Chapter 1

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Growing up alongside Billy and Tommy Maximoff has been life changing to say to say the least. Y/N Castle lived with his father, Frank Castle in Westview. They moved when he was just in Elementary school. He soon became fast friends with the Maximoff Twins.

As he grew up and he started to have girls on his mind 24/7. He thought that Wanda was a sexy beautiful woman. He has had a crush on her ever since high school. The way she would scrunch her nose. They way her eyes sparkled when she smiled her bright smile.

He also saw how the life left her eyes. The sadness behind every fake smile. He noticed everything. But she never told anyone. He heard her cry on multiple occasions after the divorce to her husband. Well ex husband.

He only really had eyes for her. Even when he lost his virginity to his girlfriend in his junior year of high school. He always thought of her and not the person he was with.

He knew it was wrong to think of his best friends mother like that but he couldn't help. She was like a disease. He pictured her underneath him on every occasion.

But as graduation approached, his father started to get sick. Too sick to the point he is now on life support. Y/N is too consumed with his father's shop. Castle Motor Repairs is still open for business. It was his fathers second child. He opened it when they moved. Frank used the money he had left from his wife to open it.

It was his baby. The last thing he had of her. So Y/N spent most of his spare time in the auto shop. He learnt a lot while he was there so he dropped out of school just to work there. He still hung out with the twins as often as he could. Always stealing glances at Wanda Maximoff. He couldn't deny that she was a stunning woman. Even after raising to teenage boys, she was still beautiful. She was always so kind to Y/N whenever he visited them. She always made sure that he was fed knowing that he would only go home to look after his father after the nurses had left. 

After his father passed shortly after the twins left for college, he threw himself into work. Making sure that the autoshop stayed in business. He didn't want to ruin his father's legacy. 

"Hey Y/N/N." Wanda spoke as she entered the shop. She had been coming to drop off lunch for him, sometimes staying with him if she didn't have to get back to work. She owned her own little shop, selling the fruit and vegetables that she grew in her garden. 

"Miss Maximoff, hi." He said as he stood up straight, getting from under the hood of the car he was repairing. 

"How many times do I have to tell you, call me Wanda." She told him. He smiled at her sheepishly as he wiped his greasy hands. "I've brought some paprikash." 

She always loved to cook. Especially meals that she ate in Sokovia where she grew up. Since the boys haven't been home, she mainly just cooks for Y/N.

"It's been a while since I had that." He smiled as he gestured for her to take a seat at the desk as he pulled up a stool for himself. She plated it up and handed him his portion. He smiled as he inhaled the aromas from the food. He moaned when he took the first mouthful. "I swear it gets better every time I eat it." 

She smiled at him as the two ate together. Both conversing over the little things like the shops and the twins. 

"They're coming home for the winter break." She smiled as she wiped her mouth. "I can't wait to see them. The house just isn't the same since they left. It's too quiet."

"Well maybe I can always try and cook you dinner as a thank you." He suggested as she chuckled. 

"The last time you cooked, you almost burned Tommy's arm trying to make pancakes." She said as they both chuckled.

"Well maybe you could always teach me?" He asked her as her eyes lit up. 

"I would love to." She beamed at him. "What time do you finish?"

"Well, I have a couple of cars to finish before 6pm." He told her.

"Well tonight I can come over to yours if you'd like?" She told him as he nodded.

"That would be perfect." He smiled. Although he has thought of her in other circumstances but he wouldn't dream of betraying his friendship with the twins. He helped her pack up the plates and utensils before he walked her to her car, opening the door for her. She smiled as he waved goodbye. Watching as she drove away. He couldn't wait for tonight. His home isn't going to feel as lonely for one night.


The first chapter is here guys. Please tell me what you think

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