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You felt agony in your side and your ears started to ring.

"[Y/N]!" You heard Neteyam scream while pressing his hand on the wound.

You saw the sky people running up to you and you eyes widened as neteyam kept shouting.

"Shit! shit! shit!"

You grabbed his hand and dove into the water, the water made it even worse as it stung while washing away the blood that kept flowing out of you.

Neteyam grabbed your waist and held onto you while pulling you under the ship, once you got up to the surface once more, you saw Tsireya, Lo'ak and Spider all staring at you two.

"Help! [Y/N] got shot!" he shouted as all of their eyes widened.

Your heart felt heavy seeing Neteyams pained face, you then saw Tsireyas tears threatening to spill.

"Keep her up! Cmon!" you got pulled onto Tsireyas Ilu.

"Holy shit," spider said behind you, looking at the shot.

You got pulled up by Neteyam as he clutched onto you, holding you for dear life. He put pressure on the injury like his father had taught him as you rode off to a pile of rocks.

"They have Kiri and Tuk!" Tsireya informed to Lo'ak as he shook his head.

"We dont have time."

You felt yourself losing blood every second and pain getting woirser and worser.

"I dont want to die, please... i dont want to die," you cried trying hard not to let tears fall, but you failed due to the extreme suffering you were in.

"You're going to be fine, I promised you!" Neteyam replied back as distraught laced his accented voice.

"Eywa, if you are hearing me, please do not let me die," you whispered while watching the eclipse.

Jake jumped off his skim wing into the rocks and lo'ak noticed, calling out to him "dad! Its [Y/N]!"

"Help!" Tsireya exclaimed.

"Oh, no..." jake whispered and went towards you all.

"[Y/N], shes hurt!" Neteyam informed.

"Cmon, cmon," jake pulled Neteyams hand, pulling him up with you.

"Watch her head!" they all grabbed onto you and pulled you to land, you got laid on the wet ground, facing the sky that was slowly turning darker because the eclipse took place as you tried to calm yourself.

"Please don't leave, please," Neteyams voice cracked, you turned to him as he desperately tried to stop the blood from flowing out.

"[Y/N]!," you watched Tsireya cry the most you've ever seen, she's always been a calm person..

You saw your dad come towards you all on his skimwing, "My daughter!" he got off and ran up to you.

He kneeled down next to you, he took off his cloak and wrapped it around your waist, tight.

"You're going to be fine, you're going to be fine..." he said, holding your head up, it was the first time you've ever seen your dads tough personality break.

Your vision started to blue as the voices around you became almost as if they were under water, until eventually, everything went dark.

"[Y/N]! No! No... please come back!" Neteyam sobbed, his head falling down, looking at the blood that was seeping between his fingers, "I need you..."

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