Chapter 11

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Since the twins birthday, Y/N hasn't been this alone since his father passed away. His mind always wandered to Wanda and how she is. He even message Nat a few times to see if Wanda was ok.

"You know, all of this texting is annoying." Nat spoke as she walked into the auto shop. A bag in her hand. "I brought some burgers from Asgardian Burger's."

"Thank you." Y/N said as he wiped his hands clean. "Is she ok?"

"She is at work right now." Nat told him. "I have moved myself in with her to be on the safe side."

"Thank you." He spoke sincerely. "I am just so worried about her. I hate that I can't protect her."

"I know." Nat spoke sincerely. "But I will make sure she is safe."

"Do the twins know what Vision had done to Wanda?" He asked her.

"No. Wanda doesn't want them to know." Nat said as Y/N nodded as he ate.

"I hate him." Y/N whispered shakily. "So fucking much. Wanda deserves to be happy. Why is it so hard for her to be happy?"

"I know that she was the happiest I had ever seen her was when she was sneaking around with you." Nat told him.

"I love her." He told her. "I am so fucking in love with her and I can't be with her."

"I'm sorry Y/N." Nat whispered as Y/N tidied up their rubbish.

"I think you should make sure she is happy and safe again." Y/N told her. Nat nodded as she started to leave.

"No." She turned around and approached him. "Fight. Fight for her. If you love her the way you say you do, fight. Don't let Vision or the twins get in the way. Because would Billy and Tommy feel this betrayed if you weren't best friends with them growing up. So go to her store and fight for her ok."

"You're right." He nodded. Wiping his hands before he left the shop. Heading to the other side of town to Wanda's store. "Wanda, we need to talk."

"Not now Y/N." She spoke coldly as she didn't even look his way.

"I love you Wanda and I don't care who knows." He started as she just continued to work. "I am so in love with you that it hurts in here." He pointed to his chest. "It physically hurts when I am apart from you. I never want to be apart from you."

"What kind of a future do you see with me?" Wanda asked him this time. "I am almost 40."

"And you don't look a day over 25 besides, age is just a number. Means fuck all, unless one of the people are underage which isn't the case with us." He smiled as he approached her since she had stopped moving. "I envision us two travelling as much as we want. Coming home to visit your grandkids. Of course they will be Billy's since Tommy is kind of a player." The two chuckled. "I want to wake up next to you everyday. Look into those beautiful green eyes the moment I wake and before I sleep. I want to be with you. No fear of people finding out. Besides I am going to go to New York to talk to the twins. I just have to close up shop while I go."

All Wanda could do was nod, watching as Y/N left her shop. Nat came and stood beside her with a smile.

"He loves you Wanda. So much that he will do anything for you." Nat told her best friend who just smiled.

Y/N entered is shop, finishing up on letting his customers know that he won't be open for the next few days. Not noticing as someone picked up the wrench from the tool trolley.

Y/N soon turned when he heard the sound of the tool moving. Grunting as he had recieved a hit to the stomach. Again and again. Hits to the arm. The face. The legs. Y/N was beaten as he lay on the floor. Bruised and bloodied. Breathing shallow.

The clattering of the wrench falling to the floor and the heavy footsteps being the last thing he heard. Of course Mrs Harkness saw as the attacker left the shop. Blood splattered on his face and shirt as he got into his car and drove away.

So her first instinct was to check on Y/N. She remembered him from when he dropped out of school to help his father run his shop. She gasped when she saw the young man, lifeless on the ground. Covered in his own blood.

"911, what's your emergency?" The operator spoke.

"A 20 year old male has been beaten at Castle Autos." Agatha spoke frantically.

"Can you tell me the extent of his injuries?" The operator asked.

"He is covered in his own blood and unconscious." Agatha felt for a pulse. "I can barely feel a pulse." She gasped.

"We have help on their way to your location." The operator told her.

"Thank you." Agatha sighed as sat on her bottom.

"So he just confessed his feelings for you? In front of everyone in the shop?" Yelena asked as Wanda sat on the sofa in Natasha's. Where she has been staying since.

"He did." Wanda smiled. "He's going to New York to talk to the twins. Clear the air." Yelena smiled at her sister's best friend's happy face. As they all laughed and joked, Y/N was being wheeled into surgey. No one but an old high school teacher with him.


Here you go guys. Please let me know what you think :)

Age Is Just A Number (Wanda Maximilf x M! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now