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You hid behind the corals green branches on your Ilus, checking to see the sky people and where they may be.

The submarines came closer to you, you rode off through the tall seagrass, trying to escape them. It was like a game of cat and mouse.

Tuk fell off the Ilu that her and kiri were riding on, the subs were right behind you, it was either 1 for all or you go back and save her.

Your big sister instinct kicked in as you turned around and dodged the sub. You grabbed ahold of Tuks hand and rode to a plant that had an air bubble.

You got off your ilu, still holding Tuks hand and went under, inside.

Tuk let out a gasp of air as you held her in your grip, protectively, "are you alright, Tuk?"

She slowly nodded, still trying to catch your breath, you gasped as Lo'ak did a giant breath of air when he arrived inside the air pocket and kiri screamed for a second.

Tsireya came after and she looked down "it is coming!"

"We gotta go!" lo'ak said.

You nodded at Tuk and held her hand as you took a deep breath and went under again. You all swam forward until you saw a submarine coming your way and had to make a sharp left. Unfortunately you had been caught, the net formed around you.

You tried to take out your knife that you brought by with your shaky hands you were all fiddly. The net suddenly shook and you were lifted in the air, you dropped your knife and tried to pick it up but with the wobbly net it was difficult.

"Hold on!" Lo'ak called.

"Let me out!" Tuk screamed

"Watch out!"

"Move your hand, Move your hand!"

You got a hold of your knife once and helped cut it with Lo'ak, "Urgh c'mon! Please!" you shouted, desperately trying to force the net open.

But you guys were dropped on the ship, you immediately got out as Lo'ak was trying to slice the other avatars.

You swung your knife around "i will slice your neck, i swear!" you hissed.

You got ganged up on and one came up behind you, trying to hold your arms, but you turned around and sliced him deep on the cheek to the mouth.

"You bitch!" he said, tackling you down and putting his elbow on your back. "Let go of the weapon!" he said but you bared your teeth, not obeying until you were electrocuted.

"[Y/N]!" Tsireya shouted as you screamed in agony.

"Hey, hey what are you doing, stop!" a boy came running, he had blue stripes painted on like a na'vi and had dreads in his hair.

"Spider!" Lo'ak called as you recognised the name.

"Are you okay?!" he asked.

"Yeah, great, cuz. Never better"

You kicked your feet and hit one in the chin, dislocating it. The other fake avatars came up and assisted their friend into keeping you down.

"Stop moving!"

"Get your filthy hands off me!" you screamed as you got pinned down.

An avatar flew towards the ship then jumped off his banshee. you couldonly assumed was the leader since everyone seemed to respect him more, he then went towards Lo'ak.

"Yeah , I remember you," he said, looking down at him "cuff 'em to the rail, all on 'em."

You got dragged up by one, you pulled you arms up and turned around to bite the blue skin, your teeth dug into the flesh and you ripped some but not to the point it went fully out.

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