Chapter 7

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Y/N and Wanda hadn't really had any time alone since Wanda's friends all came around to visit. Wanda was needy as was Y/N so he decided one night after finishing with work. He went home and showered before getting himself ready to surprise Wanda. Taking her toolbox, stopping off to grab a pizza before he found himself stood outside her door. Knocking on it softly.

Wanda slowly got up from the sofa with a low groan. Treading towards the door. Only to smile when she saw Y/N.

"Pizza delivery." He smirked as she chuckled. Letting him inside.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him as he just shrugged.

"I missed you and I also needed to return this." He smiled as he gestured to the toolbox. She pressed a soft kiss to his lips before she disappeared to get a beer and a glass of wine for herself. Sitting down beside him as her favourite sitcom played in the background.

She admired him as he talked about his day. Which was something he never really had someone to listen to him talk.

"What?" He asked her softly as she smiled wider at him.

"I just love hearing you talk." She told him softly. He smiled shyly before she reached up to cup his cheeks. Slowly tracing her thumb over his bottom lip. "I have missed you." She whispered as she slowly closed the gap. Needing to feel his lips on hers in a hungry kiss.

She moaned when Y/N squeezed her hips, under her shirt. Allowing him the opportunity to slide his tongue through her parted lips. He soon lay her back on the sofa, hovering above her. Admiring the sight of her swollen kissed lips and darkened eyes. The colour of her skin beneath the clothes she wore. Knowing he needed to feel her closer to him.

He leant down and kissed her harder than before. Wrapping her legs around his waist. Grinding on his growing bulge. The two moaning into the kiss. His hands roaming over the sides of her body. Reaching the bottom if her loose jumper. Sitting up slightly allowing him to remove it completely before pulling him down. Already working on his shirt and pushing it from his shoulders. The piece of clothing joining Wanda's on the floor.

Y/N started to press kisses down her jaw and neck. Sucking and licking, smirking when he found the spot that drives her insane. Burning it into his memory. Soon kissing his way down her chest, sucking on one of her nipples whilst kneading the other breast. Making her moan loudly. Switching breasts before kissing down her stomach. Wanda's breaths were ragged the lower he went.

"May I take these off?" Y/N asked as he hooked his fingers underneath the waistband.

"Yes." Wanda breathed out eagerly. Y/N took off her jeans along with her underwear. Sitting back for a moment before kissing her lips.

"You are beautiful Wanda." He told her softly as he kissed down her body. Before pressing a kiss to her mound just above her swollen clit. Then licking a strip through her folds. Wanda moaned at the new sensation. Her hand instantly going to Y/N's head. Pushing him closer.

She gasped when his tongue thrust inside her entrance. It was a whole new experience and she loves it. His nose applied pressure to her clit as he drove his tongue deeper. She could feel herself ready to cum. It had been so very long since she had been intimate in this way.

"I'm gonna cum." She moaned out, he gave her hand squeeze. She came as Y/N lapped her up like she was his last meal. He soon started to kiss up her body as she calmed down. Kissing her lips softly before she opened her eyes. A mischievious glint in her eye as she started to undo Y/N's trousers. Pulling them down along with his boxers. Pulling him down by the neck, kissing his lips roughly. Her legs and arms pulling his body flush against hers.

"Condom?" He asked her as she shook her head no.

"I'll explain later." She told him. "Just fuck me. Please." He didn't hesitate in kissing her hard, inserting his length into her. Rolling his hips with hers. Their bodies melding as one.

Y/N held onto the arm of the sofa as he started to increase his pace. The two were moaning and panting as the two bodies worked together in harmony. Both not taking too long to reach the edge. Wanda came followed by Y/N. He nuzzled his head in her neck. Pressing a soft kiss to her skin before moving away. Looking into her tired eyes.

"Let's run you a bath." He told her softly. Pulling out before getting to his feet. Picking her up bridal style, taking her upstairs to her en-suite. Running her a warm bath. She couldn't help but smile at how he took care of her.

"I can't get pregnant again." She told him, he turned to look at her with gentle eyes. "After having the twins, there were complications. I was heamoraging so they had to perform an emergency hystorectomy." Y/N got on his knees before her. "I understand if you don't see this going anywhere but I don't want to string you along if you want a family Y/N. I won't do that."

"I want you Wanda." He told her. Cupping her cheeks. "No one and nothing else will come above you." He kissed her softly before helping her in the warm water.

"Are you getting in?" She asked him.

"I'm going to get you a drink and pick up our clothes and then I shall join you." He kissed her head making her smile. She felt extremely lucky in that moment. She found herself falling in love with her sons's best friend.


Finally guys. Please let me know what you think

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