Chapter 15

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Both Tommy and Y/N turned to see Wanda and Billy stood there. Wanda had tears streaming down her face and a small smile growing.

"You're awake?" She whispered as she approached him.

"I am." He said as she hesistated to touch him. "When I'm better, I am selling up shop."

"Why?" Billy questioned as he stood beside his mother.

"I uh, I have caused too much trouble." He started. "Besides, you deserve someone better than me. Someone who isn't a high school drop out like me."

"I don't care about that." Wanda shook her head. Hesitantly touching his face. "I want you. I am in love with you and these few months without you have been the hardest of my life."

"But." Y/N tried as Wanda shook her head with a smile.

"Age is just a number anyways. It doesn't stated that we can't love each other. You're 20, almost legal drinking age." She stated making him chuckle lightly. "I want to spend whatever time I have left on this earth with you Y/N. You are my life. My heart. My future."

"I love you so damn much Wanda Maximoff." Y/N whispered before he looked at Tommy. "I think now is your cue."

"Right." Tommy looked at his family. "I'm sorry for what I said Billy. I should have never spoke that way about your sexuality. I shouldn't have pushed you out of the closet like that and I hate that I did that. I do." He turned to look at his mum. "Mum, I am sorry that we didn't see what he was doing to you. I was blind by my love and loyalty to that psychopath. I hate that man that I saw today. I saw his true self and it wasn't a man I want to look up to anymore. I don't." He sighed as he looked at the two of them. "I don't expect forgiveness right away, especially for how I acted, but I will make sure that from now on, I am worthy of your forgiveness."

"I could never hate you Tommy." Billy smiled softly at him. "You're my brother. We're stuck with each other for life." He pulled him in for a hug as Y/N just lay there watching the scene unfold. How Wanda joined in on the hugs and kissed both of their heads.

"If you are going to be our step father, we need to set some ground rules." Tommy spoke sarcastically as Wanda swatted his arm as Billy and Y/N laughed. "But seriously, keep making her happy because that is all we want for you mama."

"Thank you." Wanda whispered as she wiped her eyes. The twins bid their goodbyes before leaving Y/N and Wanda alone.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" He asked her as she smiled at him, sitting on the edge of his bed.

"I have missed you so damn much." She breathed out as she held his hand, intertwining their fingers and bringing it up to her chest. "I want this. Us." She smiled brighter than before. "It is you and I, Y/N."

"Please let me hold you." He requested as she smiled lovingly at him as she shook her head no.

"I don't want to hurt you." She spoke honestly.

"You won't hurt me more than our time apart did." He spoke honestly. "That time apart broke my heart, and I know that it wasn't you. It wasn't your fault and I just want to hold you."

She smiled as she soon climbed on the bed beside him. Resting her head on his chest. Going to move as she heard him flinch.

"Don't worry." He whispered as he wrapped his arm around her. "The pain is worth it to have you back where you belong."

Wanda smiled as she hugged him as close as she could reveling in the moment, with the man she fell in love with. The man who was more of a man than the father of her own sons.


As the years went on, Y/N had asked Wanda to move in with him. As much as she felt extremely sad to leave the house in which she saw the twins grow up. Go through each milestone of their lives, she wanted a clean slate. A home which wasn't tainted with the haunting nightmares of Vision.

So she sold the house and split the money she got for it between the twins. Not really wanting any of it herself.

She had made sure to redecorate Y/N's house, as much as he hated the change, he grew to love it because Wanda made it her home too. That was what he had wanted for her.

But he was staying with the twins in New York as they were finishing college soon after four hard years of work. Wanda remained home and invited Natasha around for a girls night.

"Do you think you would ever get married again?" Natasha asked as she took a sip of her wine.

"Honestly." Wanda started as she just smiled. "No, but I am not upset about that."

"So you don't think Y/N would ever propose?" Nat questioned as Wanda shook her head.

"He's 22. He won't be ready for that." She told her honestly.

"Do you think she will like it?" Y/N asked the twins.

"Yeah." "She will love it." They spoke at the same time. Y/N smiled as he looked at the ring in his hand. Knowing that if she says yes, he gets to spend his life loving the woman of his dreams.


A couple more chapters guys. Please let me know what you think

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