Begging ( TW)

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A week had passed, Larissa spoke to Carmen ( I'm sorry <3) and his mother first thing in the morning.
He never bothered you nor Larissa. It was time to go back to Nevermore. You packed your things and drove with Larissa.
" It's so lovely to have a home that I can go back to after work." Larissa mentioned, turning into Nevermore.
" Yeah." You smiled, kissing her cheek.
" Now I'm afraid, we can't express our romance in public, we have to remain professional."Larissa said.
" Okay."
" But I need to kiss you before we go." She chuckled and pulled you in for a deep kiss.
" We don't want to be late for the assembly." You said with a laugh.
" You're right, let's go love." Larissa winked and you followed her into the courtyard where all the students were, Marilyn was talking, greeting both you and Larissa during her speech.

" Thank you Marilyn." Weems smiled. " I just want to welcome you all to a lovely year at Nevermore Academy where students can learn to grow no matter who or what they are. Speaking about the growth of our school, we have a new staff member. She will be joining us in the art department. Give a round of applause for Mrs Y/n Weems. Please treat her with the utmost respect." Larissa concluded her speech and walked off stage. The students departed from the courtyard, heading to different lessons.

" Y/n, are you okay?" Larissa asked.
" Yeah, can I make my way to the art classroom?" You asked with a chuckle.
" Let me escort you." Larissa smiled.
She took your hand and walked you to the art classroom.
" Will you be okay?" She asked, adjusting your collar.
" Yeah, I'll see you later." You smiled, squeezing her hand and walking into the classroom.

All the students were already seated.
" Good morning everyone!" You called.
They were all silent.
" I'm Y/n Weems, introduce yourselves, let's go around the class." You said happily, reminding yourself of Marilyn.
They all introduced themselves, but you were bound to forget all their names.
" Well, thank you for joining this class, are there any questions?" You asked, clasping your hands together.
" Are you related to Principle Weems?" A young boy asked.
" Uh— yes, I'm her wife." You said hesitantly, there were a few mumbles through the crowd of students.
" Oh." He said and nodded.
" Well, shall we begin. This year we are focusing on the Renaissance, started by two men. This is considered a sort of rebirth of art. I'll make notes on the board that you can copy down." You said.

Little did you know, that Larissa was watching you through the tinted classroom window, you didn't see her, neither did anyone else.
As you made notes, the students quickly took them down and you explained.
The bell rang.
" Next lesson, we will begin with our own artworks inspired by any Renaissance artist. So do your research and find inspiration by tomorrow afternoon." You called over the shuffling of books and chairs.
The students exited the class, to your relief, you had an hour before your next class.
You sat down at your desk and let out a sigh of relief.

" Well done." You heard a soft voice say Larissa walked through the door.
" Oh." You laughed.
" Seriously baby, you did good, I watched your lesson." Larissa admitted.
" Really? Thank you love." You smiled.
Larissa kissed your cheek and headed out.
" After school I'm heading to the Weathervane, want to join?" She asked.
" Okay." You called as she waved goodbye and walked back to her office.

You organised your files and the next bell rang.
The first year students came in who were really tiny.
Like you did with the other class, you introduced yourself.
In that lesson you immediately started with a painting session. As you walked around the class to see how everyone was doing, a little girl caught your eye. ( Not like that) She was painting like the other kids but her wrists were bandaged.
" Hey." You greeted softly. She jumped and looked at your fearfully.
" Hi." She said.
" You're Rory, right?" You asked.
She nodded.
" Could you meet me after class?"
" Am I in trouble?" She asked rather quietly.
" no darling, don't you worry, just come to me when class is over, okay?" You said.
Rory nodded and returned to her painting.

The bell rang and as you expected, Rory appeared in front of your desk, where you were sitting.
" Hey Rory." You smiled.
" What did you want to talk to me about?" She asked hesitantly.
" Did you get hurt?" You asked. Rory nodded.
" What happened, love?"
" I— my mum, she— she made me sad." She explained.
" Did you do this?" You asked.
Rory nodded and looked down, tears flooded her eyes.
" I'm sorry, it won't happen again!" She cried.
" Hey, Rory, you're not in trouble, I was just concerned." You said, kneeling down and wiping her tears away.
You looked down at her wrists, blood soaked through the bandage.
" Let's get you new bandages." You smiled.
" What about my next class?" She asked.
" What subject do you have?"
" Carnivorous plants." She responded.
" Don't worry about that, I'll just tell Thornhill that you were feeling under the weather." You smiled.

You slowly removed the bandages to reveal fresh cuts.
" Who put your bandages on last time?" You asked.
" Eugene Ottinger."
" He's a lovely boy." You smiled at her to assure her that it was okay and cleaned up her wounds, putting new bandages on and throwing the old ones out.
" Thank you Mrs Weems." Rory said.
" Call me Y/n, dear."
" Thank you y/n." She smiled and picked up her bag.
" Rory, if you ever want to talk to anyone, my door is always open." You smiled.
" Thank you, you're my favourite person." Rory smiled and walked out.
You smiled and waved goodbye, sitting down at your desk, staring off into space.

" Is the job boring?" Larissa asked in the doorway with a smile.
" Uh- no, I- I just— I will speak to you when we get home, okay?" You asked.
" Okay." Larissa nodded and gave you a hug.

Thank you for reading!

Ophelia ( Larissa Weems X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now