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Lo'ak swam up to payakan, asking why he is outcast while you, Tsireya, Roxto, Aonung and Neteyam. Tsireya had suggested the idea of Lo'ak bonding with Payakan in order to know what really happened, your only goal now was to not get caught.

Lo'ak swam under the water to go face to face with payakan as he opened his mouth, as if asking Lo'ak to come inside and know the truth.

Payakan closed his mouth and Neteyam swam to save his brother, fortunately he was pulled back by your brother and sister, Tsireya pushed her hand out for him to stop and wait to see what happens and Neteyam complied.

Lo'ak rose from the water and hugged payakan, little did you know your mother was behind you, watching what just happened.

You felt a glare burning into your back and your eyes widened to meet with your mothers raging eyes.

"Oh no..."

You followed your angry father with your head down to your hut, your mother following. Once you all got inside your mother passed you then turned to Tsireya,

"You allowed this. You allowed him to bond with the outcast," she yelled at her while pointing to Lo'ak.

Your father stepped forward "Tsireya! You disappoint me daughter," he then turned to Lo'ak "and you... son of a great warrior... who had been taught better."

Lo'ak stepped forward "payakan saved my life, sir. You don't know him."

"No, Lo'ak" Tsireya sighed.

"Sit," your father ordered "sit." he then turned to all of you "sit down!"

Your eyes widened in fright as you immediately sat down.

Your father breathed out "hear my words, boy. In the days of the first songs... Tulkun fought amongst themselves... for territory... and for revenge. But they came to believe... that killing, no matter how justified... only brings more killing. So killing was forbidden. This is the Tulkun way. Payakan is a killer, so he's outcast.

"Im sorry sir, but your wrong," Lo'ak replied as you side eyed him, as you shook your head with your eyebrows crossed. You were warning him, he looked down as his mother spoke.

"Lo'ak," Neytiri whispered, "you speak to Olo'eyktan!"

"I know, i know-"

"That's enough!"

"I know what I know," Lo'ak looked into your fathers eyes as his dad came next to him.

"That's enough." Jake then turned to your father, "ill deal with this one."

He grabbed Lo'aks arm, dragging him away.


"Neteyam, come with me," you told him as he turned to see your distressed face.

He nodded as you both rode back to shore, the sky was a soft pink which complimented everything under it.

You got off your Ilu and turned to him as he walked up slowly after you.

"What is it?" he asked, tilting his head a bit.

"I overheard my parents... the sky people attacked south, burning their village." you looked at him " they are looking for your family, Neteyam."

Neteyam grabbed your hands and continued to listen.

"I'm scared, I'm scared for my people... I'm scared for you."

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