Questions ( slight TW)

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The next morning, you woke up before Larissa and made breakfast for the both of you.
You heard footsteps on the stairs held an hour later and soon felt Larissas arms snake around your waist.
" Good morning " you turned to face her.
" Hey baby." She kissed you lightly, you smiled into the kiss and gave her a hug.
" How are you feeling today?" You asked.
" I'm okay now, thank you for helping with the situation last night. Bow we don't have to deal with her." Larissa sighed contently.
" Of course baby, I'll always be there for you." You hugged her tightly before returning to the food.
" Can I have my phone?" Larissa asked.
" No "
" Y/n, I need it." Larissa exclaimed.
" Tough. Now eat your breakfast vefore it gets cold." You said, placing to plates of food on the kitchen table where you and Larissa sat.

" Baby, I need my phone, what if someone from Nevermore calls me?" Larissa asked.
" Larissa, no ine is going to call you on Christmas break, and if they can't reach you, they'll probably call me." You said.
" Fine." Larissa said.
" I was wondering, who could Rory's godmother be? In case anything happens to us, it would be good to know that she is safe." You mentioned, taking a bite of toast.
" Marilyn? She's literally like a third mother when Rory is at school." Larissa said.
" Yeah, we should invite her over and discuss it. I'll text her now." You said.
Larissa nodded. " Tea?"
" Please." You responded, texting Marilyn who soon said that she would be over at twelve for lunch.

Rory called you up a few minutes later, saying that she will be home after three so you and Larissa had a little time to prepare for Marilyn's visit.
" We still have to put that Christmas tree up." You meantioned with a small laugh.
" Mm, when Rory comes back, maybe we could put it up together this evening." Larissa said.
Larissa and you cuddled on the sofa while watching a movie and decided to prepare lunch afterwards; making sandwiches for the three of you.

The doorbell rang and you greeted Marilyn at the door, welcoming her inside.
" Hey, thank you for inviting me, I was scared that you were going MIA." Marilyn laughed.
" Well, we're not MIA but we do need to discuss something important with you." You explained, helping Marilyn out of her coat and slipping it on the rack.
" You have a lovely place, where's Rory?" Marilyn asked.
" Thank you, uh- Rory is out with friends at the moment. It's like she doesn't live here anymore." Larissa laughed.
" Well, Im glad to hear that, she needs to get out." Marilyn said.

You, Larissa and Marilyn sat down at the table and began eating.
" What did you want to speak to me about?" Marilyn asked, looking to you.
" Oh, um- well, we wanted to duscuss what would happen if Larissa and I both pass away- specifically what would happen to Rory." You began.
" That's morbid." Marilyn joked and you chuckled.
" Maybe, but the thing is, Larissa and I were wondering if you would consider being Rory's godmother?" You asked.
" Really?" Marilyn smiled.
" Yeah." Larissa responded.
" Of course!" Marilyn said happily.
" Thank you Marilyn." You smiled.

" What are you doing for Christmas?" Larissa asked.
" Nothing much."
" Would you like to come to us for Christmas?" Larissa looked to Marilyn.
" I would love that, is this my initiation into the family?" Marilyn joked.
" Oh, you already know that we consider you as family." You responded with a smile.
" Yeah." Marilyn laughed.
" Would you two like some tea?" You asked, taking everyone's plates to the kitchen.
" Yes please." They both said at the same time.

You made the tea while Larissa and Marilyn conversed.
" Thanks baby " Larissa smiled, taking the tea from you.
" Thank you y/n." Marilyn smiled too and took a sip, smiling contently.
" You make the best tea." Larissa commented.
" Shut it " you said jokingly.

The front door opened to reveal Rory.
" Hey mums- miss Thornhill?" She smiled.
" Hey Rory, we invited Marilyn for lunch, why don't you put your bags down. Did you have something to eat?" You asked.
" Yeah, I did, I'm coming now." Rory smiled and ran upstairs.
Rory returned a few moments later, adjusting her shirt that seemed unfamiliar.
" Is that-"
" It's Draculette's." Rory nodded, hugging you and Larissa.
" Draculette?" Marilyn asked.
" A girl I'm dating, she goes to Nevermore." Rory responded, sitting down at the table and opening a soda.
" Ah, I know her, she's a vampire." Marilyn commented.
Rory nodded.

" Rory, we were just discussing something." Larissa started.
Rory looked to Larissa.
" The main reason we invited Marilyn over was to ask her if she wanted to be your godmother." Larissa explained.
" What's a godmother?"
" A godmother is someone who takes you in if both of your parents had passed on." You explained.
" Oh- you're going to die?" Rory darted her eyes to you and Larissa worriedly.
" No, no hun, we're not going to die anytime soon but it's just a precautionary measure if something does happen to us." You said, placing your hand on top of hers.
" Oh, okay. Does this kind of make miss Thornhill family?" Rory asked.
" Yes baby, she's coming for Christmas." Larissa smiled.
" And call me Marilyn outside of school." Marilyn smiled.
" Okay, well, welcome to the family." Rory laughed.
You all laughed too and decided to put on a movie in the living room while Rory went for a shower.

Halfway through the movie, Rory hadn't come down.
" I'm just going to check on her." You said softly, getting up and walking upstairs to Rory's room.
You knocked on her door.
" Yes?" You heard a feint voice from inside.
You opened the door slowly, revealing Rory sitting on her bed, brushing through her wet hair.
" Sorry, I just came to check on you " you said.
" Oh, why?"
You shrugged.
" Mom, I'm okay. I'm not going to do it again. It's all better now." Rory said defensively.
" I know baby, I'm sorry-"
" Can you just accept that it's over?" Rory asked.
" Yes, yes I can and I ahve accepted it and I know how strong you are " you said, sitting down on her desk chair after closing the door.
" Why would you think I would cut again?" Rory asked with a small frown.
" Because darling, last time you were away from us, you did it. You have been away for white a while now. I'm so proud of you baby." You said, gettin guo from the desk chair and sitting down beside Rory, hugging her. She rested her head on your shoulder and smiked up at you.
" I'm sorry if I was rude." She said.
" You weren't rude." You laughed, kissing her head.
" Why don't we go downstairs?" Rory suggested.
You nodded and exited the room with her.

" Hey." Rory called.
" Hey." Larissa and Marilyn greeted, turning to you and Rory for a moment before looking back at the screen.
For the rest of the movie, Rory lay in your arms, twirling your wedding ring around your finger.
" Tired." You asked.
Rory nodded.
" Why don't you have an early night to night, get your pyjamas on and go to sleep, mm?" You suggested.
" Okay, bye Marilyn, night mum." Rory said as you walked her to her room.
" Night night." Larissa smiled.
" Bye, love." Marilyn responded.

Marilyn left late that evening and you and larissa sat in your room, cuddling each other while Rory slept soundly.

Hey guys, I may not update tomorrow because something came up <3

Ophelia ( Larissa Weems X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now