Chapter 2

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Y/N couldn't wait to get home and shower. He was going to see Wanda again. The woman had a natural light to her and made everyone smile. Considering the man she married, she was always selfless. Although both Wanda and Vision couldn't be more opposite to each other. He jumped in the shower after making sure the house was clean. Before he had chance to dress, the doorbell rang. He quickly wrapped the towel around himself and raced to answer the door. 

"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting, I was just in the shower." He told her as he closed the door behind her. Her mouth ran dry as she gazed at his abs. She had never thought of Y/N this way until now. She admired how the water still trickled down his toned form. He moved to help her with the bags, breaking her from her daze. 

"I though we could make paprikash." She smiled at him as she placed the bags on the counter. He beamed at her with a nod. 

"Well, I am just going to get dressed and I'll be right back down." He told her as she nodded getting one last look at him before he disappeared. She looked in the fridge and noticed it was practically empty and the freezer was mainly full of frozen ready meals. Her heart broke for him since he had to finish school to watch his father die and take over the shop. But he was happy with his life.

"You seriously need to look after yourself Y/N." Wanda scolded him as he walked in the kitchen.

"I do." He countered as she shook her head no. 

"Frozen meals Y/N. You're 19 years old." She was talking in full on mum mode now. "You work everyday and the only decent meal you have is what I bring for lunch." She tilted her head at him as he smirked at her. He never thought that she was so hot than right in this moment. Wanting so hard to fuck her against the kitchen counter but she was his best friend's mum. It was against the rules. 

"I know, I barely have time to shop." He shrugged as he walked beside her and helped empty the bags.

"It worries me Y/N. I care about you a lot and I don't want to see you become ill." She told him softly as he just nodded.

"I'll try to look after myself more." He promised her as she soon started to teach him how to cook her favourite meal. It was also his own favourite and he loved it so much. 

They both sat down to eat it when it was finished. He couldn't help but smile at her as she moaned at the taste herself. 

"I see what you mean. It does taste better every time." She told him as he nodded in agreement.  She also helped him to clean up which he waved her off. He had placed the leftovers in a tub and in the fridge for tomorrow. He walked her to her car and they both shared a smile. 

"Thank you for tonight Wanda." He told her sincerely. "It didn't feel lonely being at home for once."

"You're welcome to come over whenever you want to Y/N." She told him. "My door is always open for you." She smiled softly at him as he nodded and opened her door for her. He watched as she got in and drove away. Feeling something else, the thoughts running through his mind about the woman. The things he wanted with her. He would love to be more than just her son's best friend. 

Wanda was also in the same predicament. She couldn't get the sight of Y/N freshly showered out of her mind. She soon found herself in the shower, knuckle deep in her own sex wishing that is was Y/N. Hoping that it was him who was fucking her senseless against the shower wall. Wanting to feel his lips on hers so bad. She just needed something. She came down from her high screaming his name to the confines of the shower. Soon realising what she had done. It was wrong of her to think of him in such a way. It was wrong because she watched him grow up for the past five years. Since he moved here with his dad. Since the first time he came for dinner with the twins. To play on the xbox with them. He helped them through the divorce too. 

"I am fucked." She gasped as she leant against the shower wall. Her breathing calming down from her last high. The only thing she could do is distance herself but she wouldn't be able to stay away from him. Especially since she is teaching him how to cook.


The second chapter dudes. Please let me know what you think.

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