Chapter 14

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It had been a few weeks since Y/N had been in a coma. The swelling is slowly going down and Wanda hadn't left his side. Billy stayed in WestView to help look after Wanda's little shop. Keep it running since it was the only good thing she got out of her life other than the twins, and Y/N.

"Y/N." Wanda whispered as she held his hand against her forehead. "I am sorry for not fighting for us. Please help me fight for us." She kissed his palm before resting it flat against her cheek.

"Wanda." Nat said as she entered the room. "The trial is starting soon."

"I'm not going." Wanda stated as Nat sighed.

"You have to." She told her. "Y/N needs you there."

"I'll be back soon baby." She kissed his head before following Nat to he4 car. Getting in the passenger seat and keeping her eyes on the passing buildings.

"Wanda. They didn't let him come home." Vivianne spoke frantically as she found Wanda.

"I'm sure it will be fine." She reassured her, even though she knew full well that wasn't the case. She had also informed the police of Vision's attacks on herself. So he also faced sexual assault charges too.

"Are you ok Wanda?" Nat asked her as she gave her hand a squeeze. She had both Billy and Nat beside her. Only really wanting one other person here but he was in a coma.

"I'll be better once this is all over." Wanda breathed out as the three settled in their seats. Tommy joined Vivianne on the other side of the room. Glaring at his mother and brother briefly.

"He will get what he deserves." Billy reassured her. She smiled at him as he wrapped a protective arm around her. As the trial proceeded, Vision was brought out by a bailiff to the stand. An evil glint in his eye as he looked at Wanda. Hatred etched onto his face.

"Mr Maximoff, where were you at 12:58pm on Saturday 4th April?"

"I don't know. At home?" He replied bluntly.

"Are you certain?"

"Yes. Very." He stated as the lawyer smirked.

"Well, you wouldn't mind seeing this brief movie then."

Wanda's stomach turned when she saw Y/N on the screen. The CCTV from the shop being played. She gasped when the first blow sounded. Closing her eyes with each thud.

"So, you must have a twin or a clone of some sort if that wasn't you."

"Fine. It was me." Vision seethed angrily. "I wanted him to suffer. Hell, I wanted to kill him. I don't care if I lose my sons or my wife and daughter. I don't care!"

After his outburst, it was certain that he was going down. Wanda was happy because she dodged getting up on the stand to speak. Tommy still stayed away from Wanda and Billy. Knowing full well that he had screwed up, he was blinded by Vision's views and hate for the world.

"I need to go to work. Are you ok getting to the hospital?" Nat asked Wanda who just nodded.

"I need to check in on the store anyway." Wanda spoke with a smile as she and Billy went their own way to his car.

"Are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital?" Billy asked her as she shook her head with a small smile.

"He will be the same, and I need a change of scenery." Wanda said as the two got in his car and started their journey to the shop. Tommy then decided to go to the hospital. As much as he hated the idea of Y/N and Wanda, he had truly made her happy. He could see that when he came before everything blew up. Then remembering their birthday, how Wanda was distant, flinched at every sudden movement. Y/N was barely around but his father was always around.

He sighed as he walked into the room. Seeing Y/N in the same vegetated state. Breathing through a machine.

"I'm sorry this happened to you Y/N." He whispered as he sat in the chair beside the bed. "I had no idea he was capable of any of this. I guess I just didn't believe it because he is my dad." He took a deep breath remembering the footage. "I saw what he did to you. I actually hate him. Truly. Even after finding out that mum was telling the truth about him." He wiped his eyes from the tears that threatened to fall. "I'm sorry man. I wish I could take everything back."

"Tommy." He heard a whisper as he looked at his feet. His eyes shot up to see Y/N's eyes.

"Oh my god." He whispered as he pressed the button. "I'm here." He held his hand as the nurses and doctors came in and done their checks.

"Where's Billy?" Y/N questioned as Tommy sighed sadly.

"I don't know. He kind of came out, well I forced him out of the closet and now he and mum hate me." He spoke with disappointment in his tone.

"Talk to them both. Apologise." Y/N told him. "They will forgive you in time because they love you. Family is constant. Remember that."

"Thank you Y/N." He smiled before he turned serious. "So, my mum?"

"She just kind of snuck up on me." He told him honestly. "I guess the spending time with her and learning more about her, I started to fall in love with her. I am in love with her and I would do anything to make her happy. Even if that means staying away from her so her relationship with you and Billy doesn't break up."

"Y/N." Tommy started with a stoic expression.

"No." Y/N shook his head. "I respect the three of you so damn much and I will never come between that."



This will be ending soon guys. Please let me know what you think about it so far

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