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Time skip because I have no idea what happens when people have babies lols.

The night was an extremely long one for you and Larissa:  you had the baby.
After you were all cleaned up and drifting off to sleep, Larissa came to your side and took her hand in yours.
" You did so well, love. Let me like by you." Larissa smiled.
You smiled tiredly and scooted up, Larissa pulled you onto her chest and as you were about to fall asleep, Weil came in.
" Would you like to see her?" She asked with a smile.
" Yes." You and Larissa said quickly, adjusting yourselves in the small hospital bed.

Weil brought Dylan through and you grasped Larissas hand strongly.
You and Larissa held her together and smiled down at her. Weil left the three of you alone.
" Hey Dylan." You said softly.
" Aww, Dylan, you're beautiful." Larissa said, taking Dylan's hand gently in her own.
" Just like your mother." You added, smiling up at Larissa, Larissa blushed and averted her gaze to the baby once again.

You lay in bed with Larissa and Dylan a short while longer before you began to drift off to sleep, tiredness consumed you.

When you awoke, Larissa was beside you but Dylan was not there.
" Rissy, Dylan, where is she?" You asked, raising yourself.
" Hey hey, y/n my love, she's right here." Larissa pointed to the cot beside the bed on her side.
You nodded and lay back down.
You cuddled into Larissas chest and smiled.
Rory rushed through the door and placed her bag down on a nearby chair.
" Hey Rory, hun." You smiled.
" Mom, are you okay?" Rory asked.
" Yes love, do you want to see Dylan?"
Rory nodded eagerly.
Larissa picked Dylan up and handed her to Rory who smiled down.
" Hey Dylan, I know babies aren't normally that cute but you are the cutest thing." Rory whispered sweetly.
You smiled up at Larissa who smiled back, tears flooded your eyes and you quickly wiped them away.

A day later, you could take Dylan home. Larissa was extremely paranoid about everything. She got you dressed in her comfortable clothes and dressed Dylan in the light yellow outfit that Rory had made her.
You held Dylan in your arms while Larissa carried the bags.
" What if she's allergic to stuff?" Larissa asked.
" Rissy, you need to calm down." You held Larissas hand.
" No, okay, when we get home, we're getting rid of those flowers on the dining room table—"
" Rissy, it's going to be okay. Dylan will be upstairs most of the time anyway." You explained.
Larissa nodded and breathed deeply, kissing your cheek.
You placed Dylan in the car seat and buckled in.
Larissa drove off and Fleetwood Mac played in the car.

You arrived back home, a sweet smell came from your house. Larissa frowned.
" Something's burning." She said.
You held Dylan again and Larissa placed a protective hand on your back, leading you inside.
To your suprise, Rory was icing a large cake.
" Hey mums, don't look yet!" Rory smiled.
" It smells good."
" I bloody hope so." Rory chuckled.
Larissa and you laughed.
Dylan was asleep, you ran in bathwater and Larissa got your clothes ready.
" Rissy, please, you don't need to do that." You said.
" Hush darling." Larissa smiled, pulling you in for a hug.
You melted into it, especially when she planted a soft kiss on the top of your head.
" I love you." You whispered.
" I love you too baby." Larissa responded with a smile.

You bathed while Larissa checked on Dylan.
You hopped out of the bath and got dressed, brushing out your wet hair.
" Can I brush your hair?" Larissa asked, leaning against the doorframe.
You nodded with a smile, handing her the brush.
Larissa stood behind you as you sat at the dressing table.
" My beautiful angel." Larissa whispered, running the brush through your hair gently, making sure not to hurt you.
" My beautiful goddess." You smiled at her in the mirror. You saw her blushed and let out a small chuckle.
Larissa led you downstairs, as much as you assured her that you were okay, she didn't believe you.

Rory had made the cake and stood in the kitchen proudly.
" Congratulations mums." Rory smiled.
You and Larissa entered the kitchen, seeing what Rory had written on the cake in icing.
It's a Weems!
"Rory darling, this is beautiful!" You exclaimed, giving Rory a big hug.
" Where did you learn to write like that?" Larissa smiled in amazement, also pulling Rory in for a hug.
" Eugene taught me, we spent a week writing with icing so I could perfect it. " Rory explained.
" Rory that's so sweet love." Larissa kissed Rory's cheek.
" It looks lovely."
Rory began to tear up and you immediately hugged her.
" What's the matter, dear?" Larissa asked.
" Sorry, it's just, this family is so beautiful. You have done so much for me and I already know what great parents you are going to be for Dylan, I love you both and I love Dylan too." Rory said.
" We love you so much." You whispered, wiping her tears away.
" The first of December." Rory muttered.
" Mm?"
" The first of December, Dylan's birthday." Rory smiled.

Thank you for reading <3

Ophelia ( Larissa Weems X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now