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The day before

You were sitting on a rock near you're hut, you spent the day on your ilu, Yina. You had this bubbling excitement in your stomach that didn't go away.

It felt like something good was going to occur tomorrow for some reason. You looked at the sea creatures passing by below you as you heard footsteps from behind you which made your ears perk up.

"Whats going on?" you heard a sweet voice from behind you, it was your sister, Tsireya. "You've been looking at the water for so long."

You smiled "and you've been staring at me? Creepyyy.."

"Haha, very funny but no, it's been like an hour and you've just stayed there unmoving, are you okay?" she asked.

You decided to tell her, it's not like anything was going to actually happen. "I can't shake the feeling that something really big is going to happen tomorrow, it feels exciting."

"Normally your hunches are always correct so maybe something life changing is going to happen," she smiled as you groaned.

"Hopefully it's not bad," you sighed, playing with your bracelet.

"I doubt it, now get up, let's go back into the hut!" she got up and offered you a hand to which you accepted.

You both walked in peace as you looked up to the orange sky, feeling the ocean breeze hit your light blue skin. Let out a sigh you didn't know you were holding in.

"Nothings going to happen, be calm."


"So... has anyone caught your eye yet?"

Currently you were walking with Tsireya along the bridge that connected the huts, you woke up refreshed from the day before which was surprising due to your concern the day before.

"I've seen people, but it vanishes within seconds, just haven't got that spark, so no i guess," you softly said lightly frowning at her, but you switched to a smile "what about you?"

"Same here unfortunately, guess we haven't found that person yet,"

"Agreed," you looked forward into the distance to see flying banshees, you eyebrows knitted together as you squinted your eyes trying to see what they were. "Hey what is that?" you asked Tsireya, confused.

"Where?" she asked as you pointed and she followed your finger, "oh my."

You both stood there not knowing what to do, then you heard the horn blow.

"Lets go," you said as she nodded and you both got on your Ilus. You saw them land as a crowd surrounded them.

They were a darker blue to your people and they're were only 6 of them.

You were first to hit the shore as you got off your ilu. Diving underwater for a second before getting up and moving your hair out of your face. You noticed the two boys looking at you before the younger one moved his head to look at your sister.

The older one kept you gaze for a second, before his eyes widening and looking down at the sand.

You saw your brother, Aonung and his friend laughing at their tails, "enough, welcome with kindness not your normal behaviour," you said to Aonung and Rotxo as Tsireya whacked his hand down muttering a soft "exactly".

The older brother gave a smile at you, which you gave a quick fake one back.

Aonung's eyes furrowed for a second as he noticed that you non-verbally called his "normal" behaviour stupid, before he could protest he was cut off but the younger brother talking to your sister.

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