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You followed the sully brothers as they climbed under the vents, you were keeping yourself from looking down, afraid you were going to slip and fall to your death, even though the fall wasn't that far down, the anxiety you had was through the roof.

The sky people were walking around under you with guns, not even thinking to look up. You questioned their smarts for a second but went back to what you were doing when you realized you were falling behind a bit.

You had your knife between your fingers making it exceptionally hard to stay on, but you managed with your strong upper body from swimming ever since the day you were born and your tough willpower.

"Move, move!" you heard the people from below you shout.

"Executing people," another said, ''you looked down and tried to push back the nausea to the back of your head, you saw a person in a big robotic armor thing, holding a gun that looked half the size of you, you shivered but continued on.

You silently followed the brothers as you all went deeper inside the ship. There were people everywhere, if you were caught, you were sure that it would be the end of you.

You tried to think of happy thoughts but it wasn't really working for you since all you could hear was gunshots all around you which occasionally made you jump.

You dropped down on the yellow railing and tried to dodge the sky people with the brothers, luckily enough, they didn't see you.

They definitely didn't seem as Neteyam said.


"What are the sky people like?" you asked Neteyam as he sighed.

"They never stop fighting, my father said they are trained by an association called the "army", they are super powerful and destroyed my people's spirit tree before I was born. My father wasn't in the army though, he was in the "marines'' before he became a na'vi. but he did fight against us at one point. Luckily he noticed what was right and wrong and fought for the na'vi."

"Your father is strong hearted," you smiled up at him "so are you."

Nateyam smiled while rubbing the back of his neck, "and you are talented."

You raised your eyebrow "what do you mean?"

"I have seen you fight, use spears and other things, I admire you [Y/N]," he responded, you felt your face heat up as you smiled. You rested your head on his shoulder and you felt his smile grow.

He slowly snaked a hand around your waist, bringing you closer to him.


You smiled at the memory, Neteyam gave you hope which only boosted your confidence in what you could do.

You were brought out of your thoughts as you guys stopped in front of a path, next to a hole in the floor that led to the ocean. You assumed it was where the submarines went inside since it was large and could fit the size of the subs.

You heard Neteyams voice and looked over to him watching Spider and a couple of other men guardian him so he wouldn't get away.

"now, " Neteyam whispered and jumped down, you and Lo'ak followed.

You got down and stabbed a guy's shoulder out of pure luck, he dropped his gun and fell to the ground in his own puddle of blood. Another tried to punch you but the human strength he had was nothing compared to you.

You flung him away and he hit a fire extinguisher then fell to the floor. He was about to get up again but the fire extinguisher bashed his head to the floor again, he definitely cracked his head because you saw his blonde hair get coated by red.

You turned to see another one of the sky people getting up and aiming their gun at Neteyam but luckily Lo'ak shot him before he could even think about shooting. You all stopped for a second to look at eachother, adrenaline still swimming through your veins.

"Bro, come on," Spider called out.

"Lets go," Neteyam swiped his hand over, you nodded and followed.

You all ran between the walls and saw the light of the outside, you prayed that the Sky people wouldn't come and jump you once you all got outside.

Spider then turned to you all, "Thanks guys," spider nodded his head towards you, he then turned to you while you only smiled softly and did a small wave, there was no time for introductions.

You saw the sky people approached you from behind, as you visibly slouched, you felt as if you just jinxed everything. they put up their guns and aimed towards you "go!" you shouted as you all went to escape.

You had to hide behind the walls and pillars as they ran to jeep up with you and get a better angle. You were behind the 3 since you kept stopping when the gunshots were in front of you. you were about to run across to the next pillar when you almost got hit, you gasped, taking a jump back.

The 3 of them managed to make it to the other side while you were left facing Neteyam as he started shooting the sky people.

"go, go, go!" Neteyam shouted and protected the 2 boys as they nodded and dived in the water.

You watched Neteyam's focused face as he tried to strike one of them down while trying to dodge their bullets.

Neteyam looked over to you "[Y/N]! Run over, quick!" He held both his hands out and kept calling you over. He took a step out so he could grab you when you came across.

You bit back the fear that was consuming you from the inside out and ran over, you pushed Neteyam back so he wouldn't get shot as he grabbed your waist and pulled you in. you caught your breath and looked down at his chest and your eyes widened.

You saw blood trickling down his chest and your heart dropped...

but it wasn't his blood.



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