, it doesn't matter what you look like, you could look like an absolute troll but they'll love you nonetheless. As long as you hold onto that wonderful, original, out of the box personality of yours, true love will come your way. It's no use changing for people."
" Thank you mum." Rory hugged you again and you placed a kiss upon her head.
" Why don't we clean your tears up, and go downstairs? Mm? I promised our guests hot chocolate and it's Christmas for goodness sake, let's eat and be merry, hey?" You chuckled a bit, smiling at Rory in a comforting way.
" Okay " Rory let out a laugh and you wiped her tears, taking her hand and leading her downstairs.

" We thought we lost you." You heard Marilyn say.
" Hey Marilyn, hey grandpa." Rory walked up to them, hugging them both and sitting down beside Marilyn, distracting both your guests with conversation.
Larissa got up and walked to the kitchen, hugging you from behind.
" Hey love, is everything okay?" Larissa asked.
" Yeah, everything is fine, Rory was just feeling a bit down, I'll explain the situation when we're alone." You said, kissing her lightly and returning to the hot chocolate.
" Is she seeing red again?" Larissa asked with deep concern.
" No Rissy, she's not, she was feeling self conscious, I'll explain it all tonight." You whispered.
" Okay." Larissa gave you a warm hug and kissed your head.
" I love you." You said.
" I love you too, my angel." Larissa smiled and walked back to the living room

You brought the hot chocolate to the living room.
" Ooh, marshmallows." Rory smiled, taking a cup. " Thanks mum" she said.
" You're welcome hun." You smiled.
They all thanked you with a smile and you sat down beside Larissa, secretly melting into her warm touch.
" So y/n, tell us about work." Your dad said, taking a sip of his hot chocolate.
" Oh, it's really lovely working with Larissa and teaching Rory." You said, squeezing Larissa's hand.
" It must be, you better not get caught in the act, if you know what I mean." Your dad winked.
" Dad!" You blushed and Marilyn laughed.
" Caught in the act?" Rory looked to you and Larissa.
" Physical expressions of love." Larissa responded. Rory nodded and drank her hot chocolate.
" Sorry, that was inappropriate. Well, I've heard about everyone's home life, how about yours y/n, how's the little family treating you?" Your dad asked.
" I love my family and I love my home, life with Larissa and Rory is absolutely beautiful." You said.
" Okay, I can see that you're uncomfortable. I get it, dad's making it tense again, like the first dinner we had together." Your dad laughed.

" What happened?" Marilyn and Rory asked.
" Wanna tell them, Y/n?" Your dad raised his eyebrows to look at you.
" My dad interrogated Larissa." You put it bluntly. Larissa, Marilyn and Rory laughed.
" Not only that, they expressed their undying love for each other, right at my dinner table. Then I knew, Larissa was the best thing that ever happened to y/n, and look where you two are now, you have a daughter who loves you to the moon and back,y/n, you have a wife who adores you and you got us." Your dad explained.
" That's sweet." Rory smiled.
You and Larissa blushed with a laugh.
" Okay, enough of the romantics, how about some lunch, mm?" Larissa got up.

You had lunch together and in the late evening, there was a knock at the door.
" I'll get it!" You called and opened the door to reveal a tall old woman.
" Hello, you must be Rory." The woman said.
" No, I'm y/n, who are you?" You asked.
" Catherine Weems."
" Larissas mother?"
The woman nodded, crossing her arms.
" Listen, this is not a good time—."
" Mom?" You heard Larissa behind you and shut your eyes, hoping that Catherine would go away.
" Surprise."
" It's Christmas, what the hell are you doing here?" Larissa asked.
" Can't I have Christmas with my family?"
" Listen, I don't know what you're playing at, but the party is most over and after that, Y/n and I are going to bed, so whatever you want to say or express, make it quick."arkssa said sternly.
" No need to be rude Larissa, I wanted to see you, I spoke to you and. Y/n over the phone. Now you let me in, I want to see Rory."
" That is not in Rory's best interests and I promised you that if you came to our house I would get a restraining order." You said, licking up your keys and phone from a nearby table.
" Mom, it's about time you left. You have ruined it with us, go now." Larissa said.
Catherine sighed and walked back down the porch stairs.
" Merry Christmas Larissa, I hope you learn to make the right decisions in life." Catherine walked back to her car and drove off.

You shut the door and turned to Larissa who was welling up.
" I'm sorr— Rory can't see me like this, I'm going upstairs." Larissa said softly, running to your bedroom.
You said goodbye to your guests and put on a movie for Rory, explaining to her that you had to talk to Larissa privately, she understood.
You ran upstairs and opened the bedroom door to find Larissa lying on the bed, crying her eyes out.
" Darlin—"
" I'm sorry she ruined our Christmas." Larissa said.
" Rissy, don't be sorry, okay, let me hold you, baby." You said softly.
She sat up and let you hold her tightly, she let out a sigh of relief when your arms wrapped around her.
" Our Christmas isn't over." You said.
Larissa looked up at you with a feint smile.
" Why don't you and I go for a shower?" You suggested.
" Sounds good " Larissa took your hand and you led her to the bathroom.

" What was Rory upset about?" Larissa asked..
" She was looking at a losing weight website on her phone, so I had a little conversation with her."
" What did you say?" Larissa asked.
" I assured her that she didn't need that website and we spoke of love and used you and I as an example because she felt self conscious around Draculette." You explained.
" Oh, is she okay now?" Larissa asked.
" I hope so." You said, looking up at her.
" What example did you use?"
" When we first showered together, how self conscious we both were." Larissa laughed and gave you a hug. The warmth of her body pressing against yours.

" Rissy, dont worry about your mother, she doesn't deserve you, okay?" You said, slipping on your jumper after the shower.
Larissa nodded and held you again, once you were both dressed.
" Thank you for always being there for me, y/n."
" And thank you too, I love you so much." You said, kissing her.
" I love you too." Larissa smiled into the kiss.
" Why don't we go downstairs?"
Larissa nodded and you found Rory downstairs laughing to a comedic Christmas movie.
" Which one is this?" Larissa asked, sitting down next to Rory on the sofa.
" Elf." Rory responded, cuddling into Larissa.
You sat down too and held Larissa as well.

For the rest of the evening, you watched Christmas movies, and eventually you all fell asleep on the sofa together.

Thank you for reading, sorry I never updated yesterday<3

Ophelia ( Larissa Weems X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now