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You were now allowed to do things by yourself,

What you mean by that is that you can go out and do whatever you want tince your basically fully healed.

So what were you going to do? You were going to see Neteyam and do all the things he promised to do with you.

You had been itching to get out of that place for weeks, felt like years to you especially with Aonung always accompanying you.

But enough with the Aonung slander, even if you like it so much, all you had to do now was find out where the tall blue forest Na'vi was.

Fortunately you saw him on the beach, but you didn't see his face, his back was turned to you, so you moved a little more to the side to see a girl getting up and close to him.

You felt like your whole body deflated, you felt your heart drop like an anvil, honestly you felt quite stupid.

You turned you heel, trying to bite back the tears, you didn't know why it hurts so much, its not like you actually like him... right?

You kept your eyes trained on the sand below you as you kept walking, suddenly, you bumped into a womanly figure, you looked up ton meet eyes with kiri.

"oh , hi... are you okay?" she tilted her head to get a better view of you and you turned your head so she couldn't notice anything.

"Yep, never better," you lied, she shook her head, not believing a word that came out of your moth just then.

"You can tell me, in promise i wont tell anyone," she replied, you sighed and gave in.

"Fine, but can we go to a place thats quiet, i don't want anyone to eavesdrop," you asked and she agreed.

"yea sure, we can go out into the ocean with our Ilus if you'd like?" she suggested and you nodded.

You mounted your Ilu and got comfortable on it while giving Kiri a nod as you both rode out far so no one would hear you.

Once out on the ocean Kiri turned to you and urged you to say what you were feeling.

You sighed "so while i was walking to find Neteyam i saw him with a girl who was like flirting with him and stuff, i don't know."

You hummed "sounds like jealousy, do you like Neteyam?"

You put your hands in front of your face in protest as she laughed "i swear i don't!"

"Omg- you so do your actually so oblivious to it," she laughed while you crossed your arms waiting for her to stop, but she didn't.

"Its not funny," you said as she immediately retaliate.

"No it actually is, because you think that Neteyam, the one thats literally so head over heels for you, would like any other girl, thats crazy," she spoke as your face rested.

"How do you know?" you asked, she rolled her eyes playfully.

"Its so obvious," you shook your head as she nodded.

"Well maybe he changed," you replied as she shook her head at your blindness.

"Whatever... hey do you want to do something fun? Wanna go to the shipwreck?" she asked with a mischievous look on her face.

Your eyes widened, who knew Kiri could be so much fun. You did. "Yes~, but we should go sneakily, we don't want to get caught."

"For sure, lets go," kiri agreed as you both went under the surface into the waves, the sea creatures luminated light, allowing you to see better since you were going down towards where the sun wouldn't hit, just incase your people would see you.

The su ken battle ship was quite a long ride away from where you were so you both had to go quite fast, luckily you could hold your breathe for a long time though, otherwise you would have been screwed.

Finally, out of sight form your clan, you both rose to the surface, the familiar stench of oil and gas filling your nose, the stuff could really ruin the environment, it made you hate the sky people more, good thing you defeated them though.

"You can basically see the ship from here," kiri inspected, it looked like a ghost ship, probably was considering how much people died on it.

"Yea, it's kinda creepy," you added and moved forward un til you were above the ship, looking down.

You both went under the water, exploring the ship, it was quite a sight, you didn't notice it before since you were practically dying, but no that sea creatures had inhabited the ship, it looked beautiful, but in a very strange way.

You found decomposed bodys here and there and could somewhat tell who they are since their faces were recognisable. Other bodys had become one with the reef or just gone.

You tried not to pay attention to the bodys though, rather just all the different rooms and the tech they used, it was very advanced but of course, Eywa is more powerful.

You saw the body's of avatars but you couldn't find the one you were looking for, the leader, you signed to kiri to go back to the surface.

You gasped for air "where is the leader avatar?"

"The colonel?" kiri asked as you hesitantly nodded, she put a hand on your shoulder, "he probably just got swept away, don't worry, he's gone for good, my dad killed him." your shoulders visibly relaxed as she spoke up again "wanna head back so they don't realise we're gone?"

You nodded "good idea," you both turned towards your tribe, but not before looking back at the ship, you pushed the thought of him being alive out of your head and talked to kiri to get your mind off it.

It was dark out now, you and kiri had parted ways and you were feeding your ilu in the water while the coral glowed

you felt a hand on your shoulder, you felt a shiver go up your spine at the familiar touch.

"Where have you been all day?" you shook his hand off you, not turning to see his face as much as you wanted to, "hey, whats up with you,"

You turned and walked away while he followed you trying to get your attention.

"Oi," he grabbed your waist and spun you around, your eyes widened as you saw him tower over you with a scowl on his face, "tell me, whats wrong?"

You pushed him away, "don't act like you don't know,"

He stared at you for a second, trying to remember, then he got it and laughed lowly, "oh? You're jealous of that random girl?"

"No..." you turned away once again, trying to leave this conversation as quick as possible.

He grabbed your hand, once again spinning you around, "do you seriously think i liked her? She was trying to get me, i wanted nothing to do with her," hr grazed his fingers along your jaw, "because i only want you."

"This is wrong," you thought and backed away, running off before anything else could happen.

Once out of sight from him, you put a hand on your chest, you felt like you were having a heart attack.

"God Neteyam, what are you doing to me..."


heyy guyss, did you like neteyam and the gun reference in the last chapter, i was laughing at you guys lol. 

i feel like y/n like wants to be with neteyam but knows its wrong and at the last minute she realises what she's doing and tries to run from it but neteyam wont give up.

ive got so much motivation to write for you guys because of all the stars and views and comments thank you all <333333

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