Chapter 12

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Wanda was still none the wiser over the next couple of days. It wasn't until Monday morning and Natasha went to see how meeting with the twins went. She was shocked to see Castle Autos surrounded by police tape.

"What happened?" She asked Agatha who walked by.

"Y/N was beat up. Well if he didn't survive, it would have been murder." She told the younger red head.

"Is he ok?" Nat asked her. Worry evident in her tone.

"He's currently in a medically induced coma until the swelling on his brain goes down." She informed her. Nat's mind went blank.

"Who?" Nat whispered before turning her head back to the autoshop. "Who did this?" She spoke more firmly.

"Mr Maximoff." She told her. "I already told the police and they took him in for questioning." Just as Agatha told Nat, she was getting countless calls from Wanda.

"I uh I have to go." Nat told her as she tried to move her eyes from the shop. "The twins are Y/N's best friends. They'll be devastated." Agatha bid Nat goodbye as she raced back to Wanda's. Letting herself in as she saw Vivianne sat beside Wanda, tears down her face. "Wanda."

"Vis has been arrested." Wanda told her. "For GBH and attempted murder."

"I don't understand." Vivianne whispered into her cup. "I don't know why he would be accused of such things but apparantly there was a witness who placed him at the scene."

"Wanda, can I talk to you." Nat told her as Wanda nodded.

"Well, I have to go, I have to pick up Vera from school." Vivianne told them both as she stood up. Placing her cup down. "Thank you Wanda." She spoke before she left the house.

"What is it?" Wanda asked as she smiled at her best friend who didn't reciprocate it. "Nat?" She questioned with concern in her voice.

"It's Y/N." She told her. "Vision beat up Y/N. With a wrench."

"What?" Wanda whispered. Tears in her eyes. "Is he ok?"

"He is in a medically induced coma because of the swelling on the brain. They're hoping it goes down but he also has some more extensive injuries." Nat informed her.

"How do you know?" Wanda asked her.

"I went to go and see how his visit to New York went. He wanted to talk to the twins. Tell them how he really feels about you and I noticed the shop was cornered off by police tape." Nat started as she played with the handle of her bag. "And I bumped into Agatha, she was the one who informed the police of Vision, but they also have CCTV anyways. She was the one who went with Y/N to the hospital and waited for news."

"I need to tell the twins." Wanda said as she grabbed her coat and bag. "But I need to see Y/N." She stated as she looked up at Nat with pleading eyes. "Which one do I do? Tell me what should I do?"

"Follow your heart Wanda." Nat told her.

"I need to see him. I need to see him for myself and the shop. I need to see how bad it is." Wanda said as the two left the house. Heading to Nat's car.

"Call the twins on the way." Nat ordered her. Wanda nodded as she started to dial. Hesitating before finally ringing Billy's phone.

"Mum?" He answered confused.

"It's Y/N." She started before he cut her off.

"I don't care anymore mum." He told her tiredly. "Please just drop it and move on."

"He is in the hospital." She rushed out before he could hang up.

"What?" He asked her.

"Y/N is in a coma. He was beaten up by a wrench in his shop." Wanda told them as she got out of the car, heading to the side entrance of the garage. Opening it with the key Y/N had given her. Seeing the spot where Y/N was attacked. The huge blood stain on the concrete. "Oh my god." She whispered as she brought her other hand up to her mouth. Seeing how much blood he had lost from the attack.

"What is it?" She heard Tommy in the background as she heard rustling.

"Y/N is in a coma." Billy informed him. Wanda's eyes never leaving where it happened.

"Ok." Tommy said as he sat down.

"Listen Tommy, I know we both hate that he fucked mum but he is still our best friend." He told him. "He has no one."

"Fine." Tommy said as Billy spoke to Wanda once more.

"We'll be home later tonight." He told her. Wanda muttered a small ok before the call ended.

"Come on Wanda." Nat said as she held Wanda's hand. "Let's go and see Y/N." She just nodded. Unsure of what to expect when she entered the hospital.

The journey there was a blur, heading straight for the ICU and being led to his room. Tears falling as she saw his form with a trach in his throat. Wires and machines hooked up to his bruised and beaten body. The sounds of the machines being the only things that told them he was still alive.

"Do you want a drink Wanda?" Nat asked as Wanda just shook her head. Stepping beside him and holding his hand in hers.

"I'm so sorry." She whispered as she pressed a kiss to his cheek. Tears falling down her own as she felt the cool skin of the man she has fallen in love with.


Here you go guys. The twins have to find out what Vision had done. Please let me know what you think.

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