Chapter 16

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Y/N was nervous about his proposal. He had asked for Nat's help in distracting Wanda as he organised the house for her returning home. Wearing his good shirt and slacks. The Chicken Paprikash was on the stove ready for dinner. He knew he always wanted to marry the person he was meant to be with and now he sees that with Wanda.

He smiled when he heard her car pull up in their driveway. Already pouring her favourite wine and setting the table too. He walked to meet her and help take her jacket off before kissing her cheek.

"How was your day?" He asked her as he led her to the table.

"Amazing but it has just got better." She smiled as she saw what he had cooked. "This is amazing baby, thank you."

"You deserve to be cared for Wanda." He told her as he sat opposite her. "And I intend to do just that for the rest of my life."

"Who says you're dying first?" Wanda asked him with a raised brow.

"I know I am. Especially since you are going to live forever." He told her with a smile. Feeling in his pocket for the box. He wanted to wait until after dinner, but he couldn't wait any longer. "I uh, I actually have somethings to say." He started as she watched him intently as he rose from his seat. "I see you as the most beautiful soul I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Everything about you draws me in and I can't fight the pull you have on my heart." He knelt down on one knee, reaching for the box in his pocket. "I love you so damn much Wanda Maximoff. There is no explaining it. I know you are thinking that I am too you. I am not ready for a lifetime commitment like this but, I am. I have been since the moment you stole my heart." He opened the box. "So Wanda, will you marry me?"

"I don't know what to say." She whispered as she gazed into Y/N's eyes. "I never thought this is what you would ever want."

"I have always wanted to marry the woman of my dreams Wanda, and that is you." He told her honestly. "I want to be able to say to people proudly that my wife owns the best produce shop in all of WestView. My wife is the greatest soul to ever walk this earth. I want to be able to die knowing that I spent my life loving you, as my wife."

"Yes." She nodded with a growing smile. "I want all of that with you." She watched as Y/N slipped the ring on her finger before she pulled him up for a passionate kiss. Pouring everything they feel towards one another into it.


As time went on, Wanda's friends and the twins were extremely happy for the couple. Although she never really had any solid plans for the wedding.

"Are you ok love?" Y/N asked her as he walked in from locking up the shop.

"I don't know." Wanda huffed out as she placed the wedding magazines on the table. "My first wedding was easy to plan because it was all my mum's ideas, it was her and Vision's dream wedding."

"What's your dream wedding?" Y/N asked her. She looked in his eyes as he waited for her reply. "That wedding wasn't your dream wedding, so I want this one to be yours. So tell me."

"My dream wedding." She mumbled as she cuddled into Y/N as the two sat back on the sofa. "I have always wanted a small wedding. Nothing too extravegant." Y/N softly ran his hands through her hair as he listened. "I always wanted to marry the man I saw my whole life with. The one I love with all of my heart. I don't really care about the fancy dress or suit. Or the location. I just want to be married to my soulmate."

"Do you want to elope?" He questioned as her eyes lit up.

"I've never been to Vegas." She whispered as she leaned up to look in his eyes.

"Me neither." He told her. "But you didn't answer my question."

"I would marry you in a scrapyard if I could." She whispered as she straddled his lap, cupping his face as he ran his hands softly up and down her thighs.

"Then it's settled." He spoke tenderly. His gaze never wavering from hers. "Let's go to Vegas." Wanda kissed him deeply before deciding to make arrangements for the store. Y/N just left a few messages for his co-worker before the two packed their bags and hurried out to Y/N's car. Deciding on driving and having a little road trip.

"I love you." Wanda told him as he held her hand in his free hand.

"I love you more." He kissed her hand as the two made their way on to the freeway. Driving to the rest of their life.


Oooh. They're eloping. Please let me know what you think.

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