Chapter 5

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When Wanda and Y/N made it back. The tension between them thicker than before.

"We can't act like this in front of the twins." She whispered as neither of them moved to get out of the car.

"Of course not." Y/N spoke tenderly. "I don't want to make this hard on you Wanda. I would never want that." Wanda reached over for his hand. Taking it in hers as she looked into his eyes.

"You're an amazing guy Y/N." She whispered before removing herself from the vehicle. Y/N following behind, only to go to the boot and get the tires and equipment he needs. "I am going to make sure the twins haven't burned down my kitchen. They're just as hopeless as you in the kitchen."

"Hey! I am learning Y/N called back as Wanda just chuckled before heading inside her home. Only to find the twins sat on the sofa, playing on their Xbox. Well more like arguing on it.

"How is Y/N doing Mum?" Billy asked her, not taking his eyes from the TV.

"He will be ok." She told them. "Your father, not so much." She said as she disappeared into the kitchen. The only thing that was on her mind was the kiss she just shared not even an hour ago with Y/N.

"Can I use your washroom?" Y/N asked as he stepped inside the house. The twins still engrossed in their game as Wanda shook her head at them.

"Of course Y/N. You know where it is." She said as he smiled at her. "But I need you to take a look at something in the en suite." She said as she led him upstairs to her en suite.

"So what is it?" He asked her as she closed the door behind her, only for her to press her lips on his in an urgent kiss. His hands instantly gripping at her hips as their tongues danced together. "The twins are downstairs Wanda." Y/N whispered when they pulled apart.

"I just needed another. I can't stop thinking about the kiss from before." She told him breathily. He smiled kissing her once more before washing his hands and turning to face her.

"So what is the issue you have in here?" He asked her as she just giggled.

"I just wanted to kiss you." She smirked as he just smiled at her.

"Maybe, when the twins are back at college. I will kiss every part of you." He husked out as he ran his thumb over her lip. Her knees were growing weak as the pool of arousal was forming between her legs.

"I would like that." She stuttered. He gave her one last peck before leaving her in a daze. Imagining what it would feel like if his lips did cover every inch of her skin. Taking her in the showet. Her bed. Hell even the kitchen counter and the sofa. All she knew was that she craved him. All it took was one taste and he was her personal heroine.

When she was able to function, she followed Y/N downstairs. Watching as Y/N and the twins played together before disappearing into the kitchen to finish cooking. Only the thought of Y/N clouding her brain.

Once the food was prepared, she took the food and set it on the table for them all to pick at. Smiling as she watched the three of them argue over silly things. Watching as they all defended their own opinions.

"Oh your gift." Billy shot up as Tommy looked at his twin confused before remembering.

"Oh yeah." Tommy said making all of them laugh. "We bought this for you. Your old one is, well it's old."

Y/N smiled when he pulled out a jumpsuit. It had his name and the shop name engraved on the fabric.

"Thank you." He smiled before he hugged the two of them.

"There's also some condoms in the pocket if you ever take payment another way." Tommy winked making Y/N laugh as Billy hit his arm.

"Tommy." Wanda gasped as she had never heard either of her boys talk like that.

"What? At least he won't get anyone pregnant." Tommy reasoned. Wanda felt jealousy at the thought of Y/N being with another. Deciding to just laugh along with the three of them. Once the twins decided to call it a night, leaving Y/N to help Wanda clean up.

"You don't have to help me you know." She told him as they took the empty dishes to the kitchen.

"I know." He told her. "I want to. Besides I enjoy spending time with you."

"Speaking of." She whispered, pausing as she glanced towards the stairs. "When we are alone, I will give you your birthday present."

"You didn't buy me anything." He groaned. He hated receiving gifts.

"This gift will be none returnable." She smirked at him as he blushed. "Maybe I can send you a preview."

She walked him to the door, giving him a quick peck before opening it. Watching as he walked to his car before locking up and disappearing to her room. Locking her bedroom door and getting one of her best lingerie sets out and changing. Laying back on her bed, using the selfie stick that Natasha had bought her as a joke. Posing and snapping a picture before sending it to Y/N.

Y/N groaned at the picture. Wanting nothing more than to go back and fuck her senseless. Snapping a picture of the problem she caused and sending it to her. She bit her lip at the size of him, knowing that he will now be jerking off to the sight of her.


Another chapter is finally here guys. Please let me know what you think

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