Xavier's Nightmare

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" y/n my love, wake up, we have to get ready." You heard Larissa whisper in your ear.
" Mm." You groaned.
You slowly sat up and smiled at her.
" last night was amazing." You said.
" Was it? I thought I was a tad lousy." Larissa blushed.
" Not at all, you're perfect." You smiled and kissed her lightly before riding yourself.
You could feel a slight pain in your legs but it was bareable.
" Thank goodness you can walk." Larissa laughed.
" Otherwise you will have to carry me." You smiled to her and began putting on your school uniform.

Larissa was dressed, sorting out papers in her office and you battled with your collar in front of the bathroom mirror.
" Darling?"
" Sorry, I'm coming now." You said and met her at the bathroom door.
" Let me help you." Larissa adjusted your collar and looked at you in the mirror.
" Thank you."
Larissa noticed a visible hickey on your neck.
" Shit, everyone is going to know." She said.
" Maybe we could use makeup?" You wondered.
" Mm, let's see what I've got." Larissa said as she opened the bathroom cabinet.
She put makeup on your neck and smiled.
" Invisible." She whispered and kissed lightly. She put her makeup back in the cabinet and walked you out of her office.

" You will have to go in the bus, I will see you when you get back." Larissa said.
" Okay." You smiled to her and she winked.
You sat next door to Xavier in the bus as there weren't any seats.
" Are you alright?" You asked him.
" Yeah, I mean—"
" You went missing."
" I wasn't missing, I was painting." Xavier said.
" Painting what?" You asked, buckling in your seatbelt.
" Just a picture from my nightmare." He shrugged.
" Oh." You didn't want to be invasive so you kept silent until he spoke up.
" It was of Principle Weems actually." He said.
Your head turned to him immediately.
" What happened in the nightmare?" You asked. He looked to you with a wrinkled brow and shook his head.
" She died." He stated plainly, averting his gaze out the window.
" How?" You asked, your heart was in your throat.
" Killed by a monster I keep dreaming about."
" Are your dreams prophetic?" You asked.
" Currently, yes. But they weren't always." Xavier said.
You felt tears well up in your eyes and you wiped them away quickly before he could notice.

The bus came to a halt and you jumped out quickly, phoning Larissa.
"  Darling?" You heard Larissa's voice over the phone.
" I— I wanted to check up on you." You said, crossing your arms.
" Why?" She laughed. God you loved her laugh.
" I spoke to Xavier." You said in a low tone.
" What did he want?"
" I asked him about his dream, and he dreamt that you died and he said his dreams are currently prophetic, I'm sorry but I had to check up on you." You explained quickly.
" Darling, I'm fine. Go get your dress and I will see you when you get back home." Larissa said.
" Okay, just don't do anything dangerous." You responded.
" Wasn't planning on it."
" I love you." You said.
" I love you too."

You put the phone down and walked to Hawte Kewture.
As you entered the door, the Bell rang but no one heard you because it was so busy.
You browsed through dresses until Enid came running to you.
" I found the perfect one!"
" You already have your dress." You laughed.
" No, for you!" She grabbed your hand and led you to the back corner of the shop, taking out a light blue dress, tainted silver in some areas.
" Oh Enid, jfs beautiful, thank you!" You smiled and gave her a small hug.
" You are going to look so hot, she will faint!" Enid said far too loudly, so you had to shush her.
" Thank you Enid, I'm going to go pay, would you like to go for coffee?" You asked.
" Wednesday is forcing me to come to an old house with me." Enid said sadly.
" Lari-Weems won't like that." You chuckled.
" Ugh, maybe you could come with and we can get away with it." Enid suggested.
" No, I have to go back, Thornhill is going back early so she said she can take me. Sorry Enid." You smiled, she smiled back and you both departed.

You paid for your dress and walked out, grabbing two coffees and heading towards Thornhill's purple car.
" Hey Y/n, jump in!" She smiled.
You held the coffees on your lap and buckled up.
" What did you get?" She asked.
" A blue dress." You responded.
" I can tell that you're going to look stunning."
" Do you know what Larissa is wearing? " You asked.
" Yes, but I'm not going to tell." Thornhill winked.

After a while of driving, Thornhill spoke up.
" You know, it's okay if you call me Marilyn when we're alone or with Larissa." She said kindly.
" Really?"
" Yeah." She laughed.
" Alright." You laughed too.
The car parked at Nevermore, you got out, carefully taking the coffee cups.
" Thank you Marilyn." You smiled.
" You're welcome, see you around, Y/n." She laughed and walked away.

You headed to Larissa's office, knocking at the door.
" Come in!" You heard her call.
You entered and saw her standing by the fireplace.
You placed the coffees down and ran to her embrace.
" What happened?" She asked, pulling you away to look into your eyes.
" Xavier, his nightmare, I don't want anything bad happening to you." You explained.
" Nothing is going to happen to me." She said, sitting down and pulling you into her lap.
She kissed you lovingly and removed your jacket.
" Come baby, let's get comfortable." Larissa said. You got off her lap and watched her as she put your jacket on the coat stand.
" Here's some coffee." You smiled.
" Thank you dearest." She pulled a nearby blanket over your laps and pulled you closer to her.

" Do you have any meetings today?" You asked, playing with a strand of her hair, twirling it around your finger.
" No, I'm all yours." She smiled. You placed both of you coffee cups on the table and cuddled together.

Larissa is not going to die in this one, don't worry <3

Ophelia ( Larissa Weems X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now