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Warnings: i think you know whats coming but just for the heads up, angst.


"go, go, go!" Neteyam shouted and protected the 2 boys as they nodded and dived in the water. You watched Neteyam's focused face as he tried to strike one of them down while trying to dodge their bullets.

Neteyam looked over to you "[Y/N]! Run over, quick!" He held both his hands out and kept calling you over. He took a step out so he could grab you when you came across.

You bit back the fear that was consuming you from the inside out and ran over, you pushed Neteyam back so he wouldn't get shot as he grabbed your waist and pulled you in. you caught your breath and looked to meet his relieved eyes.

"Good, you're okay, now let's go," he said, nudging his head to the pool of water that was the way out, you nodded reluctantly.

He grabbed your hand as the gunshots didn't stop, thankfully you managed to dive in the water without a shot on your body, you saw that Neteyam didn't have any visible ones so it was all going fine, you both were fine.

His hand never let yours, you felt as though you were protected, his eyes were focused on getting out and bringing you to safety, you admired that.

You saw the surface of the water, and to a gasp of air once you rose, you had an evident smile on your face but turned to Neteyams head only at the surface.

Your heart dropped, suddenly you felt the most overwhelming sinking thing as realization hit you, a lump was forming in your throat making it hard for you to speak.

"...Neteyam?" The two boys stopped their cheering and turned to you and your shaky voice as you looked down at Neteyam with wide eyes. You wanted to cry so bad, but you felt so numb.

Lo'ak, not realizing quick enough, shouted to Neteyam "come on, bro!"

"You skxawng, I'm shot," he replied and your theory was confirmed, you looked down at the water to see it turning red.

They immediately went over to help you get Neteyam to the Ilu, "keep his head up!"

"Got it!"

You all pulled him to the Ilu, his face was stained with the look of agony, he reached out for the Ilu and you pulled him up on it, you went behind him and pulled his heavy body up, "i got him," you exclaimed, his body was limped over and spider hooked his head over your shoulder to see the wound.

"Holy shit," he gasped while examining it, you pulled Neteyam up to your chest, you tried to pretend the feeling of blood trickling down your chest was not there, but it was so hard, it was all you could think about.

Thoughts circled around your head "is he gonna live? He will survive, right? Please let him live."

"Go, go, go!" Spider shouted at Lo'ak which he obeyed and rode the Ilu fast to the rocks.

"They have Kiri and Tuk!" Tsireya informed, Lo'ak turned his head to her quickly before back towards the rocks he was going for.

"Can't go back!" he replied.

You looked at Neteyams face, your heart felt like it was literally breaking. In the corner of his eye, he saw your face, it still looked beautiful, every time he saw you, it was like the first time.

All he wanted was you, the sky people had to take away everything, didn't they. He just wanted to be with you, seeing you like this, like you had experienced the worst news in your life, made him want to go back and kill every last sky people, but he couldnt, he was weakening at the second.

He caught some of what you were whispering "please don't take him away Eywa, not him..." honestly, he wished he could kill and tell you everything was going to be fine, but deep down inside, he knew it wasn't really gonna be.

He reached out weakly for your hand that he let go a while back, your eyes shot up to his soft smile, why did he have to smile in the worst time? He lightly squeezed it as you clenched your eyes in pain.

"Dad!" Lo'ak waving his hand around cut you out of your trance as you saw jake run across the rocks over to you all, "dad help! It's Neteyam!"

You all got off the Ilu and helped Neteyam up, your hand rested on the head full of braids, his eyes were closed and as Jake took his head, he started coughing uncontrollably.

You couldn't imagine the pain he was in, you didn't want to, "bro, watch his head! Watch his head!" Lo'ak exclaimed as you all climbed to the surface and laid Neteyams body on the ground.

You puffed and tried to catch your breath, but every time you tried to breath in, it felt like you were suffocating.

"Its okay bro, we got you," Lo'ak said to Neteyam, Jake turned his body over to see the bullet wound and muttered an "oh no..."

"Dad, I want to go home," Netayam puffed out as Neytiri crouched down next to you.

"I know, i know, we're going home," Jake's voice cracked and shook his head in disbelief.

"[Y/N]," your eyebrows crinkled together as he reached out and rested a hand on your cheek.

"I love you," he softly breathed out as you shook your head and grabbed his hand.

"no , don't do this to me," he cut you off by bringing his head towards you and softly pressed his cold lips against yours, your eyes fluttering shut as you kissed back, but it was only for a second as he pulled away.

"[Y/N] i-... I see you," he rested his head back slowly and you watched his eyes fade into lifelessness.

You stood up and grabbed your hair in stress, "please!" you fell to your knees as your vision became blurry, you heard Neytiri's shouting, you felt weak, you felt nothing but pain swirling in your gut.

The sky people could kill anyone, but they had to get the love of your life, voices became faded, it hit you to the core that you were never going to hear his voice again, you were never going to hear that laugh, you were never going to feel that warm touch he had, you were never going to see him again.

You didn't notice everyone leaving, you didn't notice the eclipse, you were too busy holding your eyes shut, hoping to wake up with Neteyam being okay.

You turned to Neteyam and crawled your way to him, you grabbed his hand and held it towards your head, "oh my god, please, come back!" you had no response, you could hardly breathe as tears flew down your face.

"Neteyam, all i want is you..." your voice faded as you silently cried.

Tsireya watched your hopeless form, she always saw you as happy go lucky, never faltering, it felt like watching a different person, it's so funny how love changes you.

Neteyam changed you, you never thought you would know what love is until you found him, why do all good things have to come to an end.

You felt like you were going to throw up, you felt Tsireyas arm wrap around you, letting you sob as hard as you could. Your hand never left his, it all seemed like one big nightmare.

But of course, no matter how much you denied it, it was real, Neteyam, the only person you will ever love, was gone.

"I love you so much, i will never fall in love with anyone else... Neteyam, i... see you..."




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