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"I leave you alone for 1 second, 1 SECOND, and you just leave,"

You sat there and hoped that Aonung would shut his mouth for once in his lifetime but it was impossible, the man could not NOT say a word.

"I just cant believe it, wow, honestly you should not be left alone," he continued while walking around the room.

"Hey Aonung," you called and he turned to you "shut up."

He gave you a look before continuing to rant about his day just to annoy you, you saw Tsireya walking in and looking down at you, you mouthed a help me to which she nodded.

"Aonung," he turned to Tsireya "ill watch over her," she smiled innocently as Aonung shook his head.

"No, you are just as untrustworthy, remember when you tried to sneak her out? Yea."

You rolled your eyes and stuck your tongue out at him while Tsireya spoke up, "yea i was helping her to see Neteyam-"

You all stared at Tsireya with wide eyes and she could visibly know how much she fucked up.

Aonung slowly turned his head to you, his yes only held disbelief, "i should have known."

You quickly protested "No, no! I swear it's not like that he is just a really nice friend."

"Denial is the first stage," Tsireya mumbled through her teeth as you looked at her in betrayal.

"Oh it's so obvious now," Aonung shouted staring off into who knows where as if he's just seen the whole entire universe. He then turned around and pointed a finger at you accusingly, "you like neteyam!"

You almost wanted to slap Aonung for being so goddamn loud, "Aonung i swear i don't, now shut up."

Aonung stared at you suspiciously "i'm not done with this conversation," he walked out of the room and gave Tsireya the suspicious eye too before looking back at you.

"Thank god, almost thought he would never leave," you sighed and leaned your head back as Tireya nodded.

"How are we even related to him," she responded.

"I have no idea."

Aonung went off to find his friends and ride their Ilus, you wished you were doing that cause you were absolutely sick of hearing "you need to recover," every. Single. Day.

So what were you going to do about it? Well there is 2 ways for this to go, you stay here and rest, or ask Tsireya to cover you, which would be hard because she got scolded last time.

You chose the hardest option, you flung your head to Tsireya who immediately knew what you were going to do.



"Please!" you thought of what you were going to say then you got an idea "how about we just have a day together, just you and me!"

"We can do that here," as much as she wanted to say yes, she couldn't.

You rested your face in your hand, "theres nothing to do here, plus i'm basically fully healed!"

"Yesterday you literally complained about it hurting," she gave you a blank stare while you realised.

"Yea because i was mocking Aonung and how he complains about everything..." you lied and sighed while looking anywhere but Tsireyas gaze.

"Sure sure," she replied and gave just a moment before, "fine, we can go somewhere."

"Yay!" you celebrated, she helped you to your feet, "can we go to the rock pools?"

She nodded and you both walked in sync, you turned to her lost in thought, "thinking about Lo'ak?" you asked as she immediately got flustered.


You cut off her protest with a smirk on your face "oh come on, no point in not admitting it now, i already know."

Her form relaxed as she gave a soft smile, looking down at the floor "he's the best."

You nodded and saw the rock pools ahead of you both, "yes! We're here, go on a low profile cause y'know," she gave a nod as you two crept towards the place.

Once you thought you got away with it, you stepped dived into a large swimming hole, you got up and urged Tsireya to come, "Tsireya, come!"

She gave you a smile "ok!" she them jumped in.

You looked at the land surrounding you, "you can see almost everything here."

"I know, wanna spy on people?" she suggested at you agreed.

You saw nothing out of the ordinary, that was until you saw Aonung storming to your hut and literally stopping for a minute to see you and Tsireya were gone.

He started you stomp to the only person that would know where you are, Neteyam.

"Neteyam!" Aonung called and Neteyam turned around to be greeted by Aonungs burning glare, "wheres my sister?"

Neteyams confused face turned into a 'are you serious?' face "youre not very good at keeping an eye on [Y/N], are you?"

"Tell me where she is!" Aonung demanded.

"I swear i dont know," neteyam defended as Aonung looked at him up and down.

"Wanna help me find her?"

Neteyam nodded as they went off, this is when you turned toi tsireya, "We should go now."

"Yea good idea," she nodded.

You both got out of the pool and had to go through the forest beside the village to not get caught, you felt sticks stabbing into your feet as you ran.

You eventually found yourself back at your home, thankfully, only you and Tsireya were there.

"Okay get back in place, quick," you called to Tsireya as she desperately tried to regain her composure and you got back to your normal spot.

Aonung was seen coming back to your hut, ranting to Neteyam about you guys probably. Once at the front, like he did before, he stopped to process what he was seeing, "what."

"Hi Aonung," you waved as he irked.

"You sneaked out, i saw!" he pointed a finger at you while you played it off.

You squinted your eyes and shrugged "no... i've been here the entire time?"

Neteyam turned to Aonung, "maybe you were at the wrong hut?" he suggested while Aonung stood there shocked.

"I need some air-" he turned and stomped away.

You and Tsireya laughed at Aonung's dramatic behaviour as Neteyam looked as if a gun shot hit him, "you both are so tricky,"

You and Tsireya shared a glance and snickered while Aonung came back.


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