Confessional Regret.

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A month had passed ( because of writer's block, I had to do a time skip lols ) and Larissa had being doing much better emotionally.
There was another attack but Xavier wasn't the prime suspect as  yet. You and Larissa both knew that he was well aware that the monster was his very own son, he just didn't have the strength to admit it.
Larissa had her interrogation with the sheriff  a week ago which went rather well, according to her.

" Your examinations are coming up, I was wondering if I could help you study?" Larissa offered one afternoon when you came back to her office as you were done with lessons for the day.
" Really? Wouldn't that be categorised as unfair relationship perks?" You asked, placing your bag down by the coat rack.
" Who you going to tell? The principle?" Larissa smiled.
" Well, that would be lovely." You smiled and kissed her cheek, leaving her to finish off her work while you got changed in your running gear.

" Off for a run?" Larissa asked, not looking up from her computer.
" Yeah." You responded.
" Okay, see you in a bit." She called and you said goodbye, heading out the door.
You put your airpods in and began playing music.
You took a run around the school's property, primarily where the grass was and returned back to Larissa who was still working at her desk.
" Hey " you opened the door.
" Hey, how was your run?" She looked up.
" Good, how's work going." You asked.
" I'm almost done."
" That's good, just going to shower and I'll be back in a bit." You smiled.

After your shower, you returned to Larissa who had made you a cup of tea.
" Thank you " you smiled and sat next door to her on the sofa. She smiled and pulled you closer to her.
" When do you want to study?" Larissa asked.
" Whenever you're free."
" Tomorrow afternoon?" Larissa asked, brushing away a strand of hair from her face.
" Sounds great, thank you Rissy." You smiled and kissed her cheek.
" You're so cute." She laughed.
" So are you."
You both finished your tea and got dressed for dinner, heading downstairs.

You sat at your normal tavke but Marilyn wasn't there.
" Where is she?" Larissa asked.
" Probably the conservatory." You shrugged. Larissa nodded and you both finished your dinner, bumping into Marilyn on your way out of the dining hall.
" Hey, where were you?" Larissa asked.
" Oh-um- I - I was maintaining my plants." She said hesitantly.
" You missed dinner."
" It's okay, I'll grab a bit and catch up with you tomorrow night." She said with her optimistic smile and walked away.
Larissa frowned and contributed to walk back to the room.

" What's wrong Rissy?" You asked when you were inside her office.
" I- Marilyn seemed off." She responded, taking off her coat and helping you with yours.
" What do you mean?"
" She seemed like- I don't want to say it but it seemed like she was up to something." Larissa said, looking at you.
" She did seem odd." You admitted.
Just then, Wednesday barged into the office.
" It's Thornhill." She said, crossing her arms.
" I'm sorry?" Larissa frowned, not wanting to take anymore if Wednesday's crap. ( Lmao)
" I spoke to Eugene, the red boots. It explains everything. That's why she was missing the night of the Rave'N for a few moments, she was at the cave — where Eugene was. She is Laurel Gates-"
Larissa interrupted her: " Laurel Gates- is dead, along with the rest of her family. I am done with these ridiculous assumptions."
" It's true, believe me." Wednesday said.
Larissa looked at you and then to Wednesday.
" Okay, but one more red strike and you're out of this school." Larissa raised her voice.
Wednesday nodded and turned around.

You all walked out of the office, Larissa and you held hands before she looked at you.
" Let go." She whispered.
You obeyed her and watched her shapeshift into Tyler.
" Wow " you said with a smile.
She smiled back.
" Stay there, I'll get her talking." Wednesday said, walking into Thornhills office without fear.

They had a rocky conversation at best, Thornhill initially denied the fact that she was the master but Larissa walked through the door as Tyler.
" Tyler." Marilyn smiled, walking towards Larissa.
" You're the master, manipulating Tyler under your control." Wednesday stated.
Just then, Larissa shapeshifted back into herself, looking at Marilyn in disbelief.
When Marilyn saw who it was, she was stunned.
" What— Larissa?"
" I really thought you were good." Larissa whispered.
" Larissa, you don't understand. I need to finish what Crackstone started which means that —"
" The picture, the one in the purple book- Crackstone is going to destroy the school and you're the one who is helping him." Wednesday stated, staring intently at Marilyn which was rather creepy.
" I thought we were friends." Larissa said.
Marilyn began to tear up.
" This wasn't meant to turn out this way." Marilyn said, her voice cracking.
" What way?"
" I was supposed the destroy you, but I can see now that we are all alike— you, me, y/n and even Wednesday (lols) I was supposed to kill you off, now I can barely lift a knife to your throat to threaten you." She explained, hiding her face.
" What if we let it go?" Larissa suggested. Wednesday's head darted upwards towards Larissa in utter shock.
" That impossible, what I did to Tyler —"
" Tyler is still a monster—" Wednesday said.
" But also human." Larissa interrupted.

" How can we get through this?" Marilyn asked.
" Do you regret what you have done?" Larissa asked.
" Very much so. I fell like the monster." Marilyn said.
" We can go down to the sheriff's office-" Larissa started but Marilyn interrupted.
" He doesn't know that it was me- he likes me but he doesn't fully comprehend that I was hurting him." Marilyn explained, sitting down and fiddling with her thumbs.

The sheriff came walking through.
" I girl with a high pitched voice called me to come to you " he said.
" Probably Enid." You nodded, Larissa smiled slightly.
" Why?" Wednesday asked.
" Listen, I stood outside for the past ten minutes hearing your conversation. To be honest with you, I was the one who messed up. I wasn't there for him like i should have been. He wasn't born a monster, he was nurtured into one. Nevertheless, he is going to be taken away— he is getting to uncontrollable." The sheriff explained.
" Is Marilyn free?" You asked.
" Yes, I would say so. For the record, if anyone asks about the murders, just say it was a bear, it's much easier than explaining the whole loot of the sorry to them." The sheriff said and walked out.

Marilyn got up and hugged you, Larissa and even Wednesday who remained as stiff as a statue.
" This over - display of emotion is beneath you." Wednesday said, walking away.
" Thank you for giving me another chance." Marilyn said.
" Would you still like to teach? As long as you don't get into any trouble?" Larissa asked.
" Very much so." Marilyn nodded.
Larissa smiled and gave Marilyn another hug, you also hugged Marilyn and departed ways.

That night, neither you nor Larissa could sleep so you stayed up until the morning watching Killing Eve. Lol

Thanks for reading! No one died, but this is not the end of the story. More happy things are coming<3 and there is no Crackstone, he just creeped me out and is irrelevant now

Ophelia ( Larissa Weems X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now