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Once again, the eclipse came to a finish.

The day was finally over, the Na'vis have won, many lost their lives, you were close to being one of them. The sully family was huddling up together, they were happy they all made it out alive.

"[Y/N!]" you turned around to meet the teary eyed Tsireya how swam up to you and threw her arm around you.

"Ahh!" you hissed as she realised what just happened.

"Omg! Im sorry for hurting you!" she apologised looking down and backing off.

"Its fine, it doesn't hurt as much as what it did," you smiled but you noticed how sad she was after backing away from the hug, you slowly went back towards her and put your arms around her once more.

She hesitated for a second, afraid she might hurt you again but slowly leaned into the hug, it was comforting for her and she felt safe once again with her older sister protecting her.

The debris from the events that just occurred was swarming around all your faces, the sky was a blue, but the smoke clouds made it seem it had clouds going over it.

It finally took over you that you can rest, nothing was going out to get you no more, it made your shoulders relax visibly but you were still losing energy from all the swimming, so without a waste of time, you all swam back to the rock.


Jake cut his daughters cuffs and they moved their hands freely once again, you had to sit down since everthing you just went through was so draining, physically and mentally.

You felt the water hit your blue skin, occasionally you'd feel parts like metal but they were only small so it didn't hurt, but you were worried about what id cause for the environment around you.

You felt someones hand drag around your back and sit down next to you, you turned slowly to see Neteyam looking back at you with soft eyes.

He then put a hand on your thigh, "you look tired," he observed your facial features as you deadpanned.

"Really? Wow what would make you think that?" you said in a nonchant voice as he rolled his eyes and smiled.

"How is it?" he asked looking down at your gun shot.

"It could be better, better me than you," you sighed, if it were him, it would have hit him in the chest if your theory was right.

Thats something you would never recover from.

"Debatable," he replied as you laughed.

"It really isn't," you retorted, he didn't respond, instead he was looking into the distance to see a figure swimming towards you guys, "is that..."

"Spider!" Neteyam finished, standing up and helping him up the rock.

Spider was panting, probably because of how long away he swam from, and that made you think, where was he the whole time.

You didn't see him rise from the surface around the sully family, and there isn't much else to go. Was he looking for someone, no that wouldn't make sense. Even if there was someone he was looking for- other than Jake, no one could come to your mind.

You just shook off your suspicions, they were false anyway, even though you had a slight hunch it was what he was really doing.

"Monkey boy," Kiri called out, sounding relieved that he was okay.

Jake stood up and spider glanced at him while walking up to kiri, she put a hand on his chest, he placed his hand over hers as he puffed, she smiled.

Jake put his hands on spiders shoulders "are you alright?" he asked as spider nodded his head.


Jake brought the human into his arms and spider rested his head on jakes abdomen, Jake gave the boy a fatherly hug which spider looked like he needed.

Jake then turned to Lo'ak and brought him in the same way as he did to spider. It seemed like Jake had accepted that spider was now and officially apart of the Sullys, a son.

You smiled at the scene and so did Neteyam, who sat back down next to you. You turned back to him who looked bruised but relieved, he then turned to you, but his quickly changed into a smirk.

"You like what you see?" you deadpanned and immediately took your hands away from his as he began to laugh at your flustered state.

He pulled you into a hug, you rolled your eyes and just accepted it.


You saw Aonung running in from a distance, you were ready to be yelled at for getting into to trouble or for to be teased but when he got in front of you, he pulled you into a tight hug.

You were shocked, he wasn't a very affectionate person so when you heard him desperately trying to cover up his crying you smiled.

You leaned into the hug, he finally let all the tears he had bottled up,

"I thought you were gone," his voice cracked and your heart ached "don't do something stupid like that again."

You chuckled a bit "i wont."

He smiled lightly, he trusted your calm words, it reassured him that everything was fine now, that you were here with him, the sister that he grew up with that would lecture, teach and protect him.

He pulled away from the hug and looked at your fathers cloak, "lets go get actual bandages," he studied as you sighed.

Once you got patched up, you noticed your mother looking at you with wide eyes, she ran up to you and hugged you so tight that you didn't want to ever let go, it felt warm and secure, you felt like nothing could hurt you with her love.

She checked every part of your body to make sure you weren't hurt in other parts and when she fully inspected it all, she looked towards you, just like your brother, she had been crying.

She was afraid she would lose her daughter.

You felt your face scrunch up, you were going to ugly cry and it was embarrassing, but it was something you needed, she pulled your head into your chest as you tried to muffle your cries but she brought the hand down and let you let it out. She whispered reassuringly to you,

"Its ok, you're safe, i'm here." 




i keep making everything sad sorry lmao

also, sorry for not updating that much ill bless you guys a lot today bc i love you 😘😘😘😘

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