Chapter 13

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The twins had arrived as fast as they could. Rushing into the room to see their friend being kept alive by machines.

"Who did this?" Tommy asked as Billy hugged his mum.

"Your dad." Natasha spoke from her seat in the corner.

"No." Billy shook his head in disbelief.

"He wouldn't." Tommy said with a laugh. "That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard."

"You have no idea what kind of man your father truly is." Wanda whispered hatefully towards her ex. She doesn't care that she is going to ruin the twins view of him at all. "He is a vile man. Vile and evil." She turned to the twins. "He used me. Raped me on numerous occasions after he found out about Y/N and I. Threatened to tell the two of you if I didn't do as he wanted."

"You're lying." Tommy stated as Billy leaned against the wall.

"Open you fucking eyes Tommy! Your father is a monster!" Wanda yelled at him. "He did that." She lifted her shirt up to show them a fading bruise. "And he did this to Y/N." Wanda looked at the two of them. "I know you don't like the idea of Y/N and I but I am in love with him."

"How can you have a future with him?" Tommy questioned as Wanda scoffed at him.

"Tommy." Billy warned him as Wanda stood up.

"I'm being serious." Tommy spoke agitated. "He is our age. We grew up together." He turned to Wanda a face full of disgust. "You watched him grow up with us. Made us all lemonade and cookies on hot days. He is still a kid like you refer to Billy and I."

"I didn't ask to fall in love with him. I didn't ask for these feelings, they just happened." Wanda told him angrily. "He snuck up on me and I don't regret a single moment I have spent loving him."

"You disgust me." Tommy sneered before he looked around the room.

"Tommy, he is 20. It's not like he is a school kid." Billy tried to reason.

"That doesn't make it right." Tommy told him.

"Y/N had to grow up before we did Tommy. He lost both parents and had a shop to run before he was 17." Billy told him. "He wasn't given the chance to be careless or experiment."

"What, like you?" Tommy seethed with a look of disgust on his face.

"Billy?" Wanda questioned as she saw hurt and anger flash across his face.

"I wasn't experimenting!" He yelled before he turned to Wanda. "I'm gay." He said as he shrugged his shoulders. "Not exactly how I wanted to come out but here we are."

"That's fine Billy. I don't care if you're gay, as long as you're happy." Wanda told him with a proud smile.

"Does he really make you happy?" Billy questioned as Tommy scoffed.

"He really does." Wanda smiled as she thought about Y/N. "I feel like I'm the most beautiful woman on the planet. He doesn't care about my scars or stretch marks. Or the little pouch of tummy fat. He just loves me for me and I am the happiest I have ever been with him."

"Bullshit!" Tommy yelled as Wanda glared at him.

"You are so much like your father." She seethed as she approached him. "If you don't change, you will end up just as unhappy as he is and make everyone who loves you feel just as bad, if not worse."

"I'm done with this family." He glared at both Billy and Wanda before walking out. Slamming the door behind him.

"Well, that was truly something." Natasha clapped her hands as she stood up.

"I honestly forgot you were still here." Wanda sighed as she sat back down.

"Rude." Nat spoke, flipping her off before turning to Billy. "I'm proud of you kid. Don't let anyone change who you are, because you are pretty damn awesome." She bid her goodbye but never really got far since Billy ran after her.

"You saw her while she was sneaking around with him." Billy stated as Nat nodded in confirmation. "Was she happy?"

"The happiest I had ever seen her. As happy as the day she had the two of you." Nat told him softly. "She had that light back in her eyes again. The one she used to have before your father snuffed it out."

"Thank you Nat." He hugged her before heading to the cafeteria to get two coffees for Wanda and himself.

"Here you go." He spoke softly as he entered the room. Sitting beside his mother. Watching the pain as it swirled within her eyes.

"Thank you." She whispered before she looked at him. "I'm sorry about all of this. I never wanted it to happen."

"I know mum." He said as he wrapped his arm around him. "I forgive you. Both of you and I will tell him when he wakes up."

"So, do you have a boyfriend?" Wanda asked him as he chuckled lightly.

"I have a sort of thing." He told her with blush on his cheeks.

"Tell me about him." She requested as she tapped his leg. He sighed before he started to tell her about they met and how he knew there was something more to his sexuality. She listened to him with a smile on her face. Giving her something other than Y/N to think about.


Billy is on board the WandaY/N train. Tommy is a dick. Please let me know your thoughts

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