Chapter 4

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Today is the day Y/N is going to the Maximoff's. The twins are home for the weekend and Y/N us extremely nervous. Since the kiss. He hasn't been able to get Wanda off of his mind. Just that one kiss and his body craved her.

She barely stopped by the shop anymore. She would just drop him a sandwich and nothing more. She would leave immediately. Even Wanda dreaded the moment Y/N would arrive. But she had to endure the closeness she has been so badly trying to avoid. 

So she busied herself with the preparations for the food they would be eating. She needed to keep her mind off of him.

 "Where are the twins?" She heard her ex husband's voice. 

"They are out. Getting a gift for Y/N's birthday. " She told him bluntly.

"Y/N Castle. The Drop Out." Vision stated with a certain distaste

"He dropped out to take over his father's auto shop. He did it for a reason. Not because he is stupid." Wanda told him angrily. "Not everyone is handed everything on a silver platter Vision."

"I." He tried but Wanda just laughed at him.

"You were so far up Tony Stark's ass, no one knew where Tony ended and you began." Wanda spoke with venom. "You was always kiss his ass with that brown nose of yours. That's why you got so fucking far in Stark Industries."

"He's my best friend." He defended as Wanda laughed.

"He was a way for you to get ahead. Be better than the rest of us." She told him. "You even laughed when I told you of my plans of opening my own store. You laughed in my face."

"Because it was a stupid idea." He laughed as Wanda felt like she could stab him.

"No it isn't." Wanda heard Y/N's voice from behind her ex husband. "That store is what Westview needed."

"Please go and play outside and leave the adults to talk." He spoke condescendingly.

"I had to grow up pretty quick with my dad being sick and dying." He told him. Not backing down. "I see you haven't."

Wanda smirked at the now 20 year old's words to her ex husband. Before he could even answer, the twins walked in.

"What are you doing here dad?" Tommy asked as Billy quickly hid a bag behind his back

"I heard you two were visiting home." He said with a soft smile. "I wanted to see you both." He led the two out of the kitchen. Giving the twins a chance to hide Y/N's gift until later.

"Are you ok?" Y/N asked Wanda once they were alone.

"You're early." She mentioned. Turning away and avoiding eye contact.

"It has been a slow day at the shop." He shrugged as he grabbed a towel and started to dry the dishes she washed. "So I am going to ask again. Are you ok?"

He observed how Wanda started to breathe rapidly. He quickly grabbed her hands submerged in the water. She started to cry as he held her hands.

"Everything he said was wrong Wanda." Y/N told her as she shook her head. "You are amazing ok. Don't let him say otherwise."

"I uh I need some air." She said as she took her hands from his. Drying them before leaving for the garden. Leaving Y/N in the kitchen drying his hands.

"You should know she would never see you like that." Vision sneered as Y/N turned to face him. "You would lose the only people you have left."

"You're wrong about everything Vision." Y/N said as he stepped towards him. "I wouldn't do anything that would jeopardise my friendship with the twins. Sure Wanda is stunning. Way out of both of our leagues."

"And yet I managed to be the one to break her." He smirked not realising the twins are behind him. "She is nothing without me. She will always be nothing."

"No." As much as Y/N wanted to kick his ass, he had a lot of respect for Wanda and the twins. "You're nothing without her. You're just jealous because she managed to open up a store without you. She runs it without you. She saw the twins all the way through high school, keeping clothes on their back. A roof over their heads. All of that without you. So you're the one who is nothing without her. You had no idea how lucky you were."

"Get out." Tommy said from behind Vision who just smirked at Y/N.

"You heard him." Vision said with a smug smile.

"We're talking to you dad." Billy said. The two wore angry expressions on their faces at his words about their mum. Wanda watched with an endearing smile before he stepped closer to Y/N.

"You better watch your back kid." He sneered before storming out of the house.

"Thank you boys." Wanda whispered as the twins rushed forward to hug her. Y/N had an unsettling feeling in his stomach and walked outside. Just in time to see Vision with a knife. Slashing his tires.

"Just the beginning kid." He said as he stood up. Y/N started towards him, but he was already in his own car and off.

"Fuck." They groaned as they noticed it was all four tires.

"Y/N?" The twins called out as they all followed him outside.

"I uh I have to go." Y/N said as they glanced at his car.

"No. It's your birthday." Tommy said as Billy nodded.

"I know but I can't leave it like this." Y/N gave them an apologising smile starting to walk.

"No. I'll drive you Y/N." Wanda called out to him.

"It's ok Wanda. Enjoy your time with your boys." He told her as Wanda walked up to him and grabbed his hand.

"They will still be here when I get back." Wanda told him as she led him to her car. The twins waved before heading back inside.

"You don't have to pretend to be ok with me Wanda. I know you don't like me very much." He told her as she chuckled.

"It's quite the opposite really." She whispered as she pulled up outside the garage. Y/N got out to open the door as Wanda followed them inside. "The problem is that I like you Y/N. I really really like you but I know it's wrong."

"How is it wrong?" He asked her as he paused getting the tools.

"Because you are my son's best friend." She reasoned with him. "You are 17 years younger than me."

"Yeah." He nodded. "But I don't care how old you are. I like you because of how kind and selfless you are. You hate even being the little bit selfish because that isn't you."

"Y/N." She whispered as he stepped closer to her.

"Wanda. You are a beautiful woman. Both inside and out." He was now stood in front of her. Her back against the desk. "I don't care about all of the reasons you are using to avoid this. I just want you." He whispered as he stood only centimetres away from her.

"Y/N." She whispered as she closed her eyes. Feeling his breath on her lips.

"Tell me to stop." He whispered as their noses brushed together.

"Don't." With that, their lips met in a soft passionate kiss. Y/N rested his hands on her hips as her arms wrapped around his neck pulling him closer. Their tongues dancing together in harmony as their need for each other was growing.

"The twins are waiting." Wanda whispered when they pulled a part. Resting her hands on his chest.

"We should go." Y/N said as she nodded, pecking his lips once more.

"We can't tell them." She told him as he nodded. Grabbing the things he needed. The new tires and the correct tools he needed. Leaving the garage and locking up with a wide smile on his face. Getting in the car beside Wanda as she drove home.


Everyone's fave MILF is back. Please let me know what you think

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